Chapter 1
"You God-forsaken child! You little bitch," my father spat. "This is all the money you earned?! You're such a worthless piece of shit." He yelled in my face.
I tried not to scrunch my face up in disgust from his disgusting beer breath.
I looked into his dark green eyes, trying to find any emotion, at least just a glimpse of something, but nothing. Just dark cold-
I was cut off by a hard slap to the face.
It basically knocked the wind out of me. I fell straight on my butt.
I snapped my head back to look at my used to be happy dad, as he stood over me, fist clenched and jaw tight.
"You disgust me." I spat. I stood up and dusted off my clothes. I had never been afraid to stand up to him. But I always regretted it after.
That earned a hard punch to the the stomach, making me double over and groan.
He pushed me on the ground and climbed on top of me throwing multiple punches.
"This is what you get for not keeping your mouth shut little bitch!" He shouted in between punches.
I did my best not to show that I was in so much pain, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
"P-please!" I yelled, throwing my hands up to try and stop him from throwing another punch to my now aching body.
He threw one last punch climbed off of me.
I sighed in relief, trying to gain my breath. Is it bad that it literally hurt to even breathe?
He fell over on the on the couch taking a swig of his half empty bottle of beer.
I struggled to get to my feet. I almost screamed in frustration as every time I tried to get up I failed and fell back down.
I tried one last time, and swiftly brought my self to my feet.
I limped up the stairs and to my room.
I opened the door, closing it and locking it.
I immediately fell to the floor. I couldn't stop the rainfall from my eyes.
I sobbed and sobbed. I brought my knees to my chest and hid my face in my knees.
I lifted my head up and looked over to the small piece a paper on the floor next my foot.
I picked it up. It was the only a picture I had of her. I cried.
"I don't know how much longer I can do this mommy." I whispered as I climbed onto the bed and buried my face in the pillow, slowly drifting to sleep.
I woke to the loud sound of my alarm clock, smashing my hand down on it trying to stop the annoying sound.
I threw the covers off my aching body and stood up.
I walked to the bathroom connected to my room, closing the door and locking it.
I turned the shower knob to cold, hoping to soothe my hurting body.
I stripped down to my underwear and looked to the mirror.
I gasped.
Not only did I look like shit, but my body was cover in black, blue, and purple bruises.
My eyes were red and swollen from crying so much. And I had a big purple bruise on my right cheek.
There was also a big blue an purple bruise on my whole left side, on my stomach, must be were he kicked me.
I poked it with my finger and winced loudly.
I climbed out of my thoughts and hopped in shower taking my last items of clothing off.
Once I was finished I stepped out wrapping a towel that was hanging on the rack around my swollen body.
I walked out of the bathroom and to my closet.
I picked out some skinny jeans, and a long sleeved t-shirt, hoping to cover the bruising on my arms and legs, along with my dirty white converse.
I quickly through on the clothes along with a matching pair of underwear and bra, and walked back into the bathroom.
I don't know how I'm gonna cover this one up. The beatings were never this bad, I could always cover it up with light makeup. But this is going to take a lot of makeup.
I turned over to the mirror and opened my makeup bag.
I peeked my head out of my bedroom door, looking side to side, trying to save myself from another beating. Once I saw the coast was clear I picked up my backpack that was sitting beside my door, and threw it over my shoulder, wincing slights from the light bruise on it.
I tip-toed out the door and down the stairs.
Again making sure the coast was clear before sprinting out the door, but not before running threw the kitchen and picking up an apple.
I closed the front door and starting walking towards the direction of my school, pulling a book out of my backpack.
The walk was about a half a mile.
I sighed a breath of relief as I got lost in the book, Paper Towns by John Green. I was always a sucker for romance.
I closed the book as I walked up the steps to Green Wood high, shoving it back in my backpack.
I walked through the crowded halls trying to get to my first hour.
I winced silently as people bumped into my sensitive bruises.
I crunched my face up disgust when I smelled some people who obviously didn't shower this morning.
I sighed in relief once I got to my locker.
