Chapter 17
~~~~First off Happy Valentines Day!!!! And irk how long this will be probably not that long I am writing it on my phone so there am be major spelling and grammar errors. Feel free to let me know if you want to edit this chapter for me or any of them.... Except the first one it's been edited. Xoxo-M~~~~
"Okay, what would you guys like for dinner?" Angie asked as we walked through the front door.
"I'm good. But thanks" I said giving Angie a slight smile. As I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.
My phone had been blowing up with twitter and Instagram notifications all day. Then my phone went off, but luckily it was Cody, letting me know they just finished up at the studio.
I replied back with an "Okay, I love you. oh and can we talk later? its kinda Important"
A few minutes later he replied back with a "I love you too. And yeah sure."
Kat's POV
I guess I must have fallen because I woke up to someone picking me up. I looked to see who it was.... Cody of course.
"Hey" I said sleepily
"Hey Angle. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you I was just going to put you in bed so you could get a good nights rest" he said smiling down at me and continued on up to his room.
"No it's fine I have to talk to you anyways" I said burying my head in to his chest" h he laughed as I did that.
"No you look tired love. It can wait till tomorrow I'm sure"
"No it can't" I said on the verge of tears thinking about all that I am going to tell him. And how upset and mad he will be at me.
"Hey hey hey, don't cry. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't have a reason to cry" Cody said rubbing my back trying to calm me down. As he sat down on his bed.
"Yeah but after I tell you what I wanted to talk to you about you will hate me. And will probably end up breaking up with me"
"I could never hate you. And wouldn't break up with you if my life or career depended I it." He said I a serious tone. I looked up into his eyes and they said the same as his tone did. He was actually serious he would give up his career to date me.
"Yeah, what is it love"
"Can I talk to you now?"
"Yeah, but you already are"
"That's not what I meant and you know it"
"Yeah, you can talk to me about anything okay" he said in a more serious tone than he had been talking I before.
"And I will love you no matter what you tell me. I promise." He said
"Okay here goes. You know how I cut.... And how I said I would stop. Well I didn't I'm sorry. Okay I did stop for a couple of months but after that I couldn't take it. Everyone was busy and the bullying and all the hate got worse." I said crying
"And then everyone kept calling me fat and I believed them I haven't eaten in about a month." I said burying my head further into Cody's chest if that was even possible.
"but why?" Cody said with tears streaming down his face.
"I-I I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to tell you so many times but I always got scared you would yell at me. And every time I would cut and you interrupted me by knocking on the bathroom door. I would be mentally cursing myself for being so stupid. I am really sorry" I said rapping my arms around his torso and burying my head back into his chest.
We sat there in silence for about 10 mins. Until I finally spoke.
"Cody are you mad at me?"
"Kat, I'm not mad at you I am upset that you didn't tell me and that you where lying to me every time I asked you if something was wrong. Love I don't like seeing you cry unless they are happy tears. We are going to get through this together. And we are going to get you eating properly again okay!" He said with concern and seriousness laced throughout his voice.
"Okay I promise. But can we start tomorrow? I'm sorta tired?" I said giggling
"Yeah we can." He said smiling. "Go get changed and then we can go to bed he said tossing me on of his shirts."
"Cody you know I have my own clothes right?"
"Yeah but you look cute in my shirts" he said
So I went and changed into the short Cody gave me and a pair of night shorts and went back to Cody's room. Cody was still I the bathroom so I went and laid down in his bed and got situated under the bed sheets. And Cody soon joined.
"Goodnight angle. I love you" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the top of my head
" goodnight, I love you too" I said turning so that I face him and pecked him on the lips.
--------- alright I hope y'all enjoy!!! Don't forget to comment and vote. Oh and check out my friend Stephanie's story "Intrude" you can go to my page and find it there. Show her some love!!! Have a great valentines day. Xoxo-M❤️🐨
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