(Kara's POV)
I still have so much questions. First off, why is Aeru so dead set on having a trial. That Bisharp could've just hid the pearl anywhere and say he has no clue where it is. Plus, even if we somehow did return the pearl, I have committed so much thefts too other pokemon, so wouldn't that just cancel out the 'big' theft.
I simply came here to pay for my actions, not to claim I'm innocent; because deep down I knew for a fact that I was far from innocent.
I saw Wigglytuff whisper something in Aerutheal's ear, then soon later followed by Chatot leading me away from the office.
My feet felt like sand, almost gluing me to the hard pavement below. The only thing that kept me moving was sorrow, knowing that I was probably going to be executed this very day. I was a horrible pokemon, a sad excuse for a Gardevoir. All I hoped was that death it wasn't to terribly painful. I sighed loudly, trying to rid that thought of my mind.
We were walking to a big place labeled, "Court House". On the front of a building was a large clock that read, 1:33. I assumed then that my trial began at 2:30, estimating the amount of walking time we've done so far. While we were walking towards my death house, I started feeling .... weird. Not like sick, but different, as if I was under some kind of dizzy spell. Before I knew it, everything started fazing into two, and my vision blurred. The ground felt like it was sinking, and my eyes blinked hastily.
The last thing I saw was the large clock at the front of thee building, slowly spinning as my sight started to fade away.
(Ancient Realm)
I opened my eyes and felt dizzy. It took a little while to digest where I was, due to the dizziness that overcame my body. I was in a very foggy sort of place, little clouds surrounding me. The fog covered the floor all the way to the seemingly never ending sky.
"Kara?" A familiar voice called out.
"Aeru!" I smiled, turning around to be met by his happy and jittery face. I begun to walk towards him, until my memories kicked in.
'Wasn't I just on my way to doom. Chatot was leading me to the courthouse, but now I'm here, in some crazy and distorted place.'
"Crazy, isn't it." Aeru smiled.
"Yeah," I stared around wondrously, almost immediately noticing that the fog was beginning to clear up. The 'floor' that me and Aeru were standing on revealed to be a massive floating cloud, with several colors reflecting off of it.
"O hero's chosen by destiny," the feminine voice rang out.
"O hero's chosen by fate," the masculine voice echoed vastly.
Aeru and I immediately looked around cautiously, trying to identify the two voices.
"Fear not, you two are deep within your conscience," the feminine voice echoed.
"However, you two are both here for a common reason," the male voice chimed in.
Instantly, a massive light engulfed us. When the light faded away, two figures stood before us. One was black with a red scarf-like object running over his neck. He had two midnight blue eyes, each shining under the light. The other was a sort of cream colored figure and sort of represented a swan. This creature had beautiful wings flowing around her, along with two purple eyes.
"I am Cresselia," the cream one introduced herself.
"I am Darkrai," the second one responded.
There was a moment of silence that passed. For some odd reason I remembered those two, like I saw them before.
"We are here to test you," Cresselia began.
"To see if you are ready," Darkrai finished.
"So, show us your strength, will, power. Show us that you can best ours. If you two truly want to walk the path of hero that is. Now it begins!" Cresselia finished, taking a battle stance next to Darkrai.
"So these were what my dreams meant," Aeru wondered aloud, dodging a shadow ball from Darkrai.
"Wait, you get these dreams too?" I asked as I jumped in the air to avoid an ice beam from Cresselia.
We continued to try dodging their attacks, but Darkrai and Cresselia worked in such coordination that each attack we dodged seemed to trap us for an attack from the other.
"I don't know how much more I can take," I whispered to Aeru as I barely managed to dodge a Dark pulse from Darkrai.
"Stay strong Kara, I can handle Darkrai if you can protect me from Cresselia." I nodded, "I'll do my best."
I watched as Aeru charged Darkrai with a close combat, running straight past Cresselia. Cresselia was beginning to form an ice beam, so I quickly created a Shadow Ball and blocked the beam halfway from hitting Aeru.
"Ack!" Darkrai gasped when Aeru struck him with the attack, falling back a bit. Darkrai quickly shook off the hit and countered with Dark Void, the attack stroking Aeru and sendinf to sleep.
I dodged another Ice Beam from Cresselia, making it fly past me and hit Darkrai.
"Oops, sorry," Cresselia apologized, leaving her open for a quick shadow ball from me.
Aeru was getting weakened though, due to Darkrai's Bad Dream ability.
"Aeru, wake up!" I called out as I dodged a Dark Pulse from Darkrai.
