Top pics kanna, quick note, I don't own the picture or the film, just the fanfict I'm writing, and just a quick thank you to the people who've supported me, you guys rock 🎸✌️
No one PoV
They say that the town of hinashi is cursed by the shadow stone because of the grudge between humans and merfolk that still persists, but what if they were brought together by one who was of both worlds, in the stories no body had ever heard of a half human, half mermaid
Who's name....
Is kanna
A car drives on the road along the coast, with a few boxes tied to the roof, the trunk full of boxes and suitcases, a man sitting in the front seat while listening to the radio while a young girl with beautiful light blue hair lies in the backseat, head on a pillow with a blanket wrapped around her while her feet rest in her shoes ontop of a small box, all she does is stare at the a small card, which said
' we'll miss you kanna, love riko, saiko, ruby'
" kanna? Are you awake?" The man in the front asks, not looking away from the road " yeah" the girl answers, in bored type voice " we're almost there, we should see the town just" the girl got up and looked out the window, and of course, there was their new town, and where her new life was to begin, but the town below wasn't very bright by the bay, in fact it looked completely gloomy " dad, are you sure this is the place?" The girls eye twitched " of course, I know it doesn't look like much, but I can guarantee you'll love it" the man smiled " that's what you said at the last town" the girl laid back down in the back seat, the man let out a sigh " I know, I'm really trying, but things are different now, I promise, your gonna love it here" the man reassured
The car started driving though the town down the street, where they were getting to the gloomy part down below, many people noticed the car driving by, the man looked out the window and noticed something that would catch his daughters eye " hey kanna, there's your new school, looks great Huh?" The man looked back on the road, The girl got up and looked, when she saw it, she slightly glared at it then slouched in her seat " it's gonna stink, I preferred my old school" she still felt the pain in her heart from moving away, after a few minutes they finally made it, and in fact the moving truck was there with their things " alright, we're here" her father said, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening his door, the girl got out, slamming the door shut and taking a look at the new home " look it doesn't look like much, but we'll get used to it, but it also comes with a boat house!" to kanna's was surprising that it was still standing considering how old it looked " oh hello" a man greeted kannas father " oh hello, I'm katako tatsumi" her father greeted, shaking the mans hand "Teruo Ashimoto, it's a pleasure to meet you, I heard the boss just hired another for ebina seafoods" the man says " oh you work there too?" Kanna's dad asked " yeah I do" Mr ashimoto answered " I'm home" a younger voice sounded off " oh hello Kai"
" hi dad" the boy responded " these are our new neighbours, Mr tatsumi and his daughter" the boy's father introduced " kanna, why don't you come say hello" the girl looked over and saw the boy, both their eyes met and their eyes widened, both actually felt their hearts skip a beat, kanna face turned slightly red and she turned her head " hello.." She said in a more shy tone " sorry, she's shy around new people" her father apologied " it's no trouble, well we'll leave you two to settle in, come on kai" the boy nodded and followed his father inside " well they seem nice" kanna's father said, walking inside the house, kanna remained for a moment, then heard
" come on honey! I wanna show you something!" Her father called from inside passing the boxes left in the hall " afternoon kanna" one of the movers greeted, lifting his hat " hi mr yamazaki" she put on a polite smile as she took her white sneakers off, then walked downstairs and saw her father, in the boat garage bellow their house " isn't it great, you can always call lu here when the sun goes down" he smiled " y-yeah" the girl stuttered
" but what If someone hears me call her" she asks " at night? Who would be up so late?" Her father laughs as he walks back upstairs, her attention was then caught by the small boat, surprisingly it was still in good condition, kanna slightly tugged on the small blue shell flute necklace round her neck and pulled it out from underneath her shirt " oh lu, will I ever fit in up here?" She questioned, the necklace was fiven to her by her friend in order for her to call her, but she was still worried if someone would hear her, so she put it away and walked back upstairs, when she got to the top, she heard her father call to her " kanna! I'll be right back, I just need to speak with my new boss, can you buy the groceries for dinner?" He yelled out " okay, how long will you be?" She called back " about three hours, think you can manage?" He yelled back " sure, but where's the grocery shop?" She asked " just up the street!" He answered " okay bye!" She yelled " bye!" The door then closed, leaving kanna alone, she let out a sigh and quickly put her shoes back on, grabbed her bag, then proceeded to walk up the street she felt a little nervous around the people she past, she then heard a car horn, not so far, she turned and saw a red car driving towards her direction, she acted like she didn't see or Pretended not to notice, however the car kept driving next to her
