You work for us?
Keith pov
I held Lance close to me as he was soundly alseep. Krolia entered later in the morning as she took a quick shower and went to her bed. She looked at me and gave me a look. I know she's going to say something once Lance leaves. Right now though I don't want to think about anything. I just want to be home with Lance and my friends. I miss being normal and not having to worry about anything. Or any danger. I kissed the back of lance's neck as he stirs a bit. I'm worried he's going to follow me back. It's best he stays here with his family. Until we get to the bottom of this then we will be safe. I moved closer as sleep finally took over and it's been months since I could get any sleep.
The next morning I woke up with an empty bed. Lance left early as it seems. My hand moved up and down the side he was laying as I looked over to see the back of my mother as she was on her phone. "Hey wake up kit. We have to meet him soon." She said as she went towards the bathroom. I sat up as I looked at my discarded clothes on the floor. I noticed lance left his shirt and took mine. I smirked at the thought as I got ready myself. As we got dressed we headed opposite of where Lance lives. I hope he made it home alright.
"Keith..your partner." I looked at her as she looked forward. "Yeah?" She looks up and then at me. "He really cares about you. He is willing to help you but you push him away..why?" She asked. I don't blame her she hasn't been in my life and doesnt know anything about this stuff. "Lance is a very determined person. He's loyal and very understanding. I just can't risk his safety for me. I've died almost a few times way back if it wasnt for Lance. Of course he would lecture me about doing solo missions but I'm used to it. When we were selected for Voltron that's when we gotten better but I always shut him out for dangerous things..I just didnt realize I was pushing him away again like before." She nods as she sighs. "Your father was the same with me." I looked at her as she held a small smile.
"He was impressed with my skills and how well trained I was in my position. I found him weird and odd but after getting to know him I started to fall for him." I smiled softly as we continued walking. "After that we started dating secretly and we would sneak out and have fun. Thace would always cover me because we were close comrades. He did get upset with me because I was breaking so many rules. What could you expect from a twenty year old? I never had this much fun or freedom and to actually have it was something amazing." Her eyes lit up talking about dad. I wish things didnt happen and we could have been a family. "What happened next?" She smirks.
"Well there was one night we snuck out but I didn't expect to have a date with him. It was cute. We had it in abandoned house and he managed to clean parts of it. That night was the night he asked me to marry him. I said yes and after that you know what's happens." We chuckled a little as she smiles. "Then after a few weeks I started to feel ill. Every morning I would run towards the washroom and throw up. I was a little scared cause I was young but I wasnt alone. There was another girl who was scared too." Axcas mom. "Kimiko." "Yeah, axca mother right?" She nods. "Right. How did you know?" "Thace told me your name was that at first but I didnt buy it. Axca is the daughter of Thace but he doesn't know." She nods. "Yeah. She didnt want to tell him so she kept it to herself. I on the other hand told your father and he was excited. I was scared because we are young and still in the academy and had a few more years to go. So as we told our situation to the nurse she told her we would put on personal leave for 9 months. After that you and Axca were born. Kimiko passed away at childbirth so I had to take her in. That's why you thought you were twins when actually you were born a day before her."
I nodded and sigh. "Krolia?" She nods. "Why didnt you tell thace about his daughter?" She sighs and held her arm. "Thace was already upset with me. He didnt approve of your father and said he was bad for me. He was jealous because he didnt end up with me. Also he wasn't ready to take care of a child. He was young just like us but he was too self absorbed." I nodded. "Makes sense. Do you think he knows?" She nods. "He must know by now. It's been a long time. You're already 24 and she is as well. It's a long time." I nod as I recall back to Lance. "Axca is working for us." She looked at me and smirked. "I'm not surprised. You two make a good team." I nod as we kept walking. "How much until we reach the waypoint?" She checks her gadget as she hums. "About a mile. We're close. Be cautious kit."
