Hey Guys! I was wondering if you guys would like a vision (different book) of either Lacey or Hunter!! Please VOTE in the comments and I'll see which you guys would prefer! Alright! Let's get on with the writing!! (BTW TWENTY ONE PILOTS IS BEST TO LISTEN TO WHILE WRITING!!) ~ Madi
I watch Jake walk across the kitchen to go outside. I know, FOR A FACT, that he has a pack of cigarettes and a lighter Donnie always used, but Donnie never smoked.
Jake didn't smoke before Donnie died, but he started a few weeks after. He lives in his own house now, but he's moving. He says Donnie doesn't visit him there.
But here's what I remember.
Donnie said if Lacey and Hunter needed help he would be there to help.
Jake puts the cancer stick in between his teeth and lights the end.
I watch the grey smoke dance and float off of his pale lips.
I can hear Jack shout from upstairs, even though the kids are sleeping.
I guess they'll have to get used to it.
Jake smoked the cig faster than I had thought and walked back inside.
"Hey, Luck. What would you say if I died?" He asked this with total confidence.
I feel my throat clog with emotion.
"I would cry till the Earth died. I would be happy that you and Donnie would be happy again. Jake, I know you're miserable, but someone will come along, and you will love them. You won't forget Donnie, but you can dull the pain."
Jake nodded his head and smiled at me as he walked outside of my house. When he did, I saw him twist his ring, and a tear dropped on to his hand.
He whispered something to himself, but I couldn't hear it.
"Don't you dare leave us too, Jake Michael."
~~Le Time Skip~~
I climb into the crisp sheets and pat the bed, telling Jack to get his ass in here.
"I'm coming!" He yells, but he's laughing. He climbs in and kisses me softly.
"Keep an eye on Jake."
"He asked me today how I would feel if he died."
Jack just stared at me, "And you didn't tell him to stay?"
"No. I know how it feels to hurt." I stare at the ceiling, feeling Jack ruffle in the sheets.
"I'll check on him tomorrow. I love you." He leans over and kisses me once more, wrapping an arm over my hip.
"I love you too, Jack."
~~Time Skip to Morning~~
I watch Lacey kick her feet in the air as I dress her in a cute little sundress, which is pink, with a pair of white sandals.
I walk over to Hunter's side of the room and pull him out of his crib. I dress him in a pair of camouflage sweatpants and a shit that says, "Fight me, my sister will kick you."
I laugh. Jack picked out that stupid shirt. I tug on a pair of socks and shoes and set him on the ground.
As of yesterday the twins turned TWO FRICKIN YEARS OLD!!!!
Lacey and Hunter are walking, but they're still a bit wobbly.
I set the twins on the ground and watch them walk out the door.
I walk down to Jack's room and make sure he's not recording.
"Yeah, baby?"
"I had a horrible dream last night..."
Jack got up and hugged me, "What was it?"
"I had cancer..."
CHECK OUT Slenderboy152
THE CLUB (1&2)
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