Uptop is her left eye color
Third Person POV
"You have to stay." The woman said to the devil who almost glared at the dying woman.
"Why would I stay? You know I despise children." He spat at the beautiful woman in the white hospital bed. Her platinum blond hair falling on her 8 month pregnant stomach. Her blue eyes looking into his brown ones.
"Because unlike other children this is your daughter, you created her." She said before coughing a little.
"Yes one that is still to be explained. I can't have children remember? Right now I'm supposed to be in hell and instead here I am." He said bitterly as she gave him a small smile.
"This is your daughter Lucifer, rather you like it or not. If it were up to me I'd keep her but as you know I don't have much time.. so I'm leaving her up to you." She said but Lucifer shook his head but his eyes widen before he could say anything getting closer to her as she coughed hysterically and soon when she started coughing blood he started pressing the button on her bed for nurses to come before running to the hall screaming for someone to help her and soon nurses and doctors surrounded her and he could only hear some thing but one of them being 'we're losing her if we don't take the child out now we'll lose it too.' this broke him but he could do nothing but stare from the other side of the glass at the beautiful woman as they opened her stomach and as quickly as they could without hurting the child they started to pull it out and Lucifer was forced to see this as the life was leaving the woman's body.
When the little girl was born small cries were heard, they weren't painful to hear or very loud they were more like whines rather than cries. The mother asked to hold her child for the first and last time as she smiled kissing the little angel's head before the machine beside her informed everyone that she was gone. The little girl was taken away from her mother and cleaned before being wrapped in a pink blanket while Lucifer was allowed inside.
"Have you decided on a name yet?" The nurse asked and he glared at her making her cower as another came handing him the little pale girl who he hesitantly carried expecting full well to glare at her but..
"You have a very beautiful daughter, I've seen a lot of newborns but your daughter is the most beautiful I've seen even as a premature." The woman said looking down at the girl in his hand as he stared at her as well as the little girl smiled when she saw her father and extended her hands to him but it was her eyes that caught his attention the most.
"Her eyes.." He said and the nurse grinned nodding.
"I've never seen it in person before but it's a very rear trait." The woman answered as Lucifer without noticing used one of his hands to place over the little girl who gripped one of his fingers barely being able to wrap her hand around it and giggling before looking up at Lucifer. Her left eye was the same electric blue as her mother but her right was as brown and dark as his both her eyes complemented by slight blond eyelashes and her pale skin making them even more vibrant.
"Have you chosen a name yet?" She asked smiling at him as Lucifer was unable to look away from his daughter. She was enchanting, he never in his life thought he'd be speechless just by seeing a little thing such as the one in his hands, all the hate he was willing to give this child just disintegrated into nothing instead filled with admiration.
"Ariel." He said and the woman looked at him.
"Like little mermaid Ariel?" She asked and he shook his head.
"As Uranus shiniest moon Ariel." He whispers as the woman smiled and left him to admire his daughter some more and he tilts his head at the girl who still played with his finger and he pulled his finger away from her just to softly caress her soft skin.
"What have you done to me already?" He whispered to the little girl in his hands kissing her head softly.
"She will have to stay over night to make sure she's completely healthy before we can give her to you. You'll need to get some formulas to feed her until she can start eating since her mother is unable to breast feed her." The nurse said when she came back and Lucifer looked at her.
"Right.. where do I buy that?" He asked making the woman chuckle.
"You're new at this aren't you?" She asked looking at the man seductively and he smirks.
"Oh you have no idea." He said.
"You can buy them at Walgreens and ask them where to find it and how to prepare them if you still have questions you can always ask one of us or use the internet." The lady said and he nods hesitantly handing her his child who pouted and extended her small hands towards him whining a little at the loss of her father's arms around her making Lucifer's heart melt not wanting to let her go.
"It's ok sweetheart you'll be ok." The nurse says as the girl still extended her hands to her dad and Lucifer just watched the nurse take his daughter from him breaking his heart as she started crying but he knew he couldn't exactly go to her so instead he left going to buy everything a little girl may need seeing as he was taking her back to hell and he couldn't exactly be coming back to earth every time he needed something so he had to stock up.
Hey guys so I'll try to make a chapter with every year or so of her being a child or at least mention them in the chapters, hope you're enjoying the story so far.
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