Chapter 9
"You know what, I don't know why Cody and his sister and friend like hanging out with you but it needs to stop, Or I can and will make your life a living hell. Do you understand" she forcefully said.
I just nodded and she left.
And then shut the door and sat up against it and cried.
I text Cody and said.......
"that I did not feel like going out tonight." Then I quickly told Alli that Cody and aren't going out tonight.
After that I just Continued to sit up against my front door and cried. Then I finally found the strength to get up and go to my room.
I was sitting in the corner of my room like I always do. Then my phone buzzed telling me I had a text message it was from Dawn :).
"Why did you lie to me? I thought we were best friends. But I guess not considering you did not tell me you knew Jake and had been hanging with him as well as Cody and Alli. Had the thought ever occurred to you to tell me? You know what don't answer that I don't want to talk to you."
(A/N: Just so you know guys Dawn would not act like this. And Dawn please dont hate me)
That is it my life isn't worth it. There is no reason for me to be here. No one seems to care what my opinion is or what I have to say for the things I do. Not even my best friend.
I went into my closet where I hid a pack of razor blades and grabbed one. It was sharp, shiny, and unused. I went back to the little corner in my room and made a few small cuts on my wrist that weren't deep at first but then they got deeper as I went along and just as I was about make like the 5th or 6th cut someone burst through the door.......
~Jakes P.O.V~
I Just got to Cody's it takes about 15- 20mins to get there. Just as I walked through the door I heard Cody's phone go off and then someone stomp up the steps and slam a door shut.
"Cody, please open up" I got no response
"Hey Jake" Alli said walking out of her room.
"Hey Als, do you know what's wrong with him" I asked hopefully.
"Um, I think it has to do with Kat and his date tonight. It got called off. She had text me telling me her and Cody aren't going out tonight"
"ugh, ok well I got to go" I said hugging her bye.
"No I will go, I was heading over there anyways. And besides Cody would probably talk to you before he would me" She said running out.
~Alli's P.O.V~
I got to Kats house I could hear her crying from her room. I ran into her room and saw cutting herself it broke my heart.
"Kat don't do it I screamed" she looked up at me and started bawling her eyes out.
"I'm sorry Alli, I really am" she said
I bandaged up her cuts and let Jake know what was going on and that everything is under control. Then we talked about everything and why she called the date off with Cody. Then we watched a movie and literally 5 mins in she was out cold. Now I am home comforting Cody while Jake is with Kat.
~~~~~There you go hope you guys enjoy. Xo-~~~~~~
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