Chapter 7
"Yeah, What is it Cody?" I said concerned not knowing what he was going to ask me.
"Ok.... Well Kat I have liked you since the day we met...... And I was wondering if you would go out with me?"
When he said that I was in pure shock. Out of the millions of girls he could ask on a date he asks me..... a normal girl.
Me a girl with a screwed up life, bullied, cuts, amounts to nothing. The girl that sits in the corner of her room for hours crying because of what people do to her. The girl who's dad is always to busy to notice all the problems. Why me? Was the question running through my head the entire time.
"Yes" I said as Cody's smile had just disappeared off of his face to instantly re-appear.
We just stood there in silence. But it was one of those comfortable silences, until I broke the silence.
"We should go before they think something happened" I said sadly breaking the silence.
"But something did happen, I asked you out" Cody said with a huge smile on his face.
"yeah, true come on lets go. I really wanna catch a couple waves"
~~Later at Kat's~~
"Kat can we talk" Alli said pulling me off to my room
"Do I have a choice"
"No" she says as we walk into my room and she shuts the door.
"what do ya want Alli"
"what took you and Cody so long in the Surf Shack" she asked
"oh, umm I was having trouble with my wet-suit and we talked to Dave for a bit" I said nervouse to se if she took that answer.
"No, I want the actual truth Kat"
"Fine, Cody asked me out"
"OMG, what did you say. You said yes right"
"Yeah, I said yes Alli"
"when is the date" she asked
"I don't know he didn't tell me" I said laughing because Alli was asking a million questions.
That night Cody and Alli spent the night at my place, So we stayed up late watching movies.
I was in Cody's arms on the couch, Jake had his head on my lap asleep and Alli was on the other side of Cody.
~~~~ Sorry it is kinda short loves. I have a lot going on. I just got through one death in my family and may have another, My dads uncle is in the hospital. And personal things going on . Love you guys. Remeber aways stay strong and dont let anyone bring you down. Xo-
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