Weekend Fun With Pidge
Keith Pov
I was woken up to freezing cold ass water being thrown on my entire face. I quickly scrambled up and pushed my hair back to see who the hell did it! As I squint and look I see it's Pidge with an amused look which I didn't like
"Pidge! What the fuck?! What are you doing in my house?! Why?!" I kept rambling as I removed my wet sheets and my drenched black tee while she casually sat at my desk looking around a bit.
"Wow you have a lot of conspiracy theories..aliens huh?" I snatched my notebooks away from her "Easy with that! I've had this since I was 10, I've been adding new things to it" she scoffs as she sees other papers and files "Dude..mothman? What are 13?" I glared at her while she was giggling a bit
"He's real don't fight me on this" she rolls her eyes playfully "Whatever..I'm here cause I'm bored and we need to start building our robot for robotics. Also your house is pretty big in my opinion? But your brother's room is kinda messy and had clothes scattered on the floor like yours?"
I crossed my arms as I placed my messy wet hair in a ponytail"First of all..what were you doing going around and sneaking into places your not allowed in? Two..why did you go into Shiro room it's his private place and doesn't like when anyone is in there..not even me"
she had her arms crossed and held a grin of cockiness "Why couldn't you just texted me or called?" She shrugs while she starts playing with my desk lamp "Cause lance was over my place hanging with Matt and I didn't want him to know I was coming over. Lance tends to look over my shoulder and sae what I'm up to, I can't with him especially on the weekends when my house is loud as fuck" I chuckled slightly and nodded but I'm glad cause I don't want Lance here. Well I wouldn't mind but I had enough of him Friday night at his place. "Why don't you tell him to fuck off? It'll be way easier?"
She smirks and shakes her head and I noticed the clothes she's wearing its casual and she has a small bow on the side of her head "Nah don't want Lance feeling like I killed his vibe.." I sigh "Understandable..when we are finish what do you want to do? You know afterwards since my plans were to sleep til noon"
I gave her a playful smirk while she shrugs and laughs a bit "I don't know? I usually stay in my room on the weekends and bulid something thats probably dangerous? But we can just chat a bit afterwards? If you want?" I nodded "Fair enough let me get breakfast and dressed..is Shiro here?" She shakes her head
"Nah he said he was going to the gym with Allura? Are they a thing?" I smirked "Oh yeah..but they have to keep under wraps" she chuckled "Lance has been getting at her since she started being our princpal..its kinda sad really? Compared to Shiro he has no chance..cause dude your adoptive brother is hot!"
I shake the thought of Shiro being called 'Hot' by pidge but she ain't wrong? Before I got adopted I thought Shiro was an attractive guy? He still is but now he's just like a dad instead of a brother. "Please don't call Shiro Hot? That is weird and funny thing happened a couple days ago" she looks at me "What happened?
"Well shiro thought you were a boy? Until i told him you were a girl..he was slightly confused until he took a closer look ans noticed your features" she blushed and gets up from the desk chair and looks around my room as I get my clothes for the day "You have a lot of dark clothing and your room smells like sweat and musk? What do you do in here dirty boy?" She had a wide grin while
I slightly blush remembering the stuff I do when Shiro is away or alseep "You have mostly alien prints, dude You have issues" I shook my head and took my shirt away from her hands.
"No I don't..look who's talking your shirt literally has an alien saying their real? And on the back it says 'I believe'?" She smirks "Whatever, just go get ready so we can finish this. I want to be done with it so I can focus on other things." I nod and start getting ready as I come back with a bowl of cereal Pidge manages to pick up my dirty laundry and placed it in the hamper. She made my bed and has parts all over it. She was tinkering around with it "What excatly are we making? Also thanks for cleaning my messy room" She blew a piece of hair away from her face and looked at me with a smirk and nodded
"A rover 2.0 I've visited the Garla school and saw how advance their technology is compared to ours. Your welcome by the way" I tense a bit at the mention of my old school "Why were you there?" She looked up and smirked "My mother is teacher over there and she teaches robotics..she wants to leave because the school is turning into shit"
I chuckled but she wasn't kidding the school was turning bad by the minute and more students are leaving. "Oh..so can I see the design?" She pointed to the sketch or blueprints. I looked over it, it was pretty cool and something she's probably used to.
"I can put the wiring and have it voice controlled by our voices?" She smiles and nods "Sweet can we make it sound like a girl or something?" I shrugged "Sure? As long as we don't burn the wires or the circuits" Pidge sighs "Alright.."
After an hour of building and wiring we were ready to test it out. "The moment of truth" Pidge switched it on and it made a small noise and started floating. I was smirking seeing the look on her face as she was blown away "I'm Rover 2.0 what can I do?" She squeaked and started shaking me violently which scared me a bit "Its works! Keith it fucking worked! I'm so happy!"
