Best Christmas Ever!
A\N: Merry Christmas everybody! If you don't celebrate Christmas (like me) then have a happy New Year! This is a small Nalu one-shot I thought of for Christmas. I love making a story related to festivities going on through the year. If you haven't read it, please read How Fairy Tail Scares, my Halloween fic and all my other stories. Well, let's begin.
This is heavily based of another one-shot I read. All credits to them and Mashima tho i can't remember who it was at the moment.
Japanese Vocabulary:
Urusai - Shut up
Arigatou - Thank you
Gomenasai - Sorry
Baka - Idiot
Nandemoi Nai - Nothing
Bakkin - Fine
Merikirisumasu - Merry Christmas
The beautiful blonde groaned as she was forced into 'Christmas appropriate clothing'. What was wrong with her track-suit bottoms and baggy shirt that said 'I don't give a damn'? Mira claimed they weren't festive enough. Like Lucy even cared. Ever since her parents died in a car crash on Christmas Eve, when she was 8, (A\N: for the sake of the plot the both die like that ) Lucy has absolutely hated Christmas. The only thing she liked about the season was snow and hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. That's it. Nothing else. Nada.
Lucy looked down at the dress and accessories she had put on without even realising what they even looked like. (A\N: Look at front cover). It was a red, woollen dress with large fluffs of white cotton on the bottom and waist. The short frills also had cotton at he ends, just before her long sleeves emerged. Four white buttons were positioned down her front. She had a traditional, red and white, Santa hat sitting in top of her golden head. The brown, ankle high boots and red stocking both had the same cotton on the ends. Her gold hair was down in gentle waves, framing her gorgeous face. It was definitely a cute dress... if only it wasn't Christmas related.
It's official. They had pissed her off this year. Storming out of the room, she went to complain to her so called friends about her freshly given choice of clothing. They were so gonna get it this time.
"Lucy! Merikirisumasu! My, my. That dress looks absolutely stunning on you. You'll definitely get some boys stalking you when you step out." A familiar voice complimented from the other direction. And she'll be damned, she knew exactly who it belonged to. The cursing Heartfillia turned to face a white haired beauty. MiraJane Strauss. The she-devil who put her in such a outfit. She was wearing a floor-length, red dress with a dark green slash. Her longs white hair was in as single, elegant plat to her left tied with a bit of tinsel. Deep blue eyes shone brightly with glee at her and with excitement for the season.
"Mira," she began darkly," why am I wearing such an outfit?"
A look of confusion crossed the goddesses face as she stared at the teenage girl before her."Whatever do you mean? It's Christmas. The birth of Christ. Time to party and decorate Christmas trees with tinsel."
"Urusai! You know I hate Christmas!"
"Don't be like that Lucy! I know you have a bad past with it but try to have some holiday cheer."
"But I-"
"What's the commotion about?" A voice interrupted. They turned around to see a bunch of girls they know too well standing on the door way and proceeding towards them. Erza, the scarlet head who had spoke, stood on front. The others were Levy, Juvia, Wendy, Cana and Bisca.
The small dark haired girl gasped in surprise. "Are you wearing Christmas clothes Lucy-nii?"
Lucy sucked her teeth in annoyance. "Yes." Then she mumbled " because of the she-devil."
"Did you say something Lu?" The short, blue haired, best friend asked.
"Nandemoi nai Levy. Nandemoi nai."
"Bakkin...If you say so."
(A\N: I'm not describing all the other girls clothes because it takes too much brain power to think of so many different ones. Sorry. Use your imagination! -.- 0.0 -.- 0.0 -.- 0.0 -.-)
"Juvia thinks you look nice. Too nice. Don't try and steal Juvias Gray-sama!" (A\N: Atta girl!)
"Juvia." She aspirated," Gray is a childhood friend of mine. I don't like him that way." Lucy had known Gray since she was a child and he's her oldest friend. She wouldn't deny they he was a very good looking man but her feelings for him were not romantic.
The scarlet head walked up. "Lucy, you still haven't told us what you want for Christmas! It's Christmas Eve!"
"I don't want anything!"
"Come on Lu!"
"Guys. I serio-"
"Something Lucy-nii!"
" I'm trying to tel-"
"There has to be something girly!"
"Fine! For Christmas I want Yeah. Boyfriend. He's gonna have pink hair because that awesome. Who doesn't want pink hair? He's gonna have dark eyes that are hot as damn and muscles you can grate cheese on! He gonna be-uh tanned and really tall. Oh- he loves dragons. Come on! Who wants a prince charming? Lame! Dragons are way cooler! And food. He can be dense but is really protective and fun. Sooooo... that's what I want for Christmas! Have fun getting me my present!"
With that, she turned on her heel and left the stunned girls in the living room.
