Chapter Seventeen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Seventeen. Picture of Troye and Marcus ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
I think that clubbing will be pretty interesting, I mean I have always enjoyed that type of atmosphere but at the same time I hate the amount of people that just crowd around you, it gets really claustrophobic in my opinion. I want to enjoy tonight because I like having a laugh with people and I feel like going clubbing will automatically make all of us have a laugh. Dancing is one of the most entertaining things about clubbing because there's either 'grind on me' songs that you dance to and then there's 'no more dry sex' songs that less people dance too because usually they aren't as upbeat as the others.
We have just met up with Joey and Sawyer but we're waiting for Troye to arrive. I have to say, both Joey and Sawyer look very handsome, I didn't know they could clean up so well. Marcus has sat down on one of the couches in the lobby so he has pulled me down on his lap and Sawyer and Joey are on another couch. Sawyer looks over at me and smiles "What?" I ask and he chuckles "You seem to make Marcus very happy" he says and I blush a little "I try my best I guess" I say and Marcus pulls me into him even more "She makes me happy and I love her" he says pressing a kiss to the back of my head "See, that is something that you never did with Niomi" Sawyer says and Marcus nods "Nope, I don't know why I didn't when we were together though" he says.
Troye soon appears and plops down next to Marcus and I on the couch "What took you so long?" I ask and he smiles at me "I fell asleep after my shower and then woke up around 15 minutes before all of us were meeting and I wasn't changed so I had to get changed" he says and we all nod "How long does it take you to get changed mate?" Marcus asks and Troye shrugs "It depends on whether or not I have figured out what I want to wear. I am not like you guys, I like to know that my outfit matches" he says and the other mock gasp "I'm with you on that Troye" I say and he laughs.
We are officially on our way to the club; I have no idea what it is called though, not really asked. Sawyer decided to sit up front in the cab whilst Joey and Troye are sitting behind Sawyer and the driver and Marcus and I were left to sit in the back of the cab. Marcus places his hand on my thigh and smiles at me "I love you Honey" he says and I kiss him gently "I love you too" I say before resting my head on his shoulder. All of a sudden Joey turns around and smirks "You two are adorable" he says and we both laugh lightly "Thank you Joey" I say leaning forward and kissing his cheek.
We've been at the club for a while now and it is really nice but I want a little bit of fresh air. It gets really stuffy in clubs and I don't like it, plus it stinks of alcohol and I hate that smell after a while so going outside is my best option. I turn to Marcus and tap him on the shoulder "I'm going outside" I say and he nods "I will come with you" he says and I turn to Troye "We're going outside Troye" I say and he smiles "I might as well join, I don't want to look like a loner plus Sawyer is coming back from the toilet now" he says and we all walk outside.
The club is actually in a pretty nice area, it isn't right on a road. There is a bit of grass outside before the pavement and then there's the road. Marcus sits down on the grass and lets me sit on his lap because otherwise I wouldn't be sitting in the most graceful position. Troye sits next to us but he looks behind me and his mouth drops open "What?" I ask my voice trailing off as I see who's walking towards us. It is Matt and Niomi, Matt has his arm around Niomi's shoulder and they look extremely comfortable with each other. When the hell did they meet each other?
Troye quickly stands up as do myself and Marcus. Matt lets go of Niomi and looks at me "You look extremely beautiful Hannah, I love the dress" he says taking a step closer to me "But the dress would be so much better on my bedroom floor" he whispers in my ear and he then pulls me into him before breathing lightly on my neck making me flinch away from him "What the hell is wrong with you" Marcus says pushing me behind him "You don't need to be so protective Marcus" Matt says and Marcus scoffs "Oh I do when she's around you. You can't be trusted around her" Marcus says and Matt crosses his arms "Or is it her that can't be trusted? You can never be too sure about who is being unfaithful" Matt says and Marcus looks so furious as he clenches his fists.
I make a grab for the back of his jacket to hold him back but he is too strong for me and he punches Matt. I go to stop them but Niomi grabs my wrist "THIS WOULDN'T NEED TO HAPPEN IF YOU WOULD JUST LEAVE MARCUS" she shouts and I glare at her "HE LOVES ME NIOMI. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD YOU BLONDE BIMBO" I shout and she goes to slap me but Troye pulls her back "Don't you dare Niomi" he says with venom in his voice. I turn my attention back to Matt and Marcus, Matt is beating up Marcus. It looks horrible.
I run over and try to pull Matt off of Marcus "Matt, Matt please" I say still pulling at his shirt "Mattie" I say, using the nickname from when we were together and Matt stops "Please get off him" I say letting some tears fall. Matt slowly gets off Marcus and the bouncers that were on the door of the club run over to restrain Matt whilst I check on Marcus. He looks so battered, I don't like saying this but Marcus has gotten beaten up.
I can't believe this.
That was Chapter Seventeen, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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