I nodded as we kept silent once more. As we were a few feet away I stop and hear something. Krolia hears it as well. I throw my dagger as krolia waits. "Someone is following." She says as I nod and go retrieve my knife. As I do I give a tired sigh. "Lance..what are you doing here? I could have killed you." He glares at me as he struggles to take the knife from his shirt that's stuck on the tree. "I wanted to see what you're up to. A little help." I shook my head as I pulled my knife as he stands up. "Lance I told you to not follow me." He groans. "I know. Keith I don't want to be on the sidelines. I want to he with you and help you. You're pushing me away again. It makes me feel like you don't care about me anymore." He pouts as I held his face as we kissed. "I'm protecting you Lance. I wouldn't be okay if something happened to you." I caressed his cheek as he looks at my eyes.
"Let me help..please." I really don't want him to come. "Lanc-" "Let him come." Krolia cuts in. "But the mission.." she shakes her head. "Its fine. He can join us for now. After this he is not allowed to come afterwards. Are we clear?" She says towards Lance as he looks a bit scared. "Yes. Yes I understand." She nods as she starts to walk again. "Your mom scares me." I smirked. "Where do you think I get my dark charm from?" He rolls his eyes as he soon follows.
"This is it." Krolia states as we are in front of a giant metal door. "Uh..why does it look kinda creepy?" Lance pipes as he hides behind me. "Its a secret base. I need a code." She says as I look for a backup plan to hop over. "Halt! State your business!" We freeze and noticed the camera. "I'm here on the behave of the Blades. This is krolia an operative." We wait for a few seconds and the door opens. We walk in as we're greeted with a woman roughly around the same age as krolia. "I'm Jaeda. Come with me." She turns on her heel as we follow. "Is this what you do with the blades?" Lance whispers as I shook my head. "More or less. Its usually more action then this." He shook his head as I kept my eyes open. Krolia seemed to do the same. As she brings us in a room the woman leaves as we wait.
"Krolia. Do you know anything?" I asked as she nods. "Its an old friend of mine. He'll know me when he sees me." She seemed confident. I sigh as Lance looks around the room. "This room seems too dark and plain." I chuckled as I pulled him closer. "Why do you always comment on every little thing." I kissed down his neck as he smirks. "Its habit." After our little banter the doors open and we stand tall and out comes a tall man. He was built. His hair was long and braided to the side. "Krolia. It's been ages." Krolia smiled as they hugged. "Its been awhile kolivan. I wanted to see if you were still active." He chuckles as he looked over at me and Lance. "I am. Just keeping a low profile. Is that your son?" They looked at me as I show respect as he smirks.
"Yes. Kit introduce yourself." I moved closer as I greet him properly. "I'm keith sir. It's an honor to meet you." He nods as does the same. "Thace told me how you can take out a group on your own. I need to see with my own eyes one day." We chuckled as Lance still felt out of place. "Right. This is my partner Lance." Kolivan greets him as Lance was nervous. "Dont worry your pretty little head no one is gonna hurt you." I smiled at Lance as kolivan walked away with Krolia. "Hey you okay?" He nods. "Why does your mom know so many people?" "Dude, garla school and then secret agents. What else?" He rolled his eyes as the door opened again and I had to take a double look. "What?!" Lance said as he pulled hid weapon out as I held Lance back. "Easy! I'm on your side! I mean no harm." It was a clone. It was Lance's clone. He looked like Lance but with longer hair. And weird eyes. "Isamu is a fellow operative."
Kolivan says as he placed a hand in his shoulder. "He's an evil clone! Lotor made him to kill our original!" Lance spat as Isamu sighs. "Yeah we are but Regis and Ulaz removed that part from me. I'm harmless. I'm a good guy now. I wanted to bring Akira with me but he chose not to come and escape with me." He seemed bummed. "Who the heck is Akira?" I lowered my arms. "Its me lance. My clone. Why didnt he escape when he had the chance?" He shrugged. "I've convinced him so many time but he's stubborn as fuck." Lance chuckles as I shot a glare at him. "Sorry.." I shake my head. "So are the plans in motion?" Isamu shrugged. "Last thing I remember was Axca telling me that Allura took a key component from the cloning machine but Akira is suspicious of her odd behavior. That's all I know." I nod as I have to remind myself to call Allura for more info.