Blade slowly opened his eyes in enough time to see an ice beam from Cresselia being fired his way. He quickly side stepped away, causing the ice beam to roll passed him and strike Darkrai once more.
"Oops, sorry again!" Cresselia apologized, allowing me to strike her with Thunderbult.
Darkrai was frozen due to the Ice Beam, and was helpless to dodge a close combat from Aeru, knocking him out.
"Nice work Aeru," I grinned, only to soon later be hit by an ice beam from Cresselia.
"Never let your guard down!" Cresselia said as she shot a Shadow Ball at me, dealing sufficient damage.
"Now, Darkrai! It's up to you!" Cresselia yelled as she used Lunar Dance, Knocking herself out but reviving Darkrai in the process.
"Cressie! What'd you do that for." Darkrai scolded her in a concerned voice.
He then began to lob a powerful Dark Pulse towards me, which I barely dodged and struck at him with Thunderbolt.
Darkrai almost looked done for, but that didn't stop him from powering up another Dark Pulse and aiming it for Aeru. Aeru looked pretty worn out now, and would probably be knocked out if this hit him. Without thinking I jumped in front of him and yelled, "Aeru, Finish him off!" I took the hit and stammered backwards. Darkrai was super worn out, and couldn't dodge the incoming Close Combat from Aeru, knocking him out.
"I-is it o-over?" I said quietly, panting hard from the damage I received.
"Uh... Yeah, I think!" He said joyously, walking back over to me.
"It's to soon to celebrate," Darkrai said sternly, who had miraculously regained consciousness and was floating next to Cresselia.
"Congratulations! You have passed your first test! Now, on to the second!" Cresselia beamed happily. "I wish you the best of luck!"
Me and Aeru began sinking below the cloud, falling below the never ending darkness.
After no longer feeling as if I was falling, I reopened my eyes again. I was surrounded by 7 pillars, each one glowing a separate color.
"A-aeru?" I softly whispered as I stood back up.
"Ugh... Yeah?" he replied once he stood up also. The seven pillars around us were dimly lit, just barely allowing us to intemperate their colors.
"Alright hero's, now you must remove the darkness from around you. Fill this place with the seven colors. Good luck, your trial begins now!" Cresselia's voice ringed aloud. After she said this, one crystal slowly made it's way to the tops of each small pillar. Each crystal seemed to have the same color as the pillar it chose to reside on.
"Alright, let's see now. There are seven pillars, and we are supposed to light the room with seven colors. I say those pillars represent a sort of color code." Aeru informed.
"Good Idea, let's go see." I walked up to the Pillar nearest us, and noticed it to be a very light colored blue.
"What if I touch the crystal."I said aloud as I reached out my hand. Aeru quickly stopped me before I made contact though.
"No Kara, we don't know what it does it." I frowned and moved my hand away. Aeru leaned in to get a closer look, examining the pillar closely.
"Hmm... maybe these mean...." He was cut off when he leaned in a little to far and fell face first into the crystal.
"Oops." He muttered out as a bright light engulfed us and the room began to change into a snowy sort of hemisphere.
After the whole place changed, each one of the pillars sank back into the ground. Around us were snowy mountains, along with a couple of trees scattered here and there.
"W-what... just... happened?" I muttered, my mind blank.
"You two have just started one of your seven trials for your test. If you succeed, you may move on to the next. Good Luck!" Darkrai's voice echoes aloud.
Soon after Darkrai's voice diminished, a soft and mellow rhythm was heard in his place. The tune had a soft and quiet tone, just barely enough for us to hear.
"Aeru, do you hear that?" I questioned, trying to focus on the quiet tone.
"Yeah, I think it's a flute. My mom used to play one to me when I was little."
"That sounds neat," I remarked, smiling to him. Me and Aeru walked along the snowy terrain, observing every part of our surroundings.
I took quick glances at Aeru, noticing his bright smile and his observant eyes. Why was he always so positive, it's like nothing could bring him down.
After a few more minutes of nonstop walking, the flute in the background stopped suddenly, only to resume later but at a much higher frequency.
"Whoa, that was weird," Aeru commented, coming to a stop.
"Maybe that means something." I stopped moving as well, and listened closely to the music. The tone continued at the higher frequency, never changing it's rhythm.
"Let's try moving straight some more," Aeru suggested.
"Sounds like a plan." We both began to move again, heading in the same direction as we were previously. After a few more minutes of this, the notes began to go crazy.
"I think we..." I was cut off by a loud howl, followed by the snow beginning to pick up violently. I looked up towards the growl and saw none other than Articuno, one of the legendary trio birds. I did some studying on him prior, and knew that he was an Ice and Flying type.
