Normal day
It was a normal day- 4 months after the not-apocalypse. Crowley had finally confessed his love to the blonde angel while staying at the ancient book shop. They where now happily boyfriends and has let everyone know; including anathema, newt, Adam, and all his friends. They lounged around the cozy book shop- crowley in snake form often lingering around aziraphales neck scaring away potential customers. He had also decided to grow his dazzling red hair to his neck. They enjoyed each others company, and where content.
Suddenly, the bell on the door jingled saying that someone is entering the book shop. Crowley's, who was now in his human form, head pricked up as aziraphale shuffled to the counter from the back room. Crowley heard the sound of three people chattering happily and so he went to investigate. To his horror his eyes met the tall, dark, and handsome figure of none other than Lucifer Morningstar. Satan himself. "Ah," He said noticing Crowley in the door way, his face plastered in fear. "Crowley." He said merrily. "Hells found us angel." Crowley said deathly quiet. "Whatever do you mean dear?" Chirped aziraphale. "Angel- that's Satan!" He cried. Aziraphales face dropped. "Crowley stay back there." He said sternly, but before things got out of hand, lucifer stepped in "Oh I'm not here to cause any harm." He re assured. "Why on earth would you think that?" He said laughing. The blonde lady clinging to his arm shared a confused expression with aziraphale. Crowley poked his head around the corner of the door way once again. "You mean- your not here because of the whole betraying hell thing- and you know, going out with an angel!" He cried confused. "Wait-" the blonde lady known as Chloe decker asked "he's a demon, right?" She said in her American accent "and he's- an angel." She said looking at lucifer for approval "yes detective, this is crowley," He said gesturing towards the concerned demon. Crowley held up his shaking hand as a friendly gesture. "I didn't know more of the divine was on earth!" She cried. "Yes well, neither did I!" Lucifer admits. "Hold on," Aziraphale says "how does she know about the divine- who is she?" He asked puzzled as Crowley glided over to join the angel behind the counter. "This," lucifer drawled in his sweet British accent "is detective Chloe decker of the LAPD- she is my wife." He said holding up his hand as a smile plastered his face to reveal the ring. "Oh that's lovely." Said aziraphale "congratulations." He said kindly before being interrupted by Crowley. "Hang on." He said loudly "are we just going to ignore the fact that you- as a huge fiery beast- just tried to kill us, the Antichrist, and try to start the apocalypse!" He said irritated. "Fiery beast- kill the anti- I'm sorry I have no idea what your talking about I have been in LA working with the police!" He said "you-the devil- works with the police!" Crowley said surprised "I know- so LA of me- ah-" he said suddenly "i swear I will kill those demons- sorry not you- they have a huge fiery beast locked down in hell- and since I retired they summon it and pretend it's me- that thing fighting you- it wasn't me. I'm not evil- or a monster at that." He said dignified as Chloe agreed. "Oh well," Aziraphale said happily "I'm sorry about the miss understanding." He said. "Ah, don't worry." Lucifer said dismissively as he waved his hand.
"Why don't you and mrs decker come and sit down with us and have a cup of tea- if you aren't in a rush of course." He offered politely. "Yeah- yeah sure thanks." Chloe said happily as him and the demon lead them into the back room. "So," Crowley said to lucifer directly as aziraphale handed them each a steaming cup of tea, before sitting next to Crowley and placing his hand in his. Crowley temporarily glowed red before continuing. "Why are you on earth?" He asked "Ah," Lucifer began "you see- I was fed up of hell- and so five years ago I came down to earth- I was pretty pissed at mother as I was now vilified for eternity. But I tried to make a good life on earth, I bought a night club, named it lux and now it's one of the most popular night clubs in LA. A police investigation took place there and that's how I met the detective- I joined the LAPD as a civilian consultant and after ALOT of drama me and Chloe got married- and yes she knows I'm the devil." Crowley raised an eye brow in shock. "And uh- crowley can I ask you something?" Decker asked in curiosity "why do you wear sunglasses indoors?". "Because I hate my eyes." He shrugged "also it kinda freaks humans out a bit." He said. "Wait, why?" She Asked Concerned. He looked at the angel for help but he just gestured for him to show them. He slowly removed his black Valentino glasses to reveal his acid yellow reptilian eyes with black slits like knifes for pupils. Chloe gasped, as did lucifer- but he gasped amused. "Your one of those very rare demons that can turn to an animal, aren't you." He said exited. Crowley modded shyly as lucifer urged him to show him. He finally gave in and transformed into a huge, black snake. "Wow, I have never met a demon like you before!l he said as Crowley slithered back to his angel and transformed back. "Thanks." He said blushing as he placed his glasses back on.
