Apology Not Accepted
Keith Pov
I rode on my long board as soon as I was in the road. Stupid lance asking me about my past as if I would even tell him. As i was gonna take off someone pulled my shirt as I look it's Pidge "I'm sorry about Lance he's too..what's the word? Intrusive?" I chuckled slightly
"Its whatever he seems annoying how did you and up in his group?" She sighs and holds her bag tighter "My brother and him are like childhood friends..I never met him because I was sent away to a boarding school for girls and when I finished there I moved back here..My brother Matt never told lance I was girl because he didn't want him flirting with me even though he's annoying and an idiot"
we smiled and laughed a bit "Well that's understandable I guess? Well I'm gonna.." "Hey let's go eat pizza? My treat?" Her smile reminded me of Anya she always made me do things I didn't want to but I ended up doing it cause I can't hurt a girl's feelings. "Sure I guess" we walked along and made it to a small pizzeria and it was actually pretty nice.
Teens were about and children and some adults "This is my favorite place..the food is great and also free WiFi which I love" she makes a face and I smirked "Sweet, where you want to sit?" She looked around and started walking and we sat in a dim booth away from screaming children and teens who were in the arcade area.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked as we looked at the people passing by "Go for it" "Are you comfortable with girls? Also are you into guys?" I blushed slightly and smiled "Firstly yes I'm comfortable with girls I had a best friend who was a girl. And yes I am into guys is that an issue?" She smiles "No, not at all I'm just glad to make a friend who isn't a total jerk or acts like lance"
I smirked and blushed slightly at Lances name. He saw me before but neither of us could tell if it was us or not. "Keith? What kind of pizza you want?" I looked at menu and bit my bottom lip. "I guess a meat deluxe?" She smiles "My man..it's My favorite as well" I chuckled "Guess we have things in common?" She nods and get our stuff ordered.
After waiting a few minutes the pizza cake out and we enjoyed our food. During it all we shared jokes and even some strange stories that happened in our lives, Pidge was pretty cool to hang with when the others weren't around. "Man I'm full! Look at my belly" I chuckled Seeing her rub her belly
"Same..I need to jog this off" as we left and paid as we did we heard someone calling our names "Pidge! Keith wait up!" I groan along with her as Lance jogged towards us "What is it?" She managed to say "I wanted to apologize to the both of you..first one is Keith. Dude I'm sorry for getting up in your business it was wrong of me to do it. I hope you can forgive me?"
I crossed my arms and glared at him "I'll sleep on it" I said calmly "Okay? Pidge I'm sorry for bothering you while you worked its just anything you do is interesting and I want to be part of it cause I'm bored or feel like I'm not your friend" does he have social anxiety? He seems really friendly and cheerful "Lance I'll let it slide since that's what Matt would have wanted" he smiles and hugs her
"Let go of me!" He quickly released her and looks at me "What about you?" I raised a brow "What about me?" "So you accept my apology?" I scoff and rolled my eyes "I told you I'll sleep on it..so wait until tomorrow" I smirked at him making him annoyed "Fine..then I'm heading home with or without you guys"
he walked by us and took off in a sprint. He runs pretty fast? "Can you believe that?" I popped out of my bubble and looked at pidge "What? I'm sorry I wasn't listening" she smirks "Were you staring at Lance?" I blush and moved my head to the side "No..I never realized he ran so fast" she nods
"Yeah he was on track..he's pretty good but not quick enough for combat in gym" I smirked wondering how he will be in action the next day. "Oh" I managed to say as we started walking home "So are you going to forgive him?" "Should I? He seems desperate for friends?" She giggles and sighs
"Lance is special, he needs to have good vibes around him or he'll go back into his thoughts" I sign because I could relate sometimes. I get lost in my thoughts as well but for totally different reasons.
"Special? Huh?" She nods and she rambles on until I dropped her at her house "See you tomorrow" I waved and took off making it home in time before Shiro even noticed "Keith?" Or not? I walk slowly to the living room where I see Shiro in his laptop video calling Allura. I knew it was her because I could hear her singing a sweet tune.
"Where you been?" "I told you I was hanging with pidge at the beach" "you went surfing?" "What? No we were sitting on the blanket doing our project" he nods slowly "Alright but it's nearly 11 at night? Why didn't you text me saying you were coming late?" I rolled my eyes and sign "Don't roll your eyes at me" I chuckled
"You sound like dad.." I heard Allura giggling "Shiro you sound like a father even though he's your brother" he chuckles "I know but I'm way too leaniate towards you." I nodded "Sorry I didn't text you, I'll text you next time okay?" He nods "Alright go get ready for bed" "Yes sir, night" I heard him chuckle "Night! No locking doors!" I shook my head and got ready for bed.
The next morning I got up and ready before Shiro which surprised him. "Your up an hour early? Any reason?" I shrugged "I managed to actually sleep instead of being in my computer all night" he smirks and hands me a plate of eggs "very funny, today we're doing a bonding exerise in gym..so be prepared"
I nodded and sigh hoping I don't get that rude guy that was my partner. "What's wrong?" "Nothing just thinking" he raised a brow at me "Come on spill it" "Fine..lance apologized to me for asking too many questions and I need a answer for today when I see him when we get to school." Shiro smirks
"Say apology accepted" I rolled my eyes "I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction..we're barely friends? I'm not gonna accept it" I crossed my arms as Shiro shakes his head "Stop being stubborn..this is why you don't have many friends" I rolled my eyes
"I don't have many friends because their fake and are liars" he scoffs "What about Anya?" I lowered my eyes "She's different and same goes for Pidge" he nods "Alright..ready?" I nodded and we headed towards the school "I don't have a meeting today so we'll go home together" I nodded as we went out seprate ways
"Morning Keith" I was stopped by Pidge who's hair was looking a little messy "Morning, did you brush your hair?" "Nope..and I haven't slept" I raised a brow at her "How are you still awake?" She shrugs "No clue but I'm pretty sure I'll be knocked out by robotics" I chuckled and saw lance make his way towards me
"Hey Keith, so may I get an answer?" He smiles and looks eager and I smirked back "Apology Not Accepted" I walked away as I heard him gasp and catch up to me "What?! Your kidding me?! What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?"