" hey! I've never seen you around here before, what's your name" she didn't answer, instead she just kept walking, walking a little faster but the guy didn't drive away " you don't talk a lot don't you? I'm guessing your new in town, by the way, loving the blue hair" he complimented, the girl just nodded, giving him an ' mmhmm' as a response " it is getting late, need a ride?" He asked " the girl just shock her head and turned streets, the guy turned to follow but a truck was driving down the same way, the driver honked his horn, signalling the guy to get out the way " all right! Check you later!" He yelled, then reversed and drove away, the girl sighing in relief, she finally made it to the shop and went in, she took out her list and started picking up some ingredients, after she felt like she had what she needed, she went to the cashier to pay " wow, got dark pretty quickly" the old woman said looking out the window screen of the door ' I can call Lu just before dinner' kanna thought with a smile, the woman checked out her items and kanna paid, picking up the shopping bags and getting ready to leave "You be careful now, it's awfully late!" The old woman warned the girl as she opens the door " thank you, I will" The girl smiled as she closed the door
kanna smiled to herself as she walked back to her new house, thinking about calling her friend, just then she heard from behind her " hey you!" she turned and was met with a girl with bright orange hair " your new here aren't you?" she asked " err, y-yeah" kanna stuttered out of surprise " cool! I'm yuho, whats your name?" she asked " k-kanna" she answered " thats a cute name" she smiled " umm, thanks..." kanna stop there unsure what else to say, just then kanna heard a familiar car Horn, and immediately started to panic " oh no..." she mutters under her breath, yuho seemed to noticed " follow me" she started pulling kanna away from the red car, they both evened heard " hey yuho! slow down!" the guy yelled from his car, both girls turned streets and ran down a public walk way that wasn't meant for cars, the turned round the corner and looked round the corner slightly, the red car stopped up the path they had just run down, the guy looked round, but then shrugged and kept on driving, when he was gone, both girls looked at each other, but then just burst into laughter "oh my god! I can't even!-" kanna struggled to complete a full sentence " that was absolutely hilarious! I wish I could have seen the look on his face!" yuho laughed " hey! your starting school soon right?" yuho asked " yeah, why?" kanna raised a brow " I'm just you play music?" she asked " y-yeah" kanna stuttered " really!? wanna be in our band?" she asked, gleaming " urrr, I don't think about it" kanna answered " okay, and hey, what just happened, that was pretty fun" bot laughed as they talked about it, then went their separate ways, kanna made it back to her house, when she got in, she unpacked everything and put it all away for when her dad got home, then went below to call lu, it was dark out so it was all okay
" alright lu, I hope you'll hear me" she whispered, then pulled out the shell necklace, raised it to her lips, then blew the the little hole, just like a regular flute, it made such a sweet sound
meanwhile under the ocean
lu was swimming with the other merfolk trying to listen out for some music when she heard a familiar sound of a flute " kanna!" she then started following the sound, she snuck into the bay avoiding lots of people from seeing her, she then noticed kanna in her new house by the small boat, she made a splashing sound in which kanna heard " hello?" kanna called out in a whisper " lu? is that you?" she leaned over looking at the water, then got squirted in the face with water, she let out a squeal, then started laughing, still getting water squirted in her face until lu ran out " rlly?" the girl raised a a brow with a smirk, in which lu just giggled " swim! swim!" lu kept flipping around in the water, repeating what she said over and over again, kanna just sighed, shaking her head in a amusement, she took her sneakers off, dipped her legs into the water and said " I wish I was a mermaid" suddenly a light blue light appeared and her legs were replaced by a purple mermaids tail, then hopped in, causing a splash of water to hit lu, but she just laughed, both made it for the ocean, all they had to do was stay under the water, which they managed to do, lu led her to a small island not to far from the bay so kanna wouldn't have trouble swimming back, once they were at the island, kanna started to the hear the sound of music coming from the land, in which lu squealed and her tail turned into human legs and started dancing by the on top of which she makes out used to be a building
