Chapter 3
Harry's POV
I don't know what happened, but I feel myself being carried somewhere by someone. I felt weak and I couldn't talk.
"Can you help him? We were in Potions and he collapsed" Draco said. So Draco, the love of my life brought me to the Hospital Wing. I felt myself being lied down onto a hospital bed. I tried to open my eyes, but I just try to say something and I found my voice.
"Draco? Dray? Look at me" I said. I was having trouble breathing, but I force myself to keep myself alive. Draco looked up at me. When he did, it got easier to breathe.
"Harry, are you alright? I was so worried" Draco said to me. He held my hand and all of a sudden I saw white wings envelope me.
"Draco, are you a veela? The reason I'm asking is because I happen to be a Neko" I told him. Plus my pain seemed to go down while in Draco's presence. The same had to be said for Draco. I think that Draco is my mate and I think Draco knows it. He's afraid that he's going to lose me.
"Dray, I'm right here. Your not going to lose me. I love you" I told him. He looked at me and leaned in and kissed me. That kiss made everything feel like I was in the right spot. Pomfrey let us go and we headed to the Room of Requirement.
"Are you really a Neko? The reason why I'm asking is because I haven't seen any evidence of you being a Neko" Draco said. I nodded my head and took my glamours off. When I did Draco was in aw and I let him pet my ears (believe it or not). It actually felt good to the touch.
"Draco, I have to tell you something. When I came into my creature inheritance I felt the presence of my mate. I don't know if you felt the same thing when you came into your creature inheritance, but I believe that you are my mate" I told him.
"Harry, there is something I need to tell you. Your parents are alive. You were taken from them and placed into the care of the Potters. Dumbledore wanted you to fulfill his prophecy by destroying Voldemort. Your mother happens to be Professor Snape" Draco told me. I was surprised, but let it go. Instead it was time for Potions and when we got there I tried to focus on the potion, but I couldn't.
"Mr. Potter, please stay after class. I wish to speak with you" Snape said to me. I nodded my head to acknowledge that I heard him. I continued to work on my potion that we were told to make, with Draco when we were told that we had to clean up our materials. I waited till the classroom was empty to move to another table closer to Professor Snape's desk.
"I can tell that something is bothering you. I know I gave you a hard time in the past, but I have always cared about you. Now what seems to be the problem" Snape said to me. I didn't know how to reply so I tried to avoid the truth.
"Everything is fine Professor Snape. Other than the fact that I was lied to for sixteen years about my parentage. Now if that is all, I think that it is best that I leave" I said. I walked away for a minute and he grabbed onto my sleeve.
"You know don't you. That I'm your mother. Yet you don't know who your father is. He is not a bad man. Dumbledore wants you to think that because of his prophecy. Your father happens to be Tom Riddle. I happen to be mated to him" Snape told me. It surprised me to know that the Dark Lord happens to be my father. I tried to wrap my head around it, but I couldn't.
"Why would Dumbledore lie to me? Why didn't he just tell me the truth? All he wanted was for me to fulfill his prophecy, one I didn't want to fulfill. And just to be lied to. I am glad that Draco told me part of the truth, it helped me to know what to expect. And, mum, thank you. For telling me who my father is" I told him. I smiled to him and headed to my next class before I was late. Instead I headed to the Room of Requirement and stayed there until it was time for dinner. I tried to avoid Ron and Hermione because I still had my glamour off. I decided that I should keep them off because I was tired of hiding the truth about who I was.
"Mate, where were you? We've been worried sick about you because you weren't at class the rest of the day" Ron asked me. I decided to tell them partially the truth. I didn't want them to know the whole truth quite yet.
"I was with Professor Snape. He wanted to talk to me about my potions grade. He decided to give me a potions tutor for the rest of the year" I said.
"Wait a minute, something's different. Harry, you have cat ears and a tail. Are you a Neko? And when did you come into your creature inheritance" Hermione asked me.
"Hermione, to answer your questions, yes I am a Neko. I came into my creature inheritance before school started. My mate happens to go here and he happens to accept who I am. Is that all of your questions Hermione" I asked. She just nodded her head and we headed into the Great Hall. I looked around and heard whispering about me. Instead of sitting at the Gryffindor table I decided to sit at the Slytherin table. I may have gotten glares from the Gryffindor table, especially when I decided to sit by Draco. When he saw me he smiled at me and let his wings out and held me with them. We may have gotten stares and glares, but we ignored them.
"Mr. Potter, please move to your own table" I heard Dumbledore say. I looked up at him and then looked down. I decided to ignore him. "Right now, Mr. Potter" He said again.
"I won't, because not only have I revealed my creature inheritance, I have also revealed who my mate is. So either you tell me the whole truth, not just hiding the truth about my parentage, but of everything that you have been keeping secret from everyone" I said as calmly as I could.
"So you know the truth, but there are some things that you don't know that I do" Dumbledore calmly said. All of a sudden it was time to head back to the common room. Instead me and Draco headed to the Room of Requirement. When we got there we just sat there.
Until...A bed shows up. We walk towards it and Draco pushes me to the bed.
Hey, everyone! How did you like it? Next chapter is going to be steamy. Hopefully you guys will like it, because it will be different than these three.
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