I smirked and stood in place "Make it up to me in gym. It's a bonding exercise so don't let me down or I'll never forgive you" he chuckles "Alright I see what game your playing..it's like a cat and mouse game isn't it?" I shook my head "No? Just being able to trust you? Now later lance" I took off and smiled thinking about gym.
As the day came to an end, it was finally gym and Lance was there in his blue gym uniform. "Alright since some of you don't really trust your fellow colleagues I've decided to test your trust with each other. Once we rundown on the basics we put your trust in combat so be prepared"
Shiro said lance moved closer to me "So..we're partners right?" I shook my head "Obviously Lance" he nods and chuckles "Sorry still a little lost" I felt like an idiot because lance could get me killed in practice combat. "First exercise is trust fall, easy" I looked at lance
"I'll catch you first Keith" I was a little scared if he dropped me but it's his chance to make it up to me. "Alright" as everyone got in line with their partners Shiro blew the whistle and I fell back and Lance caught me and pushed me back up "See I got you man"
I smiled and switched spots so I can catch him "Yeah" as the whistle went he fell back and I caught him and pushed him back up "I got you too" I have him a playful smirk and he seemed amused "Nice"
After few more exercises it was time for combat. I told Shiro to let us go first since I wanted to see what lance could do. "Alright guys in this combat simulator you have to protect each other from the laser..it's not painful but it might sting so be protective of each other" I nodded and Lance seemed unsure "Got it" I said and I looked at lance as he pulled up a shield from his armor "Yeah"
We stood back to back in a small ring while the rest watched and learned. "Lance get ready and protect me" I said as I got in my stance "Yeah got you covered Keithy" I blushed at the nickname that he covered me when the first laser shot out "Keith focus man!"
I shake my head and covered everything that could hurt lance and he did the same until the laser started going crazy making us move and do moves that I think weren't possible. Until I slipped and Lance covered me and helped me up quickly
"I got you!" I smiled and after the last shot we heard a ding. "You guys did great! Well done" Shiro smiles at us and everyone else seemed impressed. As me and Lance took off our suits I looked at him as he held a smile
"Hey lance?" He looked at me which made my heart beat a little fast and my face a slight pink "Apology accepted" he smirks "Thanks man" "No problem..you did great out there and for saving my butt" he chuckles
"Its nothing keithy boy, but next time you should stay focus on the task instead of me" he left me feeling flustered and a little embarrased for staring at him. I shake it off and meet up with him and the others.
No one really made it to the end like me and Lance did which surprised shiro. "That was good..go get changed and head home see you all tomorrow" everyone walked into the lockers room and changed. I didn't really shower with the other and neither did Lance which surprised me.
"Hey not going on either?" He smirks and nods "Nah I usually take a shower when everyone leaves or just take one as soon as I get home" I chuckled "Well I can't shower here I feel exposed..and besides Shiro is my ride home" he looked at me "You mean takashi shirogane?"
"Yeah he's my brother" he gasps "He's your brother? You guys don't really look alike?" I chuckled "I'm more like an adoptive brother but it's whatever" he nods "That's cool..I would ask about his arm but I don't want you to hate me again" I shrugged "You could ask him? He's more nicer then me"
I admitted "Dude your nice? Just your more to yourself that's all" I smiled at what he said and stood up "Leaving..do you want a ride? I think Shiro could take you?" He turned red and lowered his head "I don't want to be a bother" I sigh "You won't Lance and it could be a chance for us to be friends?" He smiles and nods
"Alright thanks Keith" I nodded and we grabbed our things meeting Shiro in his office "Hey Shiro do you mind taking Lance home?" He smiles at me and at him
"Not at all" he gave me a look and I rolled my eyes "Lance you did amazing today, especially protecting him" I scoff "Thanks Sir..and it was nothing" he had a cocky grin and I shake my head.
The ride home was pretty entertaining when Shiro and Lance started singing seven eleven by beyonce. I just kept my head lowered and laughed while lance put his hands up shaking them like crazy.
As we made it to Lances house it had toys scattered all over the lawn and bikes and whatever could fit. "Thanks for the ride guys" he waved as he jumped over the mess on his yard and towards his door. "You like him don't you?"
I blushed and shook my head "No! I don't like him Shiro" he chuckles "You look happy when he's around?" I must admit it was nice having lance around but we just started being friends and for me to actually have him as a friend. "I guess but i don't like him Shiro" "What about Pidge?"
"Pidge is a girl" he looked shocked "Wait Pidge is a girl?" I nodded "Yeah dude..he's real name is Katie Holt but she has another one in the academy" he looks confused
"Alright? Why do you make the oddest of friends?" I shrugged "Beats me? At least I made some friends Shiro" he chuckles "That's true..maybe you should talk to anya it's been a couple months" I sigh "I'll see" Shiro decided to end the conversation so I won't get mad. To be honest anya was the reason I got into that stupid fight..we'll see.
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