My Kids
Hey guys. I'mm having some trouble with my family right now, and I fucked up really bad guys. I could end up leaving my sister and mom and go to live with my dad, and right now I'm fighting suicidal feelings. I have gotten to the point where I just wanted to hit the vein or grab the gun. My parent are going to take me to talk to someone and hopefully I'll be okay. ~ Madi
~~Three Weeks Later~~
I'm in bed, dreaming of our kids racing down the hall and grabbing onto my legs. The thing that wakes me from my dream, Is Lucky Screaming.
I hurry out of bed and pull on a pair of sweatpants, grabbing Lucky's hospital bag.
I know.
I know it's time.
I see Lucky on the floor, crying and holding her big tummy.
I pick her up and start to call an ambulance. I put her into the car and speed out to the highway to the hospital. She screams beside me, and all I can do is feel bad for her.
I did this.
She holds her stomach with our kids bundled up inside.
A cop turns his lights on and stops us. I pull over and he walks over to the car.
The moment he sees (Y/N), he knows.
He pulls in front of us and makes traffic move out of the way, letting us get there faster.
As we pull into the hospital bay, a stretcher is already out there to wheel Lucky away.
I lay her on it, gently, and let her squeeze her hand, feeling her fingernails stab my palm.
I follow her into a brightly light room and continue to hold her hand. She's crying, crying for three people.
They let me stay as Lucky goes through the process of breathing, but they ask me to leave...
They lock the door after they push me out and make me stay there!
I have to sit out here, listen to my wife scream and cry as she's giving birth to my kids!
I hear her scream my name through the thick metal door, and suddenly, something wet taps my hand.
Tears roll down my pale cheeks.
Tears of joy, and pain.
I hear her scream more as someone tells her to breathe.
I let myself lean against the wall and slid down to the floor. I cry and cry.
For my wife. My kids. Myself.
Finally I hear something.
A little cry.
A cry from a baby.
Oh my God!
I hear one more 45 seconds later!
The latch opens on the door and I scramble to my feet and rush in the door.
(Y/N) is on the bed, dripping sweat. She sees me and in that instant, she smiles.
I rush over to her and kiss her sweetly.
"Dear God! SEAN!" She practically jumps. She settles down and whines.
"Where are they!? Where! I want to meet my kids!" I smile widely as a nurse comes over with 2 bundles of blanket.
She hands me the pink bundle, and Lucky the blue.
"So, mom, what are their names?"
Lucky looks over at me and smiles.
"Her," she nods her head towards the bundle in my arms,"She is Lacey Lee McLoughlin."
I look down at the girl in my arms and smile at her, "Hi, Lacey. I'm daddy."
Lucky looks at the boy in my arms and says, "He. He's Hunter Kellen McLoughlin."
Lucky starts to cry as she lifts the blanket from Hunter.
I do the same and just cry too.
They are mine.
My kids.
My Wife.
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