Between Us
Keith Pov
I walked quickly into the woods and look for Lance, Pidge told me he was already waiting but I have no clue where he could be? I sigh before I thought about going back home. I lay againist a tree and waited until I heard branches break on the ground and I smiled but as it got closer it turned to be someone completely different
"Oh my you nearly gave me a heart attack young man!" An elderly woman said as she held her chest "I'm sorry, just waiting for a friend" she smiles "Young people today doing so many reckless things" I held in my laugh as I decided to moved to somewhere else.
As I walked more in I came across the pond me and Shiro used to come to when I was a kid, well when he was acting nice when he didn't feel like a dick. I looked out listening to birds chirp and crickets starting to show when I felt a hand wrap arund my waist and I flipped the unknown person over my shoulder towards the ground
"Seriously..mullet?" I sigh and kneel beside him and looked at him "Sorry..what did I tell you last time? Please make yourself present or else I'll drop kick you" he chuckles and held my pale white face down "Yeah..not gonna do that so come here" I groan as he pulled me down for a kiss which I loved
"You know it sucks that Shiro banned me from seeing you..and I also miss you" he said pouting and I ran my fingers across his soft face "I miss you too, Shiro is driving me nuts. He made me clean the house today..I hate cleaning" he smirks "Keith I know..that sucks, how long are you banned from seeing me?"
I sigh as I play with the tuff of his hair "About 2 weeks" "What? That's too long and I have needs!" I laughed a bit "You have needs? How so McClain?" He sits up and faces me and pressed our faces together "I have to have my daily dose of you sweet cheeks, I need your lips on mine, you hands roaming my warm body..and being able to get hard when you moan my name~"
I blushed and pushed him away playfully "Cut it out you think about me when you.." I felt myself get red and he noticed "Yeah? Do you think about me? Cause of you do that kinda hot" he said smirking at me and I crossed my arms "Oh come keithy boy it's perfectly normal it's all we got at the moment"
he manages to say as he held my hands in his "At the moment?" "Uh yeah? We were gonna go all the way before your brother came right?" I nodded "Well I was in the mood but I don't think I'll be in the mood unless I get my mind there" Lance shook his head "You're weird Keith"
I rolled my eyes "I'm not can you touch yourself knowing your family is around?" I asked a little curious on how he does it "Well I usually get off during the late nights when I know everyone is in a deep sleep and can't hear a damn thing" I raised a brow
"But wouldn't they hear you?" He shook his head "Nah, if you met my family and me we are heavy sleepers and also we need our beauty sleep. Especially my mother who is in her forties and still killing the game" I smiled at him talking about his family "I lock my door and get things set up and I take off, it's pretty simple"
he makes it sound so easy "I usually have to blast music or when I know Shiro won't be home.." he smirks at me and leans closer "Oh, are you moan loud?" My face was crimson and I nodded "Well only if I'm in the mood to other times it's just grunts or I just cover my mouth idiot" he rolls his eyes
"I like how we talked from seeing each other to masturbating in like 5 minutes" we both started laughing and looked at him "Yeah..we got some issues no wonder Shiro banned us from seeing each other" he nods and pulls his phone out "What time is it?"
He looks down and back at me "Its 3:45 p.m. why?" I sigh "I need to get back at 4:30 cause Shiro will be back from the gym" Lance sighs "I kinda hate how he took your phone.." "I know me too" as we stood and walked around a bit I could feel the time ticking away and Lance was trying so hard not to let me go.
He kissed me each time we made it to another spot and held closer "Don't go Keith.." I smiled at him and sigh "I wish I could stay but I can't, I'll try convincing Shiro to give me my phone and we could talk then?" I say giving him a small smile "I hope he does cause I'm kinda know" I blushed and noticed the tone in his voice
"We'll see come here" I held his face and kissed him long before I could see the back of my house "One more..that's it" I chuckled "Lance I gave you so many kisses, my mouth hurts" he grins and places another "Cause I miss you Keith" "This ain't Romeo as Juliet" I said and he smiles wide "Oh I'm definitely Romeo and you are the fair Juliet.."
I crossed my arms at him as he laughs "Alright I'm leaving" "Keith no don't go" he held me from behind and placed kisses on my shoulder and neck "Lance come on, I don't want Shiro thinking I snuck out to your place" he chuckles lightly "Then what hell are you doing now Kogane?" I let out a small laugh
"Shut up..but I have to go I'll see you at school okay?" He pouts "Okay, bye Keith" he pulled me into a proper hug and one last kiss "Love you" I say and blushes "I love you too, later" I waved and ran towards the house and made it before 4:30. As I walked towards the living room Pidge was laying on the couch and saw me
"Did you fuck?" I chuckled "Move over" she chuckles and sits up "To answer your question, No what kind of people would fuck in the woods? We aren't fucking animals Pidge" she shakes her head "You know..I heard the whole conversation between you two" I felt embarrassed "What? How?!"
"Lance butt dialed me and I heard you guys talk and kiss where were pretty wet..gross" I lowered my head a bit "Also I heard the masturbate thing too, y'all some freaks" I let out a laugh and she giggles too "Well you're a freak if you didn't hang up? Did you like hearing us kiss and stuff?"
She turned red and looked away "What?! Of course not what kinda person you think I am?" I shake my head "You are a pervert Katie Holt..a person who loves hearing two guys kiss and moan and talk about private things" "Shut the fuck up! I'm not a pervert!" I laugh and pull her into an embrace "Don't worry I still love you freak" she groans but giggles "I love you too asshole"
After a few minutes Shiro arrived in his workout clothes and with a box of pizza "I'm back!" He announces but we literally just saw him walk in "We know..Shiro can I have my phone back?" He looks at me and shakes his head "Keith you know the rules" "please Shiro, being grounded is enough but my phone? That's too far.."
he chuckles "Well who's fault is that?" I sigh "Come on Shiro, I need my phone so I can let you know where I am? I might not always be with Pidge or Lance since you banned me from him or even Allura.." he glares at me and I did the same "I can stand here all day" "So can I Shiro, don't fight me on this" he smirks
"Tell you what..I'll give you your phone tomorrow morning" I groan "Tomorrow morning?" He nods "Take it or leave it?" I sigh "Fine" he smirks and hands me a slice of pizza "Pidge want any?" "Yeah just a sec" she was typing away on her phone, probably with hunk or Lance "Who is it?"
She looked up and noticed Shiro and played it cool "My mom, she asked where I was so I told her I was here hanging with Keith" Shiro nods "Alright well I'm gonna shower see you guys in a bit" as he took off I looked at her "What did Lance say?"
"He asked if you got the phone but I told him tomorrow morning and he replied with a sad and crying emoji, look" I pout a bit "I tried..Shiro is hard to convince" Pidge nods "Tell me about time don't get in trouble Keith? I don't want people staring at me and him it looks bad" I chuckled "Sorry and I won't I promise you"
That night I locked myself in my dark room and stared up at the ceiling seeing the lights from the street cast in and I groan a bit. As i twist and turn I found a sweatshirt or a hoodie? I sat up and turned on my little lamp and saw it was Lances.
I smelled it which was weird for me because I never really do smelled like cinnamon and apple's with a hint of maple. I turned off my light and lay on my side and started palming myself..this was an all time low for me. After a few minutes or so I came and kept the hoodie beside me while I pant and try to breath calmly again. I really am weird aren't I? Or is this perfectly normal? I shake the thought and clean myself and try to sleep which worked.
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