We need to focus. No Buts' or ifs'
Lance Pov
When he called I wasn't even alseep I was waiting for his call cause I knew he will call me first. Him and Shiro haven't talked since he left and their relationship is a bit rocky and sometimes I fall for it. He'll push me harder then the rest and even give me a side glare but I know he just wants to know how Keith is.
Keith spends his weekend with me and my family not once does he go to Shiro. It's kinda messed up but then again Shiro has been acting a bit off since before all of this. I never spoke of it cause I didn't want to upset Keith.
As the day went on I was training with a training bot on level 6 and I was having trouble. No one could beat Keith's record and I always made it my goal. To reach level 20 before school ends but it's not working so well. As I went to shoot I got thrown across the room and I ended the training sequence.
"You got to level 7. Barely!" Boomed Shiros voice as I panted as I stood up holding my arm. "Give me a break! These bots get harder each time!" I shake my head as I took a deep breath "I want to try again. Restart Training sequence level 6." The room made a noise and I got ready. I'm gonna make it. To prove I'm good and not a weak red.
After a brutal training session I made it to level 13 which isn't bad but I'm so banged and sore that I just need rest. "Nice work today Lance." Allura said as she got out of her session. She's a level 18 right now and so close to beating Keith's record. "Thanks I guess." She noticed my tone as she tilts her head "What's wrong?" "Nothing just thinking."
She sighs "I know Shiro can be hot headed but he's trying to be a good leader for you all." "I get that but he's pushing us harder as we're Keith! We are not Keith and he's just upset with me cause Keith doesn't talk to him like before!" I wiped my eyes as I bit my bottom lip "sorry he's pushing me too hard. I might take off soon." She nods
"I understand. I'm sorry Lance." I shrug as the others start piling in. "Man Shiro is making us work harder then Keith ever did!" Pidge complained seeing her toss her helmet across the room "Yeah. He seems tense and trying to get us all to be at his level. Which aren't." Hunk said as he sat on the floor pulling off his helmet. "I wish Keith was our leader." "Yeah same." Yeah me too.
After our solo rounds it was our bonding exercise and it was just terrible. "You guys aren't focused!" Shiro spat as I tried to relax and think of somewhere better. "This isn't working!" "This blows!" I groaned and stood up throwing the helmet to the ground as everyone looked at me "Lance?" Allura asked as I glared at everyone "Dude?"
"You all need to shut up! All of you!" Shiro was about to say something "Don't you dare talk right now. You have everyone stressed in the group! You are pushing us to the point we can't feel our bodies. We are not Keith! We weren't at his training level and we are not your puppets. I understand that you miss Keith and wish he would call you or visit you but it's your own fault. You pushed him away Shiro. You always said no to him and don't you think the reason he left was because you held him back for things that were important?"
Shiro stood and held a stern look. "You're putting your anger on all of us even in your girlfriend and she's exhausted! I'm surprised she's still by your side? If Keith treated me like this I would have left him ages ago. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry i have Keith to myself. I'm sorry he doesn't trust you anymore and I'm sorry he left us. You're hurting. We all are but we need to come together and fix this." They looked at each other and nod as they smiled at me as Shiro came closer
"I'm sorry for doing that it just bothers me that he goes to you instead of me. I'm sorry for all of you and especially you." He walked towards Allura and kissed her cheek as she smiles "Now let's all take a deep breath and restart this once more." They chuckled and nodded "Lets do it." I smirked as everyone took a deep breath and we continued on.
~few weeks Later
"Nice job Lance. In just a few weeks and you're on level 19. Keep it up." "Thanks Shiro." Since that day we slowly started coming together and working better. It's as if Keith's spirit was beside me telling everyone what to do. I was his second in command. "Its Friday today" Pidge smirked as i nodded
"Yeah. I get to see my baby. It's been awhile and I hope he's doing well." Pidge smirks "Its weird not having him around. I kinda miss him." I nodded "Tell me about it. Well I'll see you okay?" She nods as I rushed towards his shack. As I get there I hear the shower running and I slowly creep in.
"Can I join~" I heard his laughter as he looks at me "Lanc-" I cut him off with a kiss as I pushed him into the shower as I get wet with the shower head and i didn't really care. I have my Keith and that's all I want right now.
After that makeout session we cuddled on the bed as he caressed the side of my arm as I nuzzled under his neck. "Did you pass?" He chuckles and nods "I did. I only passed cause I kept you in my head to keep me going." I blushed and pulled his face for another needy kiss. "A few weeks ago when we couldn't see each other. The team was falling apart and going crazy until I took charge and got them to listen."
"What? That's amazing Lance. Is everyone doing better?" I nod "Yeah if not we'll all be at each others throats. When are you coming back?" He sighs as he avoided the question as he kissed down my neck "I'm not sure yet? But I know for sure I'll be taking a week off since I'm still new at missions and whatnot. So a whole week with you and everyone."
I smiled "Will you have a chance to talk with Shiro? He misses you the most" he sighs "We'll see okay?" I nod seeing if I press any further he will sure be upset with me. "Now I've been feeling a bit tense and I wanted to release my stress with you. Is that okay?" "That's perfectly fine my love" he smiles and kisses me as I pull him closer. I really needed this and especially from my love.
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