Chapter Thirteen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Thirteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Playlist Live is such a cool place, the people here are really nice. I have met a load of YouTubers who are definitely different but they are a laugh too. Sawyer, Joey, Tyler and Troye are amazing guys. They had never met me before obviously because I stayed off the YouTube scene a little bit until I left school whereas Alfie and Marcus were having their YouTube Channels booming around a year before we graduated.
It was kind of nerve-wracking meeting all these people that have known Alfie and Marcus for a while because they clearly know them well; not as well as I know them but well enough to judge if I am a good person to be around them I guess.
Marcus and I are getting interviewed today in our room. I was surprised when I found out that Playlist Live as their own YouTube Channel and throughout the 2 weeks that all of the different YouTubers are here they get someone that works for them to interview the different YouTubers and upload the interviews to their channel. I think it's pretty cool though because the fans of all of these YouTubers get to know the people they like a bit better, they kind of get to see into their lives a little more which I think is good because the majority of YouTubers want their viewers to know who they are and the type of life they have.
I am a little hesitant about the interview because of the hate that I got before. I know I will still get hate and thankfully it has died down a bit now, it was never a large amount of hate but that doesn't change the fact that it still hurt me and that it did affect the way I acted in Marcus' vlogs for a while until Marcus actually said something to me and said that I shouldn't be acting that way on account of some jealous viewers that didn't like the fact that Marcus was in a relationship with someone other than Niomi. The hate has subsided a little and none of the viewers are hating me as such, sometimes there will be the odd comments on Marcus' vlogs or main channel videos in which I might have been in or been mentioned but I guess it's just better to let it roll off your back that let it get to you and let what those people say affect the type of person that you are.
The other day Adam texted me a picture of Magic sleeping on the windowsill in his bedroom and she looked adorable, I hate leaving her at home but we can't really bring her all the way to America especially with her condition. I have no idea why Adam is completely fine with looking after Magic so much but he is and I can never thank him enough because Marcus and I will be going away a lot because of his channel so we will always need someone to look after Magic and well Adam is the closet guy to our house that will willingly look after her. I mean, he never asks for us to pay him which I think is awesome because if we were to take Magic to somewhere like the kennels I have no idea how much we would have to pay.
I feel Marcus tracing shapes on my lower back underneath the shirt that I am wearing which happens to be owned by him but as his girlfriend I get the rights to stealing any of his shirts to wear whenever I want. My hands are resting on his chest as I open my eyes and look up at him "Good Morning Honey" he says and I kiss him quickly "Morning my lovely and smexy boyfriend" I say and he chuckles "If we're playing that game" he says smiling at me "Hello my beautiful, gorgeous and way out of my league girlfriend" he says and I roll my eyes "Don't go all mushy on me Marcus" I say and he smirks "You know you love it when I go all romantic" he says and I giggle "I guess I do but I love one thing more" I say and his face drops "What would that be?" he asks confused "You" I say and his face lights up before he pulls me into a very passionate kiss.
Whilst Marcus goes outside onto the balcony for a little bit I go for a shower. The interview is starting in around an hour and a half so I want to get ready as soon as possible and hopefully I don't look absolutely horrid. I finish my shower and then change into a floral print crop top with thick straps, a black chiffon midi skirt, white hi-top converse and a gold bracelet fastened with a bow. By the time I am completely okay with how I look Marcus is already changed and the person that is interviewing us will be here in a few minutes. Once again my nerves show and Marcus notices "You don't need to be nervous Honey. Everything is okay. It will just be like filming with me" he says and I nod "I know Marky but it is still a bit different. I just don't want the hate starting again" I say and he sighs before pulling me into his arms "The only viewers that should matter to you are the ones that care about you and are nice to you. The ones that are haters and actually have no idea about who the real you is are not worth your time" he says and I smile.
Thanks to Marcus I think that this interview could go pretty well. I have no idea about what type of questions we are going to be asked but I am assuming that they will be about Marcus' channel, our relationship and things like that. Marcus could possibly be asked about Niomi, even though they haven't talked since Niomi showing up the day after they broke up Marcus doesn't have any hard feelings towards Niomi. He had known for a while before they broke up that things weren't the same anymore and I think he just got used to the idea of being with her so therefore it didn't hurt too much when they finally left each other.
That was Chapter Thirteen, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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