I chucked and patted her messy hair "It does, go and ask her something?" She nods and composed herself "Okay" she was short compared to me "Rover 2.0 please tell me the forcast for today?" The robot made a sound "The forcast is 89 degrees under cloudy skies..be sure to wear sunblock" we were totally getting an a good grade.
After putting rover to sleep Pidge decided we go out and enjoy the day. I rather stay in since it's Saturday and I usually stay and sleep in. "Just for a little bit" she nods and we walk into town and she rambles on..I never understood why girls talk so much but Pidge just rambled on.
She reminded me of Anya in some way and little bit of Lance. Wait? Did I just think of Lance? Why am I thinking about that cocky self center guy? I blushed as Pidge calls me "Keith? You okay buddy your blushing? Who's on your mind?" I lowered my head "Somebody I shouldn't be thinking about" I said crossing my arms
"is it someone I know?" I stayed silent while a grin was plastered on her face "Oh my god? Who is it? Is he in our class or something?" I shook my head "He's in my last class..he's really annoying but at the same time he isnt? I'm so confused why I'm randomly thinking about him?" Pidge giggles and poked my cheek
"Maybe he means something to you? Did he do something to maybe consider him?" I blushed and shrugged "I don't know?" I said quietly "Can we just talk about something else?" She nods and talks about random things.
All I could think of was Lance? Since that combat training and hanging with him at his house Friday I actually started liking him. But I'm not sure if it was because I think he's cool or I'm actually turning soft?
"Dude..you did amazing during our drill, how did you learn those moves?" I looked at him as his eyes lit up "I've been practicing with Shiro..Lance can I ask you something?" He nods and looks at me "What made you want to be my friend or consider to be my friend?" He smirks
"I think your pretty cool, and your really full of surprises and I might like the way you move during combat? I also like how focus you get..man I wish I could be like that" I blushed and moved my head away from him "Anyways want something to eat?"
I nodded and followed him towards the kitchen the house was quiet since his siblings were at their practices or over someone's house..it was just me and him alone in his kitchen,
it was awkward because I felt out of place and the house was very colorful compared to mines. "Here you are..careful Its hot" I smirked as he handed me a cup of ramen noodles "Very classy.." I laughed a bit and noticed pink dusting his cheeks "You have an adorable laugh Keith.." I blush.
Pidge shook me and I looked down at her "Keith? You good buddy? Your red? Are you thinking about the guy?" I shook my head embarrassed that Lance was fogging up my mind ugh "Just drop it.." i said calmly whole she giggles "Wow your pinning really hard on this guy? Why don't you make a move and talk to him?"
I rolled my eyes "No thanks..I'm not even sure if I like him or not?" Pidge stuck her tongue out and faces away from me "Lame, if I were you I would take my chances..so I know if he really liked me or I'm just wasting time on a guy doesn't know I exist?" I sigh as we made it to a frozen yogurt place
"Want anything from here?" I shook my head "Nah I can't eat anything with milk in it..it upsets my stomach" she looked at me like she felt sorry "So you can't have ice cream or anything that contains milk?" I nodded "I can but I'll feel like shit afterwards.." she shakes her head and continue walking "Pidge don't you want to eat yogurt?"
"No I'll feel bad of you can't eat it and I can?" I giggled "Its fine I'll just buy a smoothie okay?" She nods and we enter the shop and get our things. As we exist out the shop we bump into Lance and Matt considering Pidge looks just like him. "So this is where you went? And with Keith? Why didn't you invite me?"
Lance said as he put a hand on his waist "Because we are working on our project! I've told you a thousand times!" As they bickered I was pulled aside by Matt "Hey I'm Matt and you must be Keith" I nodded "Yeah..nice meeting you"
"Same..also Katie has never been this happy since she came home from that awful boarding school..all She talks about is you" I smiled and look over his shoulder to see her glaring at Lance "I'm glad..did she tell you?" "That your gay? Yeah don't worry and I'll keep it safe" as the bickering stopped Lance walked over to me.
I tensed up a bit as he gave me a look and his cocky smirk "You look like hell?" I sigh "Same goes for you McClain." He chuckles and takes a sip from my smoothie "Was that necessary?" He had his cute grin plastered in his face and I tried my best not to smile at it
"Yes and that's pretty good what is that?" I shake my head "Strawberry mangos..and Lance if you ever do that again I'll never talk to you again" he nervously chuckled "Relax Keith I won't do it again I swear" he walked into the store along with Matt who seemed tired of his shit.
"Lets go I don't want to him to join us" Pidge pulled my arm and we took off and ended up in a park with a fountain in the middle of it all. "He's so annoying!" "Tell me about it" "Do you have classes with him?" I looked at her and nodded "Sadly yes..but it's whatever he's not that annoying?" What was I saying?
