Impossible year
1 year later~
Lance Pov
It's been a crazy year and I want to say it's a miracle I graduated along with my friends and even Keith even though he wasn't present on that day. Now that we finally know what this project is we can have a career in it. Everything remained the same. Keith is still gone with the blades. Shiro is still our leader. And we're growing up.
At night I always think about Keith and what's he's up to. The last time I heard from him was graduation day. Since that day I have no idea if he's okay or dead? I barely sleep and even stay up watching my window if he decided to come and show. I even went to his shack and it looks like no one has step a foot in it over the past year.
The sheets still ruined and messy from the last time we spent together. This relationship was starting to rock. It felt like Keith didn't want to be here with me or anyone. He didn't want to be part of Voltron at all. "Lance?" I look up seeing Pidge give me a look. "You okay?" "No." She sighs "I figured. Anything on Keith?" I shake my head
"Not even a signal. I even asked his sister but she hasn't found any luck either." She nods and sits beside me "Do you think he's in a deep undercover mission?" I shrug "Probably but he would have let me know Pidge." She rolls her eyes
"I know but what if he didn't tell you because he didn't want you to get hurt? Think about it? Keith adores you and would kill anyone if he found out you got hurt or worse. You'll do the same." That's true. Keith would kill anyone who hurt me or even lay a hand on me but how would he know? He's never around anymore. "Whatever.." I said softly as Pidge got up and walked out the common room.
As I left the facility I was pulled to the side but before anything happened I flipped them and held them against the wall. "Who are you?! What the fuck do you want!" He grunt and chuckles "You got..better Lance" I stepped back shaking as the figure turned around and smiled at me "Keith?"
He pulled his hood down and his hair was past his shoulders and looked really fluffy "Hey Lanc-" I smacked his face as he held his head down and clenched his jaw "Lanc-!" I pulled him into a kiss before he pulled me closer and held tighter. "Where the fuck did you go?!" I panted as i opened my eyes to look into his own.
"Mission. I'm sorry but I couldn't let you know or you'll get hurt." Huh? Pidge was right. "Oh. Well you could've left me a note or something?" He chuckles as I caress his red cheek "Sorry for smacking you. I was upset." He smirks "It's fine I kinda deserved that." "Did you find answers? About your mom? It's been a year now you know. When are you coming back?" He sighs
"I only have limited info on my mother. She was definitely part of the blades but something went wrong. I've asked others that knew her personally and they had little. Also a few more months and I'll be back." I sigh "Keith do you like being with the blades? Be honest." He sighs "No. Not really but I have to endure it. Besides I'll be gone from them and here with you and the others. I miss you and everyone."
He kissed me and I smirked "But mostly you. If I don't get enough info I'll just leave and go back. Seeing now the blades are helping Voltron now." I nod as he held me closer. "How you been? Anything new?" I shrug as he looks at me "What?" "It feels like you're never coming back" he sighs as he caressed my face "I'll come back." "Promise" "Promise" we kissed and as he left my lips he took off and I lowered my head.
Please come back Keith.
"Keith!" I called as he turned "Yeah Lance?" I walked towards him as our lips collapsed again as it was longer and he held the back of my neck as he groans. "Can you see me tonight?" I whispered as he sigh as kisses my jaw "I'll try but I'm not sure I'll make it. So don't wait up.."
I nod as he left my neck and stared at my deep blue eyes "I love you Lance" I smiled "Love you too." He smirks and lowers his head as he pulls his hood up and walks away as I stood there watching him disappear. "Lance you coming?" I turned around seeing hunk ans pidge smiling but soon looked worried "What's wrong?" Pidge asked and I shrug "Nothing just thought I saw Keith..uh let's go have fun. Yeah?" They nodded uneasily but ignored my weird behavior. Oh Keith..
He lingered on my mind all day and night. I prayed to see him again and to spend time with him like before but it's different now. I can't be selfish and demand to have Keith with me always. It's making me we like a creep and a clingy boyfriend which I'm 'NOT' by the way! I sigh as I lay in my empty apartment as I heated leftover dinner.
I sat on my run down couch as I turned the tv on as old classic movies were playing and I groaned. Keith loved classic movies and we always play that stupid game. I changed the channel and decided to watch some old cartoon. "Why'd you change it? You know that's my favorite movie" I looked to my side and see Keith smiling brightly as i dropped my plate and ran into his arms as he chuckles and holds me tight.
Kissing my neck and cheek and eventually my lips. "You're here!" I said almost in tears as u nods "Yeah just for tonight. I asked Thace for a few hours and I guess it's my chance. So want to watch the movies or-" i cut him off as i pushed him towards my bedroom and fell to the bed. "Shut up and kiss me idiot" he smiles and laughs as he holds my face in his hands. Their warm and surprisingly soft which is hard to believe knowing Keith doesn't take care of his body.
We laid there staring at the ceiling panting and listening to our own breathing as i felt him shift. I looked to my side as he looked at me. "Why are you so beautiful?" I said as he turns a bit red "Why are you so handsome?" I chuckled as I moved closer towards him as we acted like our old self for that second.
"When do you have to go?" I asked but he shook his head "Lets not talk about that right now. I want to know everything that's happened in Voltron since I've been gone." I cuddled closer to him as he chuckles "Its a long story do you have time?" He nods "for you. Yeah I can make an exception." I nudged him as he laughs and god it's been forever since I've heard him laugh or smile for that matter. "Shut up. I'm talking sir" "Sorry. I'll listen.."
As soon as I started talking he listened to every word and even asked questions. But eventually it ended when the sun started to pour through the room. I whimpered as i held him closer as he sighs and held back. This part always killed me. Him leaving me again for who knows how long this time. I could tell he hated this part too.
"I have to go Lance. Trust me I don't want to go" I groan "I know but can you stay for a few more?" "I've stayed all night and I have to be up at 8 and it's 7." I sigh as I kissed him deeply as he lingered and pulled my bottom lip "I'll try and visit as much as i can ok?" I nod "Alright."
I reluctantly let him go as he got dressed. He pulled his hood up as he looked at me with a smile and crawled towards me and kissed me once more "Bye Lance. Love you" "Love you too" he caressed my cheek before he took off and I was left sitting in my bed alone. The warmth leaving as the cold filled the void.
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