(A\N: just for this small bit, every odd sentence is Mira.)
"Pink hair..."
"Did she just..."
"Dark eyes..."
"A boyfriend? Honestly."
"Muscles and tanned..."
"She is so weird."
"Loves dragons and food..."
"I mean, can she ge-"
"I HAVE THE PERFECT GIFT FOR LUCY! SHE IS GONNA LOVE IT!" The girls jumped back at Mira's sudden outburst. (A\N: ends here) She whipped out her pink phone and dialed a number. The white haired woman was jumping in excitement and literally squealed when the person picked up.
"Lucy! Wake up. It's Christmas Day! Merikirisumasu!" The blonde groaned as a certain violet eyed drunken jumped on her bed. Is she already drunk?
"Cana! Stop! I wanna sleep!" She moaned at the girl in a dark green bikini top and jeans.
"No way ho-say! We are opening presents! Get changed and get your sexy ass down!" (A\N: lol XD)
Grumbling unintelligent words and certain words that uh, should not be mentioned, she went and took a nice warm bath. Sulking as she scrambled into yesterday's Christmas get-up, she made her way downstairs.
When she entered the kitchen, there was a chorus of 'Merikirisumasu's and 'Happy New Year's. Waving an unenthusiastic hand at her high spirited friends, she dramatically dropped herself on the sofa and sighed in annoyance.
"Howdy girl. Merikirisumasu!" The green haired mom started, a little black haired child beside her," come and open ya presents! Oh. Asuka's missed ya too."
Lucy smiled sincerely as she replied and went to ruffle the head of the little girl.
"Hey Asuka. How are you sweetie?"
"I'm ok Auntie Lushi. Lets play! Preeeesseeee!" Bambi eyes appeared before the blonde making her bite her full, pink lips. Not those eyes! Anything but them! Lucy felt her resolve breaking and groaned in defeat. If the star gazer had any weakness, it would be bambi eyes. They're impossible to resist!
"Ok. Fine. Why are you so cute?"
As she played with Asuka, she spoke to Bisca.
"How's Alzack?"
"Al's fine. Police departments been keeping him up though. He's with the lads right now!" Bisca and Alzack were both policemen (and women) and came from the country. Al was actually the chief and Bisca was the lieutenant.
Remembering she had presents to open, she grumpily stalked towards the large, bright Christmas tree. She ended up getting: a book from Levy; booze from Cana (A\N: surprise surprise); cheesecake from Erza; a plushie from Juvia; perfume from Lisanna; a fake gun from Al and Bisca; a small figure of Leo the Lion from Loke; a keyring from Gray and a medical kit from Wendy. Then she noticed. Mira hadn't got her anything. Hmmm. Strange.
MiraJane called them up.
"Girls, it's nearly nine. Lets go FairTail Cafe! Best place for the festivities! Everyone else will be there!"
The girls all grabbed their coats, scarves and hats, then headed out to their favourite place in the whole of Magnolia. FairyTail Cafe was run by Makarov Dreyar. The Strauss siblings, MiraJane, Elfman and Lisanna, all worked there.
The bell rang as they opened the door and entered the cafe. It was probably the most festive place they had seen yet! Tinsel hung across the walls in reds, whites and greens. A huge Christmas tree, covered head-to-toe, stood proudly in the middle. Mistletoe was hund up in several spots on the roof. Obviously one of Mira's ideas. It was a fairly large cafe.
"Mira-nii! You guys! Merry Christmas!" The youngest whitehead ran up to them. They all greeted her and took some seats. The blue eyed girl whipped out a small notepad and pen.
"Orders? Lets see. Cana wants whiskey. Bisca wants some apple juice. Erza wants 3 cheesecakes. Wendy wants a blueberry muffin. Juvia wants a cream doughnut and water. Mira wants a strawberry milkshake. And Levy and Lucy want hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. Is that correct"
The nodded with grins. As they were regular customers, Lisanna knew their orders of by heart. Lucy overheard someone at the table Elfmas was at order Firewhiskey. Before she could turn around to see who it was, her best friend spoke to her.
"So Lu. That Warcraft series you let me borrow were AWESOME! I loved them! How do you always find such great fantasy books?" The bluenette questioned.
The blonde grinned smugly. "Cause I'm awesome and I know where to look." Levy was about to reply but their orders arrived. The teenage girl sighed in content as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. The sticky marshmallow dissolved in her mouth as she licked the cream moustache off. (A\N: I'm totally craving that right now! T.T)
The said girl looked up into the blue eyes of a matchmaker. An unnerving feeling grew inside her. She knew that look too well. It was the look she had when getting Levy and Gajeel together. It was the look she had when Gray first met Juvia. It was the look she had on her face when Jellal returned from The Tower Of Heaven incident. Crap.
"Y-Yes?" She replied hesitantly.
