Training with the angels and a fight
Hi there has been 591 reads on this book so far and I'm really happy and arigato for following me and reading and putting this book on your reading list and I hope you enjoy this chapter have a nice day
Lucy p.o.v
It's been 11 months when I was training with the demons I'm done with the demons now moving on to angels I'm training with angel the light angel and she teached me lots of things already I can't wait to train with the other angel and dark angels I then went home because it's night time hmmmm I wonder how the dragons are doing well I have to keep on training no matter what when I get back to fairytail that I will show them my power I'm not going to let them get to me any more ok now I better take a bath now then I went into the bathroom then got into the warm water then I sink into the water a little bit and I put strawberry and vanilla shampoo then let it set for a little then I poured water on my head then I put in strawberry and vanilla conditioner and let it set in for 3 mins then poured water on my head then I put strawberry and vanilla soap on then washed it off then I got out and dried off and got dressed in a night gown and it was golden and I had my hair down and I went to bed but before that I was at my desk and I sat down and started to write
Dear mom
I have been having fun time since I have been training and here in the dragon realm which I can't Believe that you were the dragon queen and I'm the dragon princess and I'm going to be done soon
Love lucy
Then I went to my bed and then I go under my covers and went to sleep and then I woke in the morning then I took a bath got dress in a white dress that goes to almost my knees and it has golden out lines I had my hair down today then I went to go train with the other angels then I was there training with the ice/snow angel ice and then a year went bye and now I have trained with every one of them and I master every slayer magic now I'm going to train with every magic there is in a year now and Ryu is almost done well that's what I heard from ayama
Ayama p.o.v
Wow my sister is doing really great and now she is almost done and Ryu two those two are growing up and I can't wait to see my sister when she has finish her training and when Ryu dose too and I'm done with training I'm going to visit fairytail today then I opened a gate and went throw the gate and was at fairytail and I was wearing a light purple dress that almost goes to my knees then I have a dragon neckless on my neck and some dragon bracelet and my hair is cream blonde colored and it's to my waist and my eyes are gold colored and then I walked in then I saw some dragons people looked at me like they saw me before then natsu shouted hey who are you I'm ayama wow you guys should know me by now from 5 years ago (ps it's been five years since lucy has been gone) what they all said ok then remember the ayama hair girl we you guys were going to kill lucy when she was hurt badly wait your that girl and how did you of that well I'm a dragon princess and she is my sister and I'm also here cause I want to fight her not lucy but you I pointed at lisanna every one was shocked well you want to fight sure and mabe then this will teach your master to not send you hear and us you for them wow you know the plan ok then let's fight ayama ok lisanna
Nobody's p.o.v
They went out to the field and then people place bets on who would win all the bets manly was for lisanna and the dragons bet for me to win the the master said begin then they started to fight
Ayama p.o.v
Lisanna turn into her cat form and try cutting me wow is that all you can do fine if you want me to go my hardest then I will and you have two to lisanna ok ayama I will and tell your master that I will never ever join his side and even if he hey try's to kill me and fairytail you all are Bakas by the way and lisanna how about when we are done her you have to tell them the truth ok fine ok this is going to be fun this is for trying to hurt lucy elemental dragon god demon angel slayer roar it hit lisanna to awwww she screamed in pain wow I thought that did not hurt or dose it lisanna ok well it dose cause I added light ti the mix ok then it's my turn lisanna said this is for my master dark dragon slayer roar then it missed well then I said elemental dragon slayer iron fist then I punch her 12 times that was for trying to use fairytail against lucy aww she scream more louder then I back up she was now pissed ok then dark god slayer all attacks then one hit me which I got stadded like in the arm but I healed myself ok then all slayers attack magic then she was trying to move but I was controlling her so she couldn't move then it hit which would make a person die but she didn't cause I lower the pain when it hits which made her still alive then I said that was for being with your master zeref always the dark gets defeated by the light then she fell down then they all were shock well what have you been talking about ayama master said well she is a part of and dark guild see I tear that fake guild mark off then it showed the dark guild mark that had a black guild mark then they all gasp like I said you all are Bakas and her master is zeref and she was used you guys to hurt lucy to leave
Hello if you want more blue exorcist then I can put rin and his brother in the story and have them travel with lucy and Ryu and I'm thinking mabe rin or Ryu get to data lucy what do you guys think comment if you want any other people paired with lucy I'm open to ideas
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