A/N – Hey guys and welcome to the Epilogue. Gif of Hannah ^^^^^
----- 10 Years Later -----
So, it has been a long 10 years since Marcus and I got married. That is one of the craziest things to say, I can't believe how long it has been since our wedding. I mean, I still find it hard to believe that I married Marcus. Half the time I think that our whole lives together up until now has been a dream and that I will wake up one day, Marcus will be with Niomi again, I will still be in love with him and I will never be able to tell him so none of this will have existed which hurts to say but it will eventually all sink in, I know I love Marcus and I know he loves me back.
I am now 33 and Marcus is 34. We have 5 children which is a lot but somehow we handle it. Our eldest is Michael 'Mikey' Lewis Butler who is 9. Then there are the triplets who are 6 and there is one minute between each of them; Matthew 'Matt' Lucas Butler is the oldest out of them, Melissa 'Mel' Lilah Butler is the middle and Madeline 'Maddy' Lucy Butler is the youngest triplet. Finally, there's our youngest Maiya 'Mae' Lily Butler who is currently 3 years old. And yes, we are one of those families that have all of their kids with the same initials M.L.B, we don't know exactly why we did that but it seemed to fit.
We don't actually live in Brighton anymore; we live in Wales, we moved just after Mikey turned 2. I know, surprising and our kids have welsh accents which is hilarious but I don't really mind and neither does Marcus. Marcus had a house built right next to Lydia and Brayden's place so we kind of share the farm now, I don't mind helping out on the farm because that's how Brayden and I are similar in a way other than all the other ways of course. Plus, Bella and Adam live in Wales too, they don't live on the farm but they live about 10 minutes away in the town however they are always visiting us. We all wanted to live close to each other.
Hope is now 10 years old, I hate that she is growing up so fast but she is a big help with the kids, especially the younger ones. Lydia and Brayden have three other kids – the second eldest is Scott Kyle Parker and he's 9 and then there's the twin girls, they're 7, Georgia Nicole is the eldest out of the two but only by a couple of seconds and then Natasha Grace is the youngest out of the kids. Brayden and I found it quite entertaining that the both of us had a set of twins or triplets as well as single kids; the kids also love the fact that Brayden and I are twins for some reason.
As for Adam and Bella; the two of them have been married for 8 and a half years now, I think, and they have 3 kids. The eldest is 8 – Zack Reece Parker, then 6 year old Ryan Harrison Parker and finally Theo Joshua Parker who is 4 years old. But Bella is pregnant with a little girl who should be arriving in just under two months now. Mae is the youngest out of our, very large, family but we don't really show favouritism to the younger ones; Christmas is one of the best times in this family I swear because when you have a big family, Christmas is full of fun and laughs.
Adam, Brayden and I haven't spoken to or seen our parents since my wedding day. In all honesty, none of us want to. We all meant what we said to them that day, we don't regret any of it one bit. There is no reason for us to regret it. Our parents made their choices and me and my brothers made ours. We live in Wales so that we could get as far away from our parents as possible, they have no clue where we live and they never will. It isn't like they watch Marcus' videos – Marcus still has his channel, the viewers love our kids and all of our nieces and nephews. Once Marcus filmed a video with the eldest kids, so Hope, Mikey, Scott and Zack, which was one of the funniest but most adorable videos he has ever filmed. Other than the family vlogs we have.
Alfie and Beth are still living in Brighton but they always spend the summer holidays with me, Marcus, Lydia, Brayden, Adam, Bella, the kids and their kids here in Wales. So the summer holidays are always interesting. Plus, Marcus, me and the kids usually go to Brighton a couple or three days before Christmas to exchange gifts. The twins are 9 at the moment but they will be turning 10 very soon; Nathan Marcus Deyes and Nicholas Brayden Deyes. Beth always wanted a large family but unfortunately that didn't go to plan, after she had the twins she had multiple miscarriages but she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 3 months ago by the name of Niamh Hannah Deyes. Beth and Alfie decided to give their kids our names as middle names so that they always remembered who their parents were best friends with even though they see us like all the time. Alfie still has his channel too; the Malfie videos are still going strong.
Neither Marcus nor I have had any sort of contact with Matt and Niomi. They haven't reached out to us and we, obviously, haven't reached out to them. However, surprisingly Matt and Niomi are in a relationship. We heard from Zoe, she still talks to Niomi every now and again but not as much as she used to, that her and Matt are living in Spain together but they don't have a family of their own as they don't want a family. I, personally, don't ever want to talk to Matt again, sure he was a part of my life at one point but now he is only a memory of the past.
Long story short, I am a girl that fell in love with my best friend. I was lucky enough to have him love me back, and now we have 5 beautiful children, 4 amazing nephews and 3 lovely nieces with another on the way; our family is all I ever wished for.
That was the Epilogue, hope you liked it.
I want to thank you guys because you have read this book through to the end and that means a lot to me. So I hope you liked the book and feel free to check out my others.
Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.....
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