"You know when you said you wanted a boyfriend as a Christmas present yesterday?" She nodded as the white head rose from her seat."And you described his looks and personalities?" Mira was getting closer and excitement filled her eyes." Well, I took the liberty to get you exactly what you wanted!"
"Ok-wait! WHAT?!"
"Lucy!" She grabbed someone from behind her and pulled them before the baffled girl."Meet Natsu!"
Spiky pink hair with dark alluring eyes. Sharp features. Slightly tanned skin and rock hard abs. A top with a dragon on it that said 'eff that prince, here's a dragon'. Tight black skinny jeans and a red jacket. Overall sexiness.
Holy mother of chickens! HE WAS GORGEOUS! He was perfect! But wait-
"That hair cannot be natural." The words slipped past her mouth before she even realised. The hot man frowned slightly.
"It is."
"But it's pink."
"Sweet heart, it is."
"No way."
"Shall I prove it to ya?" A sly grin emerged on his face.
"What do you m-" a deep blush adored her cheeks as she understood his sly suggestion. She was a bit slow in that department." No you pervert!" (A\N: you might not get the joke. It's kind of dirty. XD)
"I didn't say anything." He replied innocently. Innocent. Yeah right. "Anyway. I'm Natsu Dragneel." He lifted up a hand. Dragneel huh? She liked the sound of that.
Standing up, she almost gasped when her hand met his warm ones. "Lucy. Lucy Heartfillia. Soooo...are you my Christmas present?" The girl asked awkwardly as she noticed the red bow around his neck.
"Umm. I guess I am."
"Mira." She sighed." How?"
Natsu grinned as he retold an earlier conversation.
"Hello? Mira?"
"Hey! Merry Christmas! Natsu, could you do me a favour?"
"Merry Christmas. What is it?"
"Do you like blondes?"
"Brown eyes?"
"Well I gue-"
"Big boobs?"
"Nice butts?"
"Full on sexiness?"
"Natsu? Hello! Natsuuuu?!"
"W-what the hell was that all about?!"
"Well, it's pretty funny actually. My friend Lucy, who's hot, sexy and AWESOME, hates Chrustmas. We kept bugging her about it and asking what she wants do she basically made up a boyfriend! Lol! Funny right? But, the person she made up was a perfect description of you. Pink hair! Tan! Muscles! Dragons! Food! Everything!
"Um. Ok? What has that got to do with me?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Be her boyfriend!"
"Be. Her. Boyfriend."
"I am not gonna date a girl I dont even know! Sorry Mira. No."
"Please Natsu! She's really nice and fun! At least meet her!"
"Pretty please! I'll get you fire chicken!"
"I-grrr. Fine. But she better be worth it! This is only for the chicken!"
"Oh she will! Trust me! Meet us at FairyTail Cafe at 9:00. Don't be late!"
End of Flashback
Lucy mentally face-palmed. "That sound like Mira." She looked back up and a sudden urge filled her. "Hey Natsu...can I touch your hair?" Ok. Your probably like 'wow!' They just met and she's asking if she could touch his hair! You see, Lucy was a very direct person. If she wanted something, she would say it just like that.
The pinkettes eyes widened in surprise. People usually frowned at his hair so it surprised him very much when she asked is she could touch it. An unfamiliar feeling grew in his chest and he smiled.
"Sure," he almost gasped when her cool fingers, massaged them self into his hair.
"So soft." She murmured. Her chocolate eyes were filled with awe. The male couldn't stop the cheeky comment that was fighting for release.
"I'll happily let you touch the rest of me." This earned him a well deserved punch in the arm. He groaned.
"Your lucky I didn't give you the old Lucy-Kick. Pervert!"
"Lucy-Kick? Cute Luce."
His smirk widened at the blush that came from his comment. Mira was fanning herself, trying not to faint. It seemed the two had forgotten about the onlookers.
"It it not cute and what the hell is Luce?"
"My nickname for ya and it is cute."
"We met, like, five minutes ago"
"Yeah. And you ran your fingers through my hair."
She opened her mouth then shut it closed. "Touché." He definitely liked this girl. A lot.
"How about we go to the park to get to know each other better?" He leaned in towards her ear, his hot breath fanning against her neck. "Cause I really want to get to know you."
THUD! Don't worry. That's just the sound of a certain matchmaker fainting.
Hitting him on the arm once more with a red face, she agreed to his decision and exited the cafe. Maybe she could start liking Christmas again. Just maybe.
A\N: There we have it folks. Hope u liked the Nalu. Natsu's kinda naughty isnt he? XD Added a bit of Gruvia, Gale and Jerza for the sake of it too. Hope you liked it and Merry Christmas!
PS: Santa is a stalker! 0.0
~Let the Fires in Our Hearts Burn~
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