Trust no one
Lance Pov
When Keith left I thought about last night and how he held me close and caressed me. The pain in his eyes as I called his name and kissed his jaw. He really wants this to be over and done with and in all honesty I do as well. Of course it's going to be weird without Keith but I'll pull through no matter what
"Lance time for school" I heard Erika say as I got up and started getting ready. As I ran down the stairs I'm stopped by my big sister who had a grin on her face "May I help you?" "Was Keith over last night?" I crossed my arms as I gave her a look "No? Why are you asking?" She scoffs
"Don't play dumb my room is right next door and your bed is right against my wall and I hear everything. I even heard you moan his name and the bed rocking back and forth" I blushed as I rolled my eyes "It was late what were you doing up?"
"Project and also talking with my friends. So Keith was here and you two are okay? You know he doesn't have to sneak in little bro" I nod "I know he doesn't but he tends to forget. And yes me and Keith are fine okay we just worked things out" she giggles as I walked by "I'm leaving now"
"Bye Lance" I waved and headed towards the school as I arrived I see Pidge on her laptop "Morning" "Hey, how are you?" "I'm fine" she nods as she looks around "Shiro came but with no Keith I guess he really is gone for a week" "Can we not talk about him right now?"
She nods as we head in as we do I see colt and I groan but he just walked by not even noticing me. "Odd?" "Quite" we ignored it and went on our day. As I get to my science class I noticed a couple girls smirking at me and laughing which is confusing? I mean hey I didn't know I was that attractive but damn.
I ignored them but they walked up next to me and sat beside me since hunk was absent "Hey lance~" "Hello ladies, what's up?" They poked my face and pulled on my uniform "We heard that you got dumped by the bad boy of the school" "That's so sad" I looked at them both feeling a bit uncomfortable
"Yeah it is and I don't want to talk about it" they sigh and tried again "We wanted to invite you to a party this weekend, it's going to be off the chain and we would like it if you came cutie" I blushed a bit and shrugged "I'll see I'm busy this weekend" "Oh alright, invite is still open for you"
they kissed my cheek as they walked back to their table and I grimaced a bit. It's odd that girls who never found me hot or decent talked to me or even invited me to a party. It's also a bit suspicious as well. As I exited the class I was pulled into a dark corner as I was going to scream I looked and saw it was Keith.
I sigh in relief as I wrapped my arms around him as he held back "What are you doing here? Won't you get caught?" "Yeah but I got info on 2 girls who are in your class that are working for them" "You mean Andrei and Beth? They were acting really friendly to me that they were almost flirting with me"
"They were?" Keith seemed jealous "Easy, I felt really uncomfortable and wanted nothing to do with them but they did invite me to a party" "Don't go" "I wasn't planning on going, it's a little off Keith" he nods and looks around
"I should go and you better get to combat, Shiro hates when people are late" I nod as he kissed me quick "I'll see you around" "Alright" he disappeared and I rushed towards the gym. As I get there I get ready and I see everyone in the gym stare at me and start whispering
'i heard they broke up. How sad?' 'Figures it wouldn't last' 'he deserves better' "McClain, you with us?" Shiro said as I jumped from my thoughts "Yes sir, sorry Mr Shirogane" he comes closer and gives me a soft smile "Hey, it'll be fine I promise" I nodded as we started training.
I was partnered with a red Student but she looked a bit off when she looked at me "It's weird that you and Keith broke up so suddenly? You guys were cute together" I blush a bit and grunt "No one knee about our relationship until someone told everyone about it"
I said harshly "It was bound to happen" "What? What are you talking about?" She smirks as she blocks my attack "A red and blue student with different rankings shouldn't be together. Relationship or not? Reds and blues never worked well together. Why do you think green and red students work best as yellow and blue do?"
"Where does that leave black?" "Black is the highest rank and there is barely anyone there. I also heard that your ex was going to be in Black ranks which isn't shocking cause he's really good" I stumble a bit as she pins me on the mat "Where will that leave me?!" I asked as I pushed her off sending her flat on her butt
"Well, seeing how well and quick you been you'll be in red soon or so I heard? Which is pretty cool if I say so myself, I really want to be in the Black rank but you need certain skills to be one of them" I nodded as I helped her up "What are the skills you need to rank up?" She hums as we go to practicing blocks
"You need an ability to take control when needed. You also have to be really good at combat and other skills we take in classes. Also the ability to work well with the other ranks and not just one" Keith was perfect for the rank. He was friends with all of the ranks. Me, Pidge, and Hunk but if I rank up I'll be red and not blue?