I punched in the combination opening it, and shoving my stuff in side, grabbing the things I need for my first class.
Seconds later it was slammed shut, but luckily I removed my hand quick enough. If my hand was still there, it would of been shattered.
"What the hell!" I shouted turning around to see who almost broke my hand.
And of course it was the one and only Mandy Wilson and her 2 minions.
"What's the matter?" She fake cooed, as she got closer to my face then she needed to be.
"Not today Mandy." I spat trying to push past her but her minions pushed me into the lockers.
I winced loudly, trying not to cry as they pushed against my bruises.
Mandy is the queen bee of the school but only because everyone was basically scared of her. Along with her 2 followers, who are only friends with her for popularity.
They have been bullying me since freshman year, and I still don't know why. But luckily it's my senior year, and I can get out of here.
She smashed her hand down on my things, making them fall out of my hands and fall on the ground, making a huge mess.
"Heres my calculus homework it's due tomorrow." She smirked and strutted away with her clique.
I scoffed. Like I would really do her homework.
I sighed and slowly bent down, gathering all my things, picking them up, and standing back up.
I walked down the hall, opening the door to history, after I threw Mandy's homework in the trash.
I walked into the room, sitting in my usual seat in the front of the class room, where I get a clear view of the board and can hear the teacher clearly.
I just want to ace all my classes so I can get into a good college and get out of this god awful town.
The second bell rings and the rest of the students pile into the classroom quietly as the teacher walks in.
I brush my hair behind my ear and sigh as she begins her lesson.
After 50 agonizing minutes, the bell rings, signaling the end of class.
"Class dismissed," Mrs. Norberry announces as every packs up their things rushing to the next class.
I packed my things up slowly wanted to avoid being shoved around in the halls.
I walked up to Mrs. Norberry quickly, seeing as I have 4 minutes to get to my next class.
"Uh, Mrs. Norberry?" I spoke slightly, catching her attention.
"Oh, What can I help you with today Isabelle?" She asked with a wide smile, seeing as I'm her favorite student.
"Oh-I was uh- wondering if There was any extra credit I could do?" I stuttered out.
"Ah yes of course!" She smiled as she explained the assignment.
Once she was finished I rushed out running to my locker, she was talking for over 3 minutes so I only have 1 minute to get to class.
I opened my locker quickly shoving my books in and pulling my math ones out.
There were few people in the halls, also rushing to their classes trying to avoid detention like me.
I slammed my locker shut, rushing down the hall trying to get to math which is like on half way down the other side of the school.
I was paying attention to my surroundings, as I only focused on trying to get to class.
I've never got detention before and I'm not about to start now.
I turned around the corner only to run straight into a wall- with what felt like abs...?
I fell straight down, right on my butt dropping all my things. I groaned in my head.
Mr. Dreyback is definitely going to give me detention now.
I looked up scowling at whoever knocked me down- uh oh.
Staring straight back down at my with a glare was the one and only, Cayden Black...the schools bad boy, also known as the beast.
He is rude, selfish, and a down right asshole, but other then that he's like sex god.
"Watch where your going," he spat as I gathered my things standing up. I shivered at deep husky voice.
He stood tall over at atleast 6'4 over my 5'3 figure.
I scowled at his choice of words, as he walked past me pushing me with his shoulder making me stumble back slightly and I winced slightly.
"Asshole." I muttered, but didn't realize I had said it loud enough for him to hear.
He stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me with an intense glare.
He walked back towards me slowly, as if a lion stalking it prey.
I wasn't scared though, although most people would be.
He stared at me for a few seconds, looking deeply in my eyes, as if searching for something, probably fear, as I looked back into his.
His deep green eyes were cold and closed off, guarded. He was no doubt insanely good looking.
"What did you just say to me?" He spat as he glared holes into my head.
He stared at me daring me to say it again. Like I said, I wasn't scared. Everyone else may be scared of him but I'm not.
"I called you an asshole. You can't just bump someone down, then just walk away. It's rude." I spit back, glaring right back at him.
He looked surprised at first but then covered it up.
