Rules and Form
Kindness: it should be obvious and I shouldn't have to say this but: be kind. To me and others. No homophobia, racism, sexism or anything else or you will get banned and blocked
Active: Please be active. That doesn't mean always be watching. But please check regularly. Updates will be slow but I promise they will happen.
Password: The password is your favorite color as well as a permeant follow and to shout this book out on your message board.
Gender and sexuality: as some of you know I'm a Christian and I would like if you could keep your OCs the genders they were born with female/male and straight. I'm sorry if that offends anyone.
Faceclaim: please use actual people for your characters, if you just use pictures your character will be ignored.
Ocs: please don't make your characters perfect everyone has flaws! Also remember I need both girls and boys
Other: some of you will probably ask so I'll answer it here. Swearing is allowed just don't be mean about it ya know? Also feel free to use Google docs.
name: self explanatory
Nicknames: who calls them this? so they like it?
Preferred name: what they like to be called
Age: 17-18
Gender and pronouns: self explanatory
Face claim: self explanatory
Back up: just in case the first in use
Stereotype: self explanatory
Personality: be creative and add detail
Background: a bit about their life
Likes and dislikes: a short or long list of what they like and don't like
Hobbies: what they like to do
Habits: some of their hobbies
Flaws: no one's perfect!
LI and Tropes: self explanatory
Can your OC get hurt: self explanatory
Can your OC die: self explanatory
Can your OC be the killer: self explanatory
Why are they at the school: self explanatory
Reputation at school: self explanatory
why would they kill Lindsey: if they are the killer why would they do it?
Quotes: at least 3 quotes of what you say a lot
Aesthetic and style: pictures, Pinterest board, words
Opinion on Kendra: self explanatory
Opinion on Lindsey: self explanatory
Extra: anything you want to add
Password and tags: 2 tags plus the password from above
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