Chapter 1
"Come on dad hurry up" I yell to my dad, looking at the clock that hung above our TV. 12:30 is read. Perfect.
"I am coming Kat, just let me grab my camera and some earplugs" He yelled back. I looked at him like he was crazy. 'Why in the world do you need ear plugs' I thought.
Today my dad is taking me to see Cody Simpson because, a while ago, I won a bet. He said that if I could go a month without talking or mentioning anything about Cody Simpson, he said he would get me VIP meet and greet and take me to his concert. Well, it was extremely hard, but I managed to do it, so yay for me. My dad came rushing down the stairs, putting a shirt on in the process. I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch.
"Are you ready now? If we don't hurry, we will be late for the meet and greet!" I said, and I saw him roll his eyes at me.
"Yes, I'm ready. Let's go." He said as he threw open the front door, grabbing his keys and wallet on the way. I hurried behind him and got into our old pickup truck. She was an old truck, but she was great. He started the car and started the 20 minute drive to the arena. On the way there, we sang along to songs from my phone (I may or may not have thrown some Cody songs in the mix). It was an awesome car ride. We got to the arena and got out, going straight for the entrance. We gave the people at the doors our tickets and when inside the arena, went over to the meet and greet area. While standing in line I went and checked my Twitter.
Feeling the urge to tweet, I send out "@143Katlovesya OMG: Can't wait 'till I get to meet @CodySimpson, I am so excited".
A few minutes after I sent it, I got a few replies, fave's and re-tweets. And when I was looking at the replies, I saw one from a girl I didn't really know."@Ellie_Luvs_Cody: @143Katlovesya OMG, I am here to I would love to meet you."
So we made a plan to meet each other after the meet and greet. Looking up from my phone, I realized that it was almost my turn. There were just two people ahead of me and my dad, one was a tall blond girl and I'm assuming her little sister. I think the little girl's name was Maria, because the blond girl kept saying "Maria quit complaining."
Soon enough somebody was telling me it was my turn, so I walked up to Cody like I would walk up to anybody. But as soon as I took one look in his eyes, I stopped breathing. You know how people say someone looks much better in person? Well, it's true. His eyes were as blue as an ocean, but I could see little specks of green. I would have melted on the spot, but then I realized where I was, so I snapped out of my daze and smiled at him.
"Hey" I said casually, acting like I wasn't talking to the greatest person ever!
"Hey angel, what's your name?" asked Cody, sending me his perfect smile. I giggled at his name, rolling my eyes playfully.
"Kat" I responded, smiling back at him.
"Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl" Cody said which instantly made me blush so I quickly looked down at my feet, waiting to turn my face back to its normal color.
When I looked back up, I made eye contact with Stacey, the girl that rules the school. Well at least that's what she thinks. Really, she just walks around school with two others girls behind, making her seem cooler than she really is. I looked away quickly, trying to ignore her presence, but it felt like she was just staring a hole through me. So I quickly turned my attention back to Cody and asked him, "Do you mind signing my VIP pass and take a picture with me?"
"Sure" He said, smiling once again. I would think smiling that much would hurt, but I wouldn't know. I have never smiled as much as I've seen him smile - ever! He took the picture with me and then signed my pass.
"I hope to see your smiling face out in the crowd tonight, it was nice meeting you." He said when he was done signing my pass.
"Thank you so much Cody" I said giving him a hug
"And it was nice meeting you too, Bye" I added
"Bye angel" he said. I walked out into the arena, immediately finding my dad. We sat in our seats as the girls piled into the arena. Luckily, the concert started after about 10 minutes of waiting, thank goodness.
1 hour later
Cody's show has been amazing, so far. And I now see why my dad brought earplugs, all the loud screaming of girls, which is one of the main things my dad can't handle. Cody was on his second to last song when Justin came up to me and asked if I wanted to be Cody's angel tonight. I was just about to say yes when I thought to myself, 'If I did this, I know I would end up getting hell from Stacy. And that is the last thing I need this summer, I get enough of it from school.'
"Sorry, but I'm going to have to say no. It's just some personal things." I explained to Justin.
"Ok are you sure?" Justin sadly asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I am sure. Please tell Cody that I am sorry" I said, and he nodded in agreement and walked off, finding another girl. When Angel came up, and the girl came on stage, you could see Cody's face drop ever so slightly, but a smile immediately replaced the frown. Hm, maybe I should have gone up there after all.
All throughout the song, Cody kept looking around the stadium until he saw me. Hurt flashed through his eyes, and I mouthed 'sorry' to him, and he nodded, understanding what I meant. He winked at me before finishing his song. The girl left and Cody started his final song, On My Mind. He looked at me the whole time, and I just blushed and smiled. After the concert, I had to go home, but I wish I could have stayed and talked with Cody some more. But I guess if things were to happen between us, I would see him again someday, somewhere unexpected.
A/N I know its short I am sorry I am in the middle of writing the second Chapter and then i will type it onto my computer and upload it for you guys and i hope you like my story. oh and i am always up for suggestions. :) And thank you @Breaking_Music for the cover art and editing this chapter for me your amazing. Yall should check out her stories.
Love yall thanks for reading....
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