"How many black ranks are there?" "At the moment like 25 or so" I sigh and know Keith might be right there "Wow that's not as many as I thought" "Yeah it's a tougher course than most, I'm sorry you and Keith didn't work out" I shrug "It's alright, I'll get over it"
After school I went straight home and went to my room. I sat in bed and thought about what she said. Was Keith really going to rank up? Am I? I need to talk to him about it cause I'm not sure if I want to leave blue? As on cue he shows up in my window, lucky for him my family isn't home "Hey"
he came closer and kissed me as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I kinda moved back "What's wrong?" He asked with a soft expression "I heard you might be ranking up" he raised a brow at me and slowly loosen his grip on my waist
"What?" "You know to be in blacks ranking?" He looks a bit confused "Oh the rankings, yeah Allura told me i could switch my courses but I chose not to" "Why? You are perfect for it! Hell that's amazing keith" I smiled as he grins "Yeah but that's a lot more classes and I'm not trying to stay after school for 2 more hours. Besides I'll miss walking home with you and spending time"
he started kissing me which made me chuckle a bit as I wrapped my arms around his neck "So did you get any info?" "I did, the girls were saying the headmaster of the Garla schools Son is best friends with the guy I'm not really good terms on. So I just need to speak to him and get some answers before I do anything rash" I nod as I kissed him "Please don't get yourself killed" he laughs "I won't don't worry Lance"
We stood there looking at each other before I took his lips on mine "What are you doing?" He asked as I locked the door and pulled my shirt off exposing my chest "Well since I have you right now before you go. I want to have some fun?" I grinned at him as he caresses my face
"Lance I would love to but I gotta go find this guy, if you're still in mood I'll try to be back but if not I'm sorry and I'll make it up to you" he kissed me which was a bit longer "Stay~" I said as I whipered "I can't I gotta go" I whimper as I pull his arm "Keith~please stay for a bit" he chuckles
"Lance the sooner I get to the problem the sooner we'll spend together" I sigh as he lifted my chin "Hey don't lance, I'll be back" "Promise" "Promise" I kissed him as he left out the window. I groan as i put my shirt back on ans went to cook food.
Later that night I waited for Keith but he didn't show. I guess he's busy right now and won't make it. I turn off my lights but before I get into bed I heard a thud and saw a hand covered in blood on my window "Keith?!" I whispered yelled as I quickly opened the window and brought him in
"Oh my god y-your shot! Uh what do I do?!" I held the wound as his hissed "There's a spray in that bag ah..use it to stop the bleeding" I quickly found it and sprayed his wound as he groans and grunts. After a few minutes I'm staring down at my hands and shirt that's covered in his blood
"Where the fuck did you go?" I asked looking straight at him as he had one leg up while he held his side "I tried going to the guys place but he had back up and opened fire. I'm lucky they missed important parts of my body" he chuckles softly as I had tears falling down my face
"Keith..I could have lost you today and I wouldn't have known" he nods and lowered his head "I'm sorry. I didn't know he had back up and I'm sorry for making you worried" I crawled towards him as I wrapped my arms around him and held tight
"Don't you dare do something crazy like that again. You hear me Kogane" he laughs dryly but I could tell he was soon gonna burst "I'm sorry Lance..I'm a jerk" he started to cry into my shoulder as he held me "Yeah but you're my jerk" he moved away as I held his face and kissed him.
Maybe having a ex-assassin boyfriend is tougher than I imagined. "I love you Lance" I smiled as I looked at his soft eyes "I love you too Keith" that night I had to help him get cleaned up and clean all the blood he left as I placed him on the bed "Don't move I'll be back or I'll take a shower" he nods
"Okay" he smiles as I leave but for a moment I feel like something horrible is going to happen. As I closed my door and turned around I paused and saw Erika "Lance? You okay? You seem tense?" "Well you scared the shit out of me" she smirks and looks down at my shorts
"Oh you have a stain on your pants" "Oh yeah I spilled ketchup earlier" she nods "You smell metallic? Almost like blood did you hurt yourself?" I stay silent "Uh I cut my finger when I fixing the projector so I started bleeding. But I'm fine now" I said quickly as she quirked a brow
"Mentiroso. I'll tell mom what you're hiding" I covered her mouth and moved her towards the bathroom "Move your hand" I glared at her "You want the truth fine!" I huff as I took a deep breath "You gotta promise you can't tell nobody, a nadie Erika" she nods slowly as I sigh
"Keith got shot today by a group of bad people" "Lance" she covered her mouth as I looked away "He came here. He's asleep now and I was cleaning his wound. He's doing things that I have no idea of so please don't tell anyone about this" "Lance you have to take him to the hospital? Or his brother?"
"I already told him but he said no. I can't really force him cause he won't listen" she sighs "Alright. I won't tell anyone this just get cleaned up alright and please be careful" I nodded as she walked towards her room. I hope I can trust my sister about this.
To nobody- a nadie
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