The second Brie walked out the front door, I instantly regretted everything that happened between Jordyn and myself. God, I'm an idiot. Brie's eyes were watering and you could see the hurt in them. Tears stained her rosy cheeks and she wouldn't look me in the eyes. I hurt her bad this time. I really fucked up.
I couldn't even say anything to her. The only thing that came out of my mouth was her name.
Her fingers started playing around in her sweatshirt pocket and when she brought them out she was holding something.
"Here." She grabbed my hand and placed a diamond ring and a key in it. I looked a bit longer at the two small items until realized it was my promise ring I gave to her for our one year anniversary and our loft key.
I shook my head, "No no no, Brie you can't. This cant be happening."
"Dallas, i can't be with you." She sniffled.
"Yes you can baby. I promise you. I won't hurt you anymore. I won't do it. If you just give me one more chance I promise you I'll kick Jordyn out, I won't go out to anymore parties, I'll spend so much more time with you, hell I'll even quit smokin man. I'll do anything to get you to come back to me," I cupped her face in my hands, "Please Brie, one more chance."
"I don't think so Dal." She grabbed my wrists and lowered my hands from her cheeks. With that she walked away, went back inside and shut the door leaving me in the dusk.
I left him. This time I wasn't going to let him get me back so easy. Don't get me wrong; that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I wanted to give him his chance, but I knew if i did, i would be the one to get hurt in the long run.
When I closed the door, I slid down and buried my face in my knees. Yvonne, Laila, and Chanel came to my aid quick.
"Babe, you deserve so much better." Chanel rubbed my arm.
Yvonne comforted me with words as well, "Brie you're hot, you can get any guy."
"Yvonnes right. You're smokin." Pony boy winked at me.
I giggled, "thanks pony."
Laila helped me up from where I was sitting, "Tomorrow we're gonna take you out. We can go to a club or something. Take some shots, meet some hotties. You down?"
I wiped my tears, "it's okay I'm really not in the mood."
"Brie go. It'll be good for you. You can get your mind off things." Soda said to me seriously.
I let out a big sigh, "okay fine." Everyone cheered when I said that.
I woke up the next morning with puffy eyes. I've been crying myself to sleep the past few nights. Not even gonna lie, I looked like a mess. I couldn't go to school like this. I got out of bed and took a quick shower trying to wash away all the sadness I've been feeling. I stepped out and did my simple everyday make up then got changed. Sweatpants and a grey hoodie. How fancy.
I looked at myself in the mirror and still I looked like a gross wreck. I groaned and fell back down on my bed. My ass was gonna be late to school if I didn't get up. When I did, i decided that i wasn't gonna go around school feeling sorry for myself anymore. I'm single. I need to look good. I changed out of my sweats and into a sexy silk dress that went to my mid thigh and threw on a black cardigan. My hair fell out of the ugly ponytail and let my long dark hair flow down to my waist. I put on a choker and then re did my make up. Contour, highlight, and everything. I checked myself out in the mirror and I looked bad as fuck. I winked my reflection and hopped into my car and drove to hell, I mean school.
Walking into school I had jaws dropping. Not to be cocky or anything, but I looked hot. I met up with Yvonne, Chanel, and Laila and they all looked at me like they saw a totally different person.
"Shit someone looks bomb." Laila said snapping a picture of me on her snapchat.
"Dude you never dress up for school. Why today?" Chanel asked admiring my dress.
I thanked them then replied, "oh you know I just didn't wanna go to school looking like a mess. I needed to look good for myself."
"Aw we're so proud." I heard Yvonne exclaim. We then walked into a different direction to get to our first periods.
I got through the first four periods of the day and it was finally lunch. I usually join the girls at our locker but I was starving so I just went to the cafeteria vending machines. I had just texted in our group chat to meet me there.
It was a struggle to choose what I wanted to eat. Our vending machines had good food so it was a hard choice. I agreed with my own self on the bag of Limon Hot Cheetos. As I put the dollar into the machine, I saw someones shadow creep up from behind me.
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