"So- what's your story." Chloe asked intrigued. "Well," Aziraphale started "me and Crowley met in the garden of Eden. At first, we weren't friends- but as we have been on earth for six thousand years, we eventually made a deal and we kind of worked toghether for a while- crowley got me out of many situations such as Paris when I went over for a crepe and ended up locked up- and when I was about to be blown up in the Blitz when Crowley saved me." He said flashing a dreamy smile at the blushing demon. "We went to dinner a lot- mostly the ritz and we became best friends about a decade or two before the apocalypse but where friends for many years before- until finally Crowley asked me to go out with him while dining at the ritz- I said yes of course and ever since he usually stays at my book shop. Also in case heaven and hell try to attack us again- which they did, they tried to execute me via hell fire and Crowley by holy water- luckily we had expected this and so we had swapped bodies the previous night." He said conclusively. Shock laced Chloe's features and also lucifers. "You two have been here for six thousand years! God I missed out on a lot- I don't know why I didn't leave hell earlier!" Said lucifer as a loud and slightly hysterical laugh escaped his lips. "Yeah but not all good." Said Crowley raiding his eye brows "human love to fight each other." He said slowly "but they did make crepes." Said aziraphale happily. Crowley smiled and rolled his eyes under his shades. "Can I just say," Chloe started with a smile "you two are the cutest couple I have ever seen." She said adoringly. Crowley blushes and looked down as aziraphale said, "oh, well I'm very glad that lucifer has ended up with such a lovely lady such as you. And that you can see past the shroud of darkness history has engulfed lucifer in- even I thought he was evil but now I can see- I was wrong." Said aziraphale honestly "I spose it's just what heaven wants you to think." Crowley mentioned. "Well your hardly as bad as most demons- dare I say- your rather nice." He said as a smile leaked onto his face. "Shut up." Crowley said with a grin plastered on his face.
"Um, since I haven't pretty much ever seen any other celestials on earth- well other than amenadiel and maze and a couple other siblings- would you like to come to LA with us for a while? Our little holiday is almost over in London and we would love to show you the night club." Lucifer offered politely "and the station." Chloe chirped as her and lucifer stood up. Aziraphale looked at Crowley, who then shrugged "sure.". "It would be lovely." Said aziraphale sweetly. And so they walked back to each of their cars which they would miracle back with them. "I love vintage cars." Said lucifer to Crowley as they had been discussing cars. "Me too!" Cried Crowley "Oh, What car do you have?" Questioned lucifer intrigued "black bently nineteen twenty six- perfect condition- she's beautiful." He said proudly "nineteen sixty two Chevrolet Corvette black convertible." Said lucifer casually "of course I collect vintage cars, but that's my favourite. Care to take a look?" He Said gesturing at the car conveniently parked by Crowley's. As they bonded over their cars aziraphale and chloe lingered behind talking about how Chloe reacted to discovering that was the actual devil- Satan himself! "Well- it took, uh, a while to process but after a while I realised that- he isn't as bad that he is made out to be, you know? History really exaggerated- they say he kills millions of humans! He has only ever killed one and that was to save me as he had just shot me- that was the day I found out..." they all continued to talk until they got into their cars and miracle them to LA- just out side of lux...
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