that only had the top but no roof, lu was dancing along the edges , but kanna was kinda curious ' who would be playing music on a small island outside the bay?' she thought, she swam towards the shore, sat on land a said " I wish I was human" the blue light returned and her tail turned back into her legs, she started making her way up the walk way, the music getting louder, when she got to the location, she slightly pushed the bushes aside and saw yuho and another boy preforming on a stage with a guitar and bass, kanna lightly tapped her feet to the music, after what felt like a few minutes they picked up their gear and left, as soon as kanna was home she said good bye to lu, had dinner with her dad, then started think about her new school, her attention was the brought to the picture of her dad and herself by her bedside, she then pulled out an old scrap book, the only pictures she had were of her friends, summer trips, some music practice sets with her friend and hangouts, but no pictures of her mother, she let out a sigh and lay down on her bed, she continued to stare up at the ceiling, but then thought ' its gonna be fine, I'm gonna go to school, gonna make friends, its gonna great' she then shut her eyes and went to sleep
few days later
kanna was in her room, getting ready for school, still nervous about meeting everyone, she got her stuff ready, then left her room for the dining room " hi honey" her father greeted her as she walked in, breakfast already set on the table " hi dad" she sat down and started eating " big day today, first day of school, you excited?" he asked " how does the term, freaking out and about to burst sound to you" she raised a brow, he started laughing " don't worry, every things gonna be fine" he reassured " well, time to go!" he said, getting up, grabbing his rucksack and yelling " bye honey! see you after school!" then closed the door, kanna let out a sigh, then picked up both bowls and plates and left them in the sink, after that she walked out the door, locked it, then started walking to school, on the way, up ahead she was yuho and that other boy walking with each other laughing, the more closer she got to the school, the more nervous she felt, she then heard " kanna!" She turned and saw yuho running towards her, with the same boy running to catch up " how are you?" She asked with a smile " I'm good" kanna replied, the boy finally caught up gasping and panting " yuho (puff) stop ( puff) leaving me behind" he guy finally caught his breath and said " hi sorry about that, I'm kunio" he greeted, kanna still felt nervous " I'm kanna" she replied " I know, yuho told me about you, are you going to join our band?" He asked " I-I don't know yet" she answered " come on! Or were gonna be late!" " whoa!!!" Kanna exclaimed as yuho started pulling her along " wait for me!" Kunio yelled " and slow down! Your gonna trip her!" But it was too late, kanna had already tripped and her hand had slipped from yuhos grasp, she braced for impact on the concrete ground, but never felt it, instead, she felt something soft and arms wrapped around her" you okay?" A familiar voice asked, She looked up and her eyes immediately widened, it was the Same boy from next door " urrr...y-yeah" she stuttered, collecting herself and standing up straight " nice save ashimoto" Kunio caught up " sorry, il be more careful next time!" yuho exclaimed " what are you kids doing" all turned and were met with an angry teacher " didn't you hear the bell, it's time for class, get your butts moving!" He pointed into the entrance of the school " sorry!" All four apologised and ran inside
in the classroom
Just before The teacher arrived everyone was chatting to one another " alright settle down" everyone sat in the seats, sitting silent
" now everyone, I have a new student id like you to meet" the teacher announced, kanna standing by the board " the is kanna tatsumi, please try and make her feel welcome" the teacher instructed " I'm's nice to meet you" the shy girl bowed " alright, now I'd like you to sit in the empty desk next to yuho, please raise your hand" yuho did so with a welcoming smile, kanna walked across the class room' trying to ignore the commened whispers she heard from the other students, like
" she's adorable!"
" she's shy but cute!"
" I like her hair!"
