Chapter 4
Third Person POV
4 year old Ariel was introduced to dancing and some singing by her father. She was getting more beautiful with each day and now her wings looked like a smaller version of Lucifer's. She was learning how to fly and how to retract her wings. Elek taught her how to read and made her read to him for him to correct her or help her if she needed. She was learning about math and history along with some cultures of the human world.
Age 5 was when Ariel got her own room. She often opened the door in the middle of the night waking Elek up who took her to her father for her to sleep with when she had nightmares so to not disturb Elek's sleep Lucifer installed a door connecting his room to hers for her to go to when she had nightmares however one night Elek felt uneasy and when he heard steps on the far end where steps shouldn't be coming Elek opened the door waking Ariel up.
"Princess I need you to go to your father's room." Elek said and Ariel looked at him strange.
"Why?" She whispered with a yawn making Elek sigh placing his hands on her hands.
"Just go ok?" He says pulling her up from her bed but she shivered at the cold clinging to him not wanting to feel so cold and he was always warm.
"Princess please." He says in desperation and she heard that making her shiver a little but nod running to the door connected to her father's room after Elek put her down and he stood in front of her door closing it after he knew Ariel was in her father's room. His eyes turn to look at the intruder who was now much closer, his eyes turned completely black to show he was in fact a demon as he stood at the little girl's door even if she wasn't there.
"I can hear you coming. Who are you?" Elek asked loud and clear before a man with grey wings and black skin showed himself.
"You are no low level demon, however I haven't seen you before." Amenadiel said as he looked at the demon.
"I asked you a question." Elek asked glaring at the angel.
"Amenadiel. I just come to see my brother." The angel says as Elek raised a brow.
"Why?" He asked just before Lucifer's door opened and Elek looked at it in panic but relaxed when only saw Lucifer who locked the door behind him.
"Ah dear brother. What brings you here so late at night?" Lucifer asked looking at Elek nodding.
"You can go back to your room. I'll take care of this." Lucifer says and Elek caught up to what he was saying as he opened Ariel's door and walked in to go to Lucifer's room to find a quietly sobbing Ariel.
"What's happening?" She asked scared and Elek took her in his arms. It was understandable she was like that, she was never alone, not really. She always had Maze or Elek by her side at all times much like she had her father.
"It's ok." Elek whispers hugging her tightly while outside Lucifer raised a brow at Amenadiel.
"Well? What brings you here?" He asked as Amenadiel just looked at him.
"I just came on some free time to see how things were going." Amenadiel answered.
"Well as you can see they're as fine as they can be with the life dear old dad decided to give me." Lucifer answered sarcastically.
"Yes, but rumor has it that something has you distracted." Amenadiel says and this caused Lucifer to glare and Elek tighten his grip on Ariel before going to Lucifer's closet.
"You need to be quiet ok princess?" Elek asked looking into the girl's different colored eyes and she nodded lost in his eyes as he nodded at her.
"Distracted? What could possibly get me distracted Amenadiel?" Lucifer asked as Elek kissed Ariel's forehead.
"Stay hidden and quiet here Ariel I mean it." Elek whispers at the girl who nodded scared out of her mind as she was placed at the very back of the closet behind Lucifer's cloth and she was so small she wouldn't be found unless she made any noise. With that Elek walked to Ariel's room and snapped his fingers and the illusion started. The room of a little girl suddenly seemed like a room he would use and as he heard Lucifer and Amenadiel arguing outside suddenly the door to the room was busted open and Elek looked at it with a glare as Amenadiel looked surprised as did Lucifer who looked at Elek.
"Did you need something so bad you needed to bust my door open?" Elek said glaring at the angel who just busted the door open.
"Uh, I thought-" Amenadiel started confused, he was completely sure he would find the reason as to why rumors have been going around about Lucifer having a daughter.
"You thought what?" Elek glared at the angel getting closer to him.
"I thought I'd find a little girl." Amenadiel said and Lucifer's heart fell but Elek kept up the act, he was in no way going to let this angel know about Ariel.
"A daughter? The devil? You're joking right?" Elek asked smirking looking at Lucifer as if telling him to keep it together and Lucifer quickly put on his mask.
"Yes brother where has that idea come from? May I remind you that we angels can't have children?" Lucifer said and Amenadiel looked at him, watching to see if he broke, if he could find any clue of a lie but when he didn't he smiled.
"Yes, it's good to know the rumors were just that." Amenadiel said.
"Whoever made them are going to pay, I assure you." Lucifer said actually meaning it.
"Keep up the good job brother." Amenadiel says with a slight smirk at the devil before using his wings and he was gone making Elek and Lucifer sigh in relief.
"What did you do? Where is she? What happened to her room?" Lucifer asked and Elek just walked into Lucifer's room after snapping his fingers and Ariel's room was back.
"I just used an illusion on the room and I hid her in your room just in case the angel decided he needed more proof and looked around." Elek explained going into Lucifer's closet.
"Princess you can come out now." Elek said but got no response.
"Princess? Ariel?" Elek said starting to panic but calmed down when he heard a small sob as he got closer.
"Hey it's ok. Everything's ok now." Elek said taking her in his arms handing her to her father.
"Thank you Elek." Lucifer said as he soothed his daughter and Elek nodded.
"It's my job sir." Elek says and Lucifer nodded dismissing him.
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