Articuno landed next to us, growling immensely as we took our battle stance.
"I think we have to beat him?" Aeru whispered, staring dead at the enraged bird.
"Let's do this!" I said loudly, swirling my hands around and creating a Shadow Ball. Aeru created an Aura Sphere in his own hands, and we both fired our attacks at Articuno. Our combo was a direct hit, creating a smoke cloud on impact. I formed another Shadow Ball in my hands, and held it there until the smoke cleared.
The smoke cleared to reveal Articuno swirling around in the air, creating a massive Blizzard around us. Articuno became harder and harder to see, almost hiding within the snow. An ice beam shot at me from above, striking my well formed Shadow Ball and exploding it on impact.
"Darn, I can barely see him!" I said as I was struck with another Ice Beam.
"Uh... What should we do, we can't attack what we can't see." I said aloud, moving out of the way just in time to avoid a Brave Bird from Articuno.
"Wait, yes we can. We're psychic types remember." Aeru said, pushing me out of the way of an Ice Beam.
I closed my eyes and used my psychic powers too scan my surroundings. I sensed Articuno in the air preparing a Brave Bird, but I was still unable to avoid it.
"T-that didn't work, I'm n-not f-fast enough." I spat out, panting hard from the hits I was taking.
"You know Thunder Bolt right. I'll distract him and you use Thunder Bolt, since flying types are weak to electric type moves."
"But Aeru..." He cut me off by yet again pushing me out of the way of an Ice Beam, this time being struck by the move dead on.
He shook off the hit and yelled aloud, "Hey you ugly bird! Come at me!"
I began to focus once more, this time sensing Articuno about to strike Aeru with Brave Bird. Articuno flew high up in the air, and began swooping down at an insane speed.
'3... 2... NOW!' My mind screamed as I released a gigantic Thunder Bolt. The Thunder Bolt flew at a devastating speed and hit Articuno a few inches away from Aeru's head.
Articuno gave out one last screech as he fell to the ground defeated.
"We... Did it," I said completely out of breath, about ready to faint from exhaustion.
Just as I said that, the area around us changed, forming into the original room we started in. This time one of the pillars was lit up, lighting up that segment of the room with a light blue color.
"Trial number one completed. Good luck you two!" Cresselia's voice echoed throughout the room.
"Okay, I picked first. So why don't you pick the next one Kara." I nodded to him and walked up to the next pillar nearest us. This pillar was a blazing red, it's crystal representing the same color. I took in a deep breath and touched the crystal, causing a big wave of light to engulf us once more. When I reopened my eyes, we were in a gigantic volcano like area.
The pillars quickly sunk beneath the ground, leaving no trace of themselves at all. We were in a blazing hot area. Lave was dripping down the walls next to us, followed by fires almost everywhere you went.
"It's really hot in here." I said, already sweating.
"I know. We should really hurry this one up, I hate this place." I nodded in agreement, and we began to listen closely to the music that rang throughout the area. This tone sounded different from the other. The tone was more rough.
"I think it's a drum this time." I said, listening to the loud thumps the instrument was displaying.
Me and Aeru began straight, keeping a careful ear on the instrument. After a couple minutes of walking, the instrument seemed to become even quieter, making it harder for us to hear it.
"I don't believe that's a good sign." Aeru said, frowning slightly.
"Let's just t-turn around and g-go the other w-way." I said, panting and sweating immensely.
We turned around and headed the other way. After a good ten minutes of walking, the sound finally changed to an enormously monstrous "THUMP" and the ground began to shake vigorously.
"Are you ready Aeru?" I said, taking my battle stance.
"Let's do this," The ground suddenly stopped shaking, and Heatran emerged from the lava. He stopped in front of me and Aeru, and growled monstrously.
Heatran used fire blast on Aeru, which he promptly dodged and returned with Aura Sphere. Due to Heatran's bulkiness, he had no chance of dodging. Heatran took the attack head on, barely even seeming effected by it.
I charged a Thunder Bolt and struck it down on him. Once again he took the attack dead on, not taking to much damage from the attack.
"Crap, we're going to need a lot more than that," I said aloud as I dodged a flamethrower from him.
Heatran roared loudly, making his form glow. He shot out a strong Flame Blast, that struck me dead on. I managed to stand, but felt the burn effect of the move. Heatran charged up a Flamethrower and shot it my way, but Aeru deflected it dead in it's track before it made contact.
"Kara, I have an idea."
"What... may that b-be," I staggered out, fighting the urge to faint.