" I wonder where she was from" she then sat down and the teacher began the lesson, kanna still felt a little nervous but started to relax
in the music room
kanna had stayed after school and snuck into the music room while nobody was looking, then noticed a guitar in the corner and picked it up, she sat down by the window and started to play
kanna wasn't paying a attention and didn't noticed yuho and kunio at the door listening in, their eye were opened wide in astonishment by her soothing sweet voice and music skills, when she was done, she put the guitar back and picked up her backpack, just as she was about to leave the classroom, she heard clapping, kanna jumped a little out of surprise and looked towards the other door and saw the two " wow! That was great kanna!" Yuho complimented, kanna's face turned red in embarrassment, without hesitation, she skid the other door opened and ran down the hall " hey Wait!" Yuho yelled " its nothing to be embarrassed about!" Kunio also yelled, she just kept running, eventually she made it to the entrance but ended up bumping into someone, and falling back " ow!" She rubbed her back " I'm sorry" she looked up and saw " oh sorry Kai!" She exclaimed, completely red " it's fine" he said, getting up, then lent out a hand for her to grab, she hesitated but then took his hand, he then pulled her up, then noticed something " you're face is red, you okay?" He asked " y-yeah!" She turned her head away, trying to hide her face " Kanna!" She immediately freaked and took off running, Kai stretched his arm out to reach by put she was already gone " oh man! She ran off" he turned and saw yuho and kunio " what are you two doing?" Kai asked " all we did was walk by the music room and we heard her playing guitar, when we applauded she got embarrassed and ran out" kunio explained, Kai looked about at the entrance kanna ran out " she plays music?"
Kanna ran full speed down the streets, she made a small jumped when she almost fell forward, she turned down the street towards her house, passing her father and mr ashimoto " kanna?" He called out to her " what's wrong?!" But the door slammed before he could finish " is she okay?" Mr ashimoto asked " I...I don't be right back" kanna's father then ran into the house " kanna!" Her dad ran up the stairs to her room, when he slid the door open, she was lying on her bed with the blanket over her " honey what happened!?" Her rushed to her " I got caught..." She mumbled, her father wondered what she was talking about, then about started laughing " let me guess, you were playing music again weren't you?" He smirked, when she started screaming into her pillow " it's nothing to be ashamed of" he reassured, rubbing the back of her head through the blanket " you have a lovely voice, just like your mom, I can't stay long, me and ashimotos break is almost over, il see you later okay?" The girl nodded though the blanket " alright, can you poke your head of for a sec?" Kanna poked her head of and got her nose kissed, her dad then blew razberry on her check making her squeal and laugh, she then ducked under the blanket " ewww! That's gross!!" Kanna laughed " alright, I see you soon" kanna's dad chuckled, then lifted the room, as soon as Kanna let alone, she threw her blanket off, got up and picked up her keytar, thought of a song, then started playing
What she didn't know, that her window was still open and a certain person in particle was the first to hear, kai was getting the mails from his family's shop when her started hearing a Familiar girls voice, his eyes widened, he immediately ran down the steps to his house, Ran into his family's boat house and immediately opened the window, and listened while looked s from his window, listening to the sweet voice
In the town
Passers by began to hear the girls voice " huh?" Two women were chatting by ebina seafoods, before they started to hear the a sweet voice singing " who's that?" One of them wondered " I don't know but who ever it is, sounds pretty good" the other woman said with a smile " I agree" they both started giggling
Kanna's father was helping move some barrels containing fish when he and others around him started hearing the singing, he then started hearing others talking " wow, never heard a singing voice like that before" one worker said " me neither" another exclaimed " where's it coming from?" Another asked, kanna's father just let let a chuckle, shaking his head in amusement " doesn't that sound like your daughter?" Mr ashimoto asked " yep, I'm guessing she forgot to close her window again" kanna's father chuckled " I don't know your daughter loved music" mr ashimoto smiled as they carried the fish barrels in