I called him annoying earlier as we walked to the store. "Oh..so I noticed Matt talking to you? What did he say?" I smirked "He said he's happy that you made a friend? Other than Lance" she smirks "He's so caring..and understanding.."
I noticed her hold her knees up as she laid on them "Once me and Matt went to camp and I got picked on because I was the shortest or I sounded like a weirdo talking about space and aliens or whatnot? He decked them in the face for me" her smile was genuine and her face was flushed pink
"Matt would do anything to keep me safe..I'm lucky to have a brother like him" I nodded and sigh..Shiro has always been there for me since then even through my worst days "When I was 13..I had a fear of thunder and lightning..one day it was terrible out and my dad was out and Shiro who was 18 at time heard me crying under my bed"
Pidge giggles a bit "how small were you to fit under that bad?" I glared at her "Anyways..he got down on the floor and looked at me and held his hand out. I slowly crawled out but as I heard the crack I ran into his arms..he held me in his arms and even stayed by my side even though he had to go to work. I'm lucky enough to have a brother like Shiro..he's always there for me and I'm always there for him"
I smiled and pidge nods "Are you still afraid of thunderstorms?" I nodded "Yeah I just close the blinds and put headphones on so I don't hear it but it doesn't ways work so I go find Shiro and cuddle up next to him" she giggles "I have a fear of clowns and spiders" "I hate spiders! I can't with them" she laughs
"You know Keith the more I hang out with you the more you open up?" I sigh and crossed my arms "Not always..come on let's head to my place for videogames and probably binge watch conspiracy theories?" She nods "Sure sounds like fun" as I stood she had a playful grin on her face "Can you carry me on your back? Please my legs get tired of walking"
I chuckled and lowered myself so she can climb "Wait are you letting me?" "Yes Pidge, now hurry up this is a one time deal" she squeaks as she jumped on my back almost making me lose my balance "Easy.." she was very light and east to hold up "Sorry got excited" we laughed as we left the park and headed to my place as we got my house I noticed the door was unlocked and that meant Shiro was home from his workout
"Shiro?! I'm home?!" I yelled but as I started walking I heard small groans and moans "Ah~ Shiro right there~" realizing whats happening my face turned red and pidge also had a flushed face
"Please tell me their wrestling?" I shook my head "Right there~!" I bit my lip and shook my head "Yeah..I don't think they are lets get to my favorite place so we don't hear him anymore" I opened the door of the basement and ran as fast as we could and turned on the tv and set up the games.
After a few minutes I heard footsteps and I waited until the door opened "Keith? You here?" "Yeah I'm down here with Pidge" he rushed down in just shorts and his chest was exposed which made Pidge blush "You've been here the whole time?" He asked as he moved some of his messy hair out of his face
"Like a few minutes ago.." his face was flushed red and I could tell he was embarrassed "So..did you hear?" "Yeah we did but we ran down here so we didn't hear anymore of it..next time text me before?" He nods
"I will and sorry Pidge for you hearing that" she was red and avoided looking at him like this "Its cool" she said quickly and Shiro left to his girlfriend who's probably waiting for him. "Holy shit he's so fucking HOT!" Pidge said as she melted in her seat. I chuckled
"Well it's a rare time to see him like that..he's never shirtless unless he's hot or what he was just doing in his room" Pidge shook her head "No wonder girls at the school throw themselves at him..shit I'll be one of them"
I shake the thought of Pidge trying to flirt with him "Pidge can you not talk about my brother that way? It's kinda weird" she nods but the blush remained on her face "Sorry can't help it" we finished the game and decided to check if Shiro made food or he's ordering take out
"Hello Keith..how are you this evening?" I smiled at Allura as I hugged her quickly "I'm fine..seems You and Shiro kinda.." she blushes and shoves me a bit "That doesn't concern you but..yes I know" we chuckled as Shiro walked through the front door with a bag of Chinese food
"I'm back and I've brought food" he kissed Allura quick and he gets plates out "Pidge want some?" She shakes her head as she looks at Shiro and blushes "I'm actually gonna go home" "Want me to drop you off?" Shiro offered but she shook her head "No! I mean no I live a couple blocks so it's quick"
I grabbed my long board and walked beside her "Shiro I'll be back" "Okay be careful" I nodded and pidge let out a breath she didn't know she was holding "Oh my fucking God! I don't think I'll visit if Shiro is around.." I chuckled as I told her to hop on "Shut up..and stop making it obvious you have a crush on him"
she held on me and held tight "I'm sorry I've just never felt like this towards a guy?" I smirked as we made it to her house "Thanks..Oh fuck I left my bag at your place" I sigh "I'll stop by tomorrow okay?"
She nods and enters her house where she's greeted by her mother. I ride home and let my mind run free until someone called my name and I stopped "Keith..hey" the last person I wanted to see...
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