"Axca? Is she working with us as well?" I nodded at Lance. "What hell? Why are we in the dark? Why are blades taking the mission? I thought voltron would." I sigh. "Lance, Voltron has to stay low. Since you guys got hurt Allura doesnt want to take chances. But it seems she's doing something dangerous." He looked at me weird. "Like what?" Krolia spoke up. "She's sleeping with enemy. That's the worst kind of thing she could have done." I shake my head. "Krolia, maybe she's planning something? She did take the part for the cloning machine. She's still on our side." My mother crossed her arm. "Yeah but she could be falling for him. Let's say your partner was evil. The only you can get access to his space is to get close. What happens after months of being together you can't go through the plan?" I sigh.
"You fall in love with the enemy..shit." after here I'm going straight to Allura to get answers and see where she lies. "So Allura is dating the bad guy?! Lotor?!" Lance said as we nodded. "Is she insane? Voltron rests on her hands. She does know that right?" We nods. "I don't understand females sometimes. Why not confess to lying while shes at it." I groan. Allura needs to think this through. "Kit, we leave tomorrow back to the blades. We'll get more information when we arrive." I nodded towards Krolia as she exits with Kolivan as I stay there with Isamu and Lance. "So you're hiding here?" Lance asked and he nods. "Yeah. I want to be free. I hated that place. It was dark and scary and just painful. Lotor an his generals especially Kuron were horrible."
I bet Kuron is shiros clone. I have a bad feeling. "Kuron hit Akira really hard once for disobeying his order. I'm terrified of that guy. Pidge and hunk are too. Akira is too but won't admit it." I nodded. "I know. I feel everything he feels. I even dream of it. Last night I was dreaming that you weren't there and he was a mess. But he kissed you?" Isamu was shocked and looked hurt. "They made another me..." his voice was shaky as Lance went to comfort him. "I'm sorry. Though in the vision he yelled at the clone saying no one can replace you." He smiles. "Akira. I miss him so much. I wish he just came with me without him being difficult." I chuckled. "I'm difficult. Lance knows. "Oh yeah he is. But it's a reason to love you more. Listen Isamu I know you're kinda going through the motion but Akira will always keep you in his heart. No one can change that. He loves you too much."
I smiled at how kind Lance was treating him. "Thanks. I wish you good luck with the mission." I nod. "Thanks. Means a lot. Come on Lance I gotta take you home." We walked out as we see Krolia talking. "Kit let's go." I nod as I said my goodbyes to the others as we walked out the building. "So we leaving tomorrow?" She nods. "Yes. Ulaz and Regis told me something I wanna check out. Then we head to your leaders place for more information." "Understood."
As we dropped Lance near his house he immediately wrapped his arms around me. "Lance.." he shook his head. "Please be careful Keith.." I held back as I didn't want to let go. "Come on Keith. Time to go." Krolia left as I pulled away from Lance. "I'll see you soon Lance. I promise." He smiles and we shared a long passionate kiss. "You better keep that promise." I smiled as I caressed his soft face. I'm gonna miss him all over again. "Kit!" I turn and see Krolia looking impatient. "Coming! Bye Lance." I kissed him again as I ran to catch up to my mother. "Took you awhile. You'll see him soon." I nod as I looked back to see him watch me go. "I love him." She nods. "I know." It was silent as we arrived at the hotel. "If anyone dares to hurt him in any way I will kill them. I don't care who." Krolia smirked. "That's my boy.." I smirked as well. Let's get over with.
A/n hello! Been forever I know but prewriting parts and updating them. There are a few more chapters for this book and it's done. Others are still in drafts so be patient! Lol anyways I hope you enjoyed and it's a long part lol anyways bye!!!
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