Chapter Twenty-Five
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Five. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I am happy to say that Brayden is fully recovered now and he has been for a few months now, around 3 months I think and he is so glad to be out of that wheelchair. He said to me that he never wants to see a wheelchair again but as soon as he was allowed to walk he chased me around the farm for about an hour until he caught me and tickled me until I was crying with laughter. He found it very entertaining to say the least. He basically got me back for everything that I did whilst he was in the wheelchair but he rammed me in the ankle with his wheelchair a couple of times which left cracking bruises on my ankles.
Also I have a 2 month old niece, she was born a week early but she is the most adorable little girl ever. Her name is Hope Ashley Parker; they named her Hope because she was born with a punctured lung, her left lung was punctured so both Lydia and Brayden were panicking and thinking she wouldn't survive but she definitely has the Parker spirit in her because she is a fighter and she pulled through. Her lung isn't completely functioning on its own, she has to have an oxygen tank with her at night and during the day Lydia has to have one with her in case anything happens but Hope is one of the strongest little girls I have ever seen and I am proud to have her as my niece.
Marcus and I stayed with Brayden and Lydia until we were completely sure that Hope was fine and we could go back home but we were with them for our one year anniversary which was nice because I got to spend it with my brother and Marcus and I went for a walk over the hills again. I can't believe that we have been dating for over a year now, it is so crazy because I never even thought we would date in the first place as he was with Niomi for such a long time. I know that both of my brothers are happy for me because when I was with Matt neither of them liked him and I only did it for my parents.
At the moment, since leaving Brayden and Lydia, Marcus and I are on holiday in Portugal with Alfie, Beth, Tanya and Jim. It was Alfie's idea because of Marcus and I's anniversary and Alfie thought that we should all do something together which both me and Marcus agreed to because it sounded like fun plus now I have an excuse to bring back adorable baby clothes and toys which is something that I have always wanted to do but I never had a child to give the stuff to. It's weird, I know but my niece is going to be spoilt by me and Marcus has said he agrees with me.
I like it here in Portugal, it is very warm here but it is also a really picturesque place. I love travelling and I always have, I think that it is really nice to travel because you get to experience different people, different cultures, different places. If you don't travel then you don't get to see all these different things, for me travelling means that I can look back on things and just be like 'I am so glad I went there, I am so glad I had the guts to do those things'. Plus I enjoy travelling with my friends because they just make it all a laugh and travelling with Marcus means we both have amazing memories together.
What was a surprise to me and Marcus was that we aren't staying in a hotel. Alfie, Beth, Tanya and Jim all chipped in to rent a villa for the duration of our holiday. It is a massive villa with a garden and playground stuff, a games room, a garage and a very big pool. According to Jim it was their present to Marcus and I because we have been together for a year and they all thought that we deserved it based on everything we have been through. I couldn't believe that they had done it because it is such a big gesture.
I wake up to an empty bed which is extremely unusual because Marcus likes to sleep and he rarely wakes up before me at home let alone on holiday. I usually have to wake Marcus up but if he wakes up before me then he wakes me up, I am so confused right now because this does not happen very often. I look to Marcus' side of the bed and there's a note there that has been written by Marcus because I recognise the handwriting. I am a little less confused now but I am kind of tired so I don't know how much information I am going to take in at the moment. I rub my eyes slightly before sitting up in bed and reading the note.
'Glad you are awake now Honey.
Good morning and I hope you slept well.
I am sure that you are confused as to why I am not sleeping or in bed next to you. At the moment I am not going to tell you that reason.
What I will tell you is that I, along with Alfie, Beth, Tanya and Jim, have hidden notes all around the villa and its grounds that you need to find today.
The first note is in the room where there's a rather large mirror.
Remember I love you so much and have fun Honey, I hope you enjoy today
~ Marky'
I smile and place the note back down before walking into the bathroom which has a mirror above the sink and it is the length of the wall that the sink is on so I would say it is pretty big. When I walk into the bathroom I see a note taped to the mirror along with an outfit that is folded up on the counter next to the actual sink. I look at the outfit, I am presuming Beth and Tan have picked this out because as smart and as nice as Marcus dresses he doesn't have the best fashion sense.
I get changed into the outfit, after having a shower, which consists of a cropped short sleeved burgundy top, a dress with a denim dungaree type top and a snake skin patterned skirt, burgundy vans and a necklace with a copper key as the pendant. I love this necklace; I think it is so cute. I still don't think Marcus got this outfit together because he wouldn't know what to pair things with, he would just go with what he likes me in. With Marcus he just likes it when I wear casual things that aren't too over the top which I don't mind because I have never been a girly girl.
Oh Marcus Butler; what are you planning?
That was Chapter Twenty-Five, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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