Its between us!
Keith Pov
When I left lance I felt a bit guilty cause I should've at least brought him to school. Seeing him like this make me worry if he will be able to survive the whole week. Maybe I'll sneak in his room and spend time with him and keep it a secret.
I sigh as I pulled colt away and brought him to the back of the school and tie him up "Colt, you awake pal?" He looks at me and gasp a bit "Holy shit, where am I? Are you going to kill me?!" I rolled my eyes "And here I thought you wanted to go against me during class"
I pulled my knife and held it under his chin as he whimpers "Alright Colt I'll make you a deal, you tell me who you are working for and I'll let you go but if not I have to punish you" "Who the fuck are you Kogane?" "Colt..don't need to be so vulgar. Just say the names and I'll be on my way"
"is this for hitting on Lance?" I quirk a brow at him "Flirting with Lance? I thought you weren't gay?" "Uh I'm not..Uh I'm just saying.." he turned red and I smiled "Well you did hurt Lance pretty bad, that's passing the line with me Colt"
I cut his arm a bit and his hissed in pain as blood seeped through "What the fuck?!" "Tell me who you're working for! Stop talking about Lance" he was breathing heavily as I punched him hard making him grunt as he looked at me
"Tell me colt" he was quiet and I did it again "Who do you work for?!" As I was going to strike again I felt someone grab my shoulder "Really? Already throwing punches?" I grinned as I stepped aside "Coach Shirogane? Keith is nuts help me please!"
"And here I thought you wanted to go against him in class? Turns out you're a joke" "What? Wait are you with him?" "Of course Mr. Daniels, what kind of older brother would I be not helping my brother out with killers?" Shiro grins as he lowers closer to colt
"So I suggest you tell us and we'll let you be on your little way. If you don't then I might have to use this" Shiro lifted his Garla arm as it glowed a purple "You're insane! Both of you! Does the headmaster know?! That you torture students like sick monsters?!"
"Oh..the headmaster knows our past, she knows what's going on" I chuckled as I came closer "How'd you think I got top of the class and never get in trouble?" "The perks of dating the headmaster, but enough of her tell us who you work for" colt looked terrified and I smirked. This is what he gets messing around with Lance and talking shit about me.
After a couple hours Shiro left and I managed to squeeze some info from him but not much. I gave him a shot and he won't remember anything in the last 24 hours. As I down the dark streets Lances house came in view and I saw his room light on.
I smirked and decided to climb and see what he's up to. As i climbed close I see he was on his bed watching a movie with his younger sister. I tapped his window and he looked over and his eyes went wide and he turned the laptop off and shoo her away which was funny when she stuck her tongue out at him.
He shut his door and came towards the window and opened it as I came through. "Keith what are yo-" I shut him up as I kissed him and held the back of his neck pulling the back of his hair as I pulled away "I missed you.." I said panting as he smirks and wraps his arms around my neck as he hugs me
"Me too" it was silent until I caressed his face seeing the bruises and marks colt left him "That asshole hurt you" "Its okay, you saved me anyways" he kissed me again as he chuckled and I sigh "Yeah but he won't mess with you okay and I found a lead but it ain't much" "Already? You work fast"
"Yeah, I've trained for this" "Does Shiro know you're here?" "Nope, he doesn't and I hope you don't tell him" "Okay I promise I won't tell him, he's kinda scary" I chuckled as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes "He can be and so can I" he studies me a bit "Are you scared of me Lance?" He shrugs
"Sometimes, cause you keep a lot of things hidden" I sigh and nodded "Yeah I know and I'm sorry, when the time is right I'll explain everything" "Question" "Yes?" He holds my hands as he shifts his body a bit "Are you some assassin? Or something?" "Why?"
"Dude you're skills are like spy status and junk! Like dude!" I laughed as I looked down at our hands "I used to be" he looked so surprised and looked a bit cautious "So..have killed anyone? Be honest with me" "Yes I have but for only when I needed to"
"Wow..I'm dating an assassin I'm on top of the world" we chuckled as I kissed him again as he smiles at me "Please don't tell anyone Lance, I'm not supposed to tell anyone" "Dude how old were you when they recruited you" "About 15 or so, I was really good" "Oh you don't have to tell me twice"
I smirked "Why leave it?" "To much pressure and I wanted to be a normal teen before I'm out in the real world" "Would you go back?" "Maybe but I'm not keen on going back" he nods as he brings us to his bed as we sat down "Alright, wow you are so bad ass Keith"
I chuckle and nuzzle into his neck and leave tiny kisses "Yeah, but enough of me how was your day?" "Alright, Erika was asking questions about us and why I didn't walk you home" "Really?" "Yeah I told her to back off and then I yelled at her which I shouldn't but she pestered me a lot about it"
I held his cheek as he melts into it "She's just worried about you, since you're in a relationship with me and stuff. Did something bad happen in a previous relationship before we started dating?" "Yeah, this girl named cassandra"
right Lance is bi so he dated both I gotta keep that in my head "What happened?" "It just got to the point where she just used me and my family and left when she couldn't get it anymore" "What did she do?"
"She used me for sex and money and took advantage of my older sibilings for rides and other things she needed but my mom had enough and so did I so we broke up. The sad part of it was that I loved her a lot and I really saw a future together"
"Like..a family and other stuff?" "Yeah but she didn't really love me she just faked it and it hurt me a lot" I moved closer to his side and held his face "Lance I would never use you or your family, I care so much about you that I go crazy if I haven't see you in just a few hours. I love you a lot and trust me I would never take your love for granted"
he smiles and tackled me on the bed as he kissed me deeply and passionately as he straddles over my waist as I held his hips "I know, that's why I'm lucky to have you" I smiled and brought his lips towards mine as we just fell into a sweet and calm bliss.
I didn't mean to stay the night but I did and I was shirtless and didn't have my boxers either. It's something about Lance that made me crave him and it was like he was my support. I woke up seeing Lance sleeping soundly as I caressed his face.
I don't know what I'll do if someone hurt Lance. As i pulled away I heard him groan in protest "Don't stop" he mumbled as I chuckled and kissed his nose "You were awake?" "Yeah I felt when you woke and you were shaking around 2" I sigh
"I have nightmares sorry Lance" "It's okay, can I stay here with you all day?" "I wish but I have to keep looking" "Alright, can you see me tonight again?" "Maybe I have to update with shiro" "Oh right I forgot" I chuckled softly as I stood up and got dressed as I pulled my pants up Lance stood up and came close
"If we ever get married am I always going to worry what goes on with your life" "Probably, and you would marry me?" "Yeah, but that's in the future and what it holds" I nod as I placed my shirt "I gotta go, I'll see you later"
he nods but looks sad as I walk near the window "Hey, don't worry think positive and be alert cause I know you can beat them" he smiles and I pull him into a hug "Be careful Keith" "Will do" he kissed me a bit longer before I climbed down and headed out. It'll be over soon Lance I promise.
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