Just as Yuho and kunio walking home, they too heard the singing " wow...wait! She's playing a key tar!" Yuho exclaimed " if she joins the band, all we'll need is a drummer!" Kunio Exclaimed excitedly, he then pressed his hands together " please say yes tomorrow" he whispered
Kanna finished the song then put the key tar down, went to her window and closed it, just then she heard someone calling her phone, she pick it up and answered " hello?" " kanna?" It was ruby " hi ruby, how are you?" Kanna asked as she sat down on the bed, then laid down " I'm good, just wanted to check up on you, how's everything in hinashi?" She asked, kanna felt a slight depression " it's fine, but I miss home, it's not bad, it's just..." kanna tried to form the words she wanted "'s not home...right?" ruby asked " you took the worlds right out of my mouth" kanna replied " it's gonna be fine, oh saiko and riko just wanted to know, you went to school today right?" Ruby asked " yeah...why?" Kanna raised an eyebrow in concern, she thought there was something fishy about what she was asking " well they want to know if you met any cute boys yet" if kanna had anything she was drinking, she probably would have spat it out, she gaped at her reply " n-no! What the heck!" Kanna exclaimed, ruby gasped on the line " you hesitated!!there is!" She laughed " shut up!" Kanna yelled, but ruby just kept on giggling " so have you met any guy you like" she felt like ruby was smirking on the other line " ruby, if you keep this up, I'm gonna catch a train if I can, back to town and il knock sense into you if you don't knock it off!" She could hear ruby snickering " at least answer my question, is he cute?" She asked " I-I guess he's pretty cute..." Kanna was as red as an apple, ruby just squealed " alright! There's your answer! I've gotta get ready for tomorrow!" Kanna yelled at her friend to end the teasing " alright! Il speak to you soon, bye!" Ruby then hanged up, kanna sighed looking up at the ceiling, the thought about something ' maybe I need to think positive?' She thought
That night, kanna still kept on thinking ' I love music so much, I gotta stop thinking negative thoughts and try to stay positive, for dad, for lu...and for mum' when ever kanna thought about her mother, it only made her miss her more' alright! Starting tomorrow!!I'm gonna be positive!' She thought, the started giggling, when she felt that good feeling, it actually helped sleep
Next day
Kanna ate her breakfast, said goodbye to her dad, then proceeded to walk to school " kanna!" She turned and saw yuho running up to her " I'm sorry if me and kunio scared you yesterday, we just loved your singing voice" she apologied " it's fine" kanna giggled " hey!" Both saw kunio, who jumped from the railing by the steps and ran to catch up " morning!" He smiled " goodmorning" both girls said " hey kanna, you seem pretty happy today, any special reasons why" kunio asked " nope!" The girl smiled, walking forward positively, which confused the two " by the way, I made up my mind" she turned to them giving a happy smile " I've decided to join the band" she giggled " really!?!?" Yuho exclaimed happily in which kanna nodded " this is gonna be great!!" Kunio pumped his fist " last one to schools a rotten egg!" He started sprinting towards the school " hey!" Yuho laughed " wait for me!" Kanna laughed along as she ran after the two, something told her that things might not be so bad after all, they went to school and started talking about the band, but what kanna didn't know, was that a certain boy was looking at her from afar, still feeling that weird feeling in his chest, the only thing he wanted to hear was her singing voice again
At the end of the day
" alright kanna! Its time to make you a full fledge seiren" Yugoslavia explained as the three stood above a symbol of a wave near the entrance of the tunnel, kunio put his hand in first, then yuho on top " now you" kanna then put her hand on top, kunio the said " alright rock"
" on!" Both girls exclaimed
" rock"
"On!" The three insisted together, lifting their hands into the air " alright! You are now a seiren!" Yuho cheered " now all we need is a drummer and our band will be complete!" Kunitz joined " yeah!" Both girls nodded " see ha tomorrow!" Kunio started walking home " bye!" Yuho did the same " see yea!" Kanna waved, then started walking home thinking
' tomorrow's a new day'
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I'm not going to take too long with the updates but I have a project thats scheduled for the 25th of May, il try and work in some updates but their gonna take some time, that's for being patient!✌🏻️
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