"Well, I believe that Heatran's are one of the few legendaries to have a gender..." He trailed his sentence off by using Protect to protect us from another Flamethrower fired by Heatran.
"Anyway, do you think you could use the... move." I blushed slightly when realization struck me. I slowly nodded and fought over my burn effect, and fired my most famous move, Attract. The hearts engulfed Heatran, surrounding every side of him.
'Please work.' My mind begged. After the hearts faed, Heatran made a silly grin towards me, indicating that the move probably worked.
"Okay, now lets attack." At that, we struck waves of attacks Heatran. I fired Psychic, Thunder Bolt, and Shadow Ball. Aeru landed Night Slash, Close Combat, and Aura Sphere. After our barrage of attacks, Heatran was left unconcious, laying helplessly on the ground.
"We... did i-it," The room slowly changed back to the original room, the seven pillars returning once again. This time, the two pillars that we completed shown brightly, indicating that we were done with them.
"You have completed trial number two. I am very proud of you two. Now, continue along," Darkrai's voice echoes throughout the room.
"Alright Aeru, your turn." Aeru smiled and walked over to the next most nearest pillar. This pillar was green in color, along with the crystal that rose above it. Aeru touched the crystal slowly, and we were almost instantly engulfed by a bright light.
The light faded, this time revealing a vast forest. Trees and plants flooded every direction, surrounding us completely. The pillars soon went back into the ground, following the same routine as it had before.
"Wow, this is much better than a volcano," I noted, causing Aeru to smile happily.
"Yes, much better indeed."
"Aeru, when we wake up, will this friendship between us last." Aeru stared down a little and remained silent. He kept staring down until a faint instrument could be heard in the background.
"Did you hear that. I thought I heard a windpipe of some sort." Aeru said, successfully changing the topic.
I sighed and listened closely. The sound was melodic and peaceful, kind of soothing in a way. I kept listening, trying to discover what instrument was being played.
"I think that might be the Grass Cornet," I said aloud. "I remember my mom talking about it once." Aeru nodded, and began walking straight ahead. We both walked on until the cornet increased in frequency, indicating that we were close.
After a few more steps, the instrument began playing loudly, and out came Mew from atop one of the tree tops.
"Great, we going against MEW!" I growled viciously, frustrated at the luck of all of this.
"It's okay, we got this. Mew doesn't have much defense, so two or three well powered attacks should do the trick," Aeru said confidently, taking a battle stance. I just rolled my eyes and took my battle stance, waiting on Mew to make the first move. Mew started with an Ancient Power at Aeru, which he promptly avoided by sidestepping.
I charged a Shadow Ball and released it at Mew, in hopes of striking him. Mew simply teleported away, easily evading the attack. Mew reappeared behind me, and struck me with a powerful Shadowball.
"How'd you like my move copycat," Mew said smirking, teleporting back into the air.
Aeru charged a close combat and charged at Mew from behind, successfully hitting Mew and doing loads of damage.
"Easy, just one more hit and..." Mew suddenly used Recover, recovering all of the damage done to it so far.
"That move was Recover, now let's see how you like this move," Mew then teleported to Aeru, and mixed and changed them around. I looked away for a split second to control my mind, but when I looked back I saw two Aeru's.
"Hey, that's my body." One of the Aeru's said.
"No, you imposter, that's my body." The other Aeru said.
"Come on Kara, let's take this phony down." One of the Aeru's said, punching the other in the face.
"No Kara, don't listen to him. That's the imposter." The other Aeru said, punching the other in the face.
'What should I do? Should I attack both?' I kept thinking hard, all the while ignoring the continuous calls from both the Aeru's.
Then, a brilliant idea struck me. I hurried and fired Attract at the duo, successfully striking both of them. One of the Aeru's turned around to look at me, a small blush on his face.
"Ha, that move won't work on me." The other Aeru said, smiling devilishly.
"Yeah, I know." I quickly fired my strongest Thundr Bolt I could muster up, easily finishing Mew off.
"And, that's a job well done." I said to myself.
The room faded back to the original, the seven pillars all out and visible. The room was now lit into 3 different colors, Blue, Red, and Green.
"Congratulations. Trial three is complete. I have complete faith in you that you will pass this test. Good Luck!" Cresselia's voice rang out through the empty room.
"Well Kara, only four more to go." Aeru said happily, letting out a long sigh.
"Yes, only four more to go." I said exhaustively, approaching the next pillar.
I had to rewrite this about five good times. I have been working on this today since 9:30, so about 2 and a half hours. Anyway, excuse any errors if there are any, I am not going to go back and reread 3,680 words. So anyway, until next time.
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