He stared at me for seconds as I stared back daring eachother to say something. He opened his mouth, about to say something as I glanced over to the side, at the clock.
I said loudly as I gathered my books and sprinted down the hall, brushing past Cayden with out a second thought. I thought I heard him chuckle lowly but I pretty sure I was just imagining it.
I'm 13 minutes late.
I opened the door to the class and everyone's heads snapped to stare at me. Including, Mr. Dreyback.
"Miss Conwell, would you like to explain to the class why you are 14 minutes late?" His voice boomed.
"I- uh I-I-" I stuttered as I tried to thing up an excuse.
"Detention." He announced getting back to the lesson before I could say anything else.
I sighed. There goes my years of avoiding detention.
I couldn't help my mind going back to what just happened though.
That was the first time I had ever even come face-to-face with him, hell that had to be the first time he's ever looked at me.
Hours of the day went by quickly and I was now walking to room 125 the detention room.
I sighed loudly as I thought about the beating I'm gonna get for coming home 2 hours late.
I opened the classroom door, walking in. I walked over to the teachers desk handing him the slip Mr. Dreyback gave me.
He snatched it out of my grasp with an annoyed look muttering "pick a seat."
I walked over to a random desk and sat down.
I looked around, there are about 12 other people in here either asleep, or sitting around bored.
I reached into my bag bringing out the extra credit assignment Mrs. Dorberry gave me.
I was half way into the essay over World War II, when the door was snatched open loudly.
I looked up from my paper to see who was walking in 20 minutes late.
And of course, it was the asshole of the century.
He strode in, walking over to the teachers desk handing him his slip. He immediately caught everyone's attention, but they soon got back to what they were doing.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Cayden Black for the third time this week." The teachers voice boomed in the silent classroom.
"The one and only." He smirked. I rolled my eyes at his remark.
And turned looking over everyone in the room until his eyes landing on me.
He stared at me for a second, before a glint of recognition went through his eyes.
He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, going back to my assignment and his smirk grew wider as he saw that.
He slowly stalked over not leaving my gaze, my heart beat suddenly picked up as he got closer.
He soon took a seat right behind me.
I groaned loudly in my head, cursing my self for choosing this seat to sit in.
I tried not to pay attention, as his hot breath, slightly fanned my neck. I shivered.
My heart beat beating fast and I had no idea why.
Minutes went by and I suddenly I felt I light tap on my shoulder but I ignored it.
And then he tapped again.
I turned around with an annoyed glare.
"What?" I whispered glancing over at the teacher, who was sleeping.
Cayden was leaned back in his chair, feet up on the desk, with his hands up supporting his head.
He looked at me for a second as if taking in my features.
Just as I was about to turn back around he spoke, "what's your name?" His husky voice asked.
I was no doubt absolutely surprised that the bad boy of green wood high, hell the bad boy of this small town, was asking for my name. Mine.
I looked back him as he continues to stare at me with a heated gaze, I looked into his eyes, they were cold, yet I saw a spark of something I couldn't really tell what it was.
It looked like my question caught him off guard. He took his feet off the desk and leaned forward, looking it to my hazel eyes.
"Because you seem...different."
My heart sped up at his words.
I tried to understand what he meant by different.
"Different?" I questioned turning almost all the way around to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
He went back to the position he was in before with his feet up again.
"Yeah, different." He stared at me, with no emotion.
I looked at him, trying to figure him out, and I bet he was trying to do the same. But just like him I was closed off. Hidden of emotions.
"So..." he said.
"So...?" I questioned. He rolled his eyes.
"What's your name?" He replied as if I was stupid. Asshole.
"Oh uh right," I mumbled feeling stupid. "Isabelle. My name is Isabelle."
I saw a tiny glint in his eye, but he covered it up.
"Isabelle" The way my name rolled off his tongue, made me shiver. I don't know why but I did.
I still can't help but wonder, different? How am I different? And why has the beast suddenly taken a liking in me? Why do they call him the beast? He's not even that...bad?
My head is swirling with questions as I try to focus my essay.
Time went by quickly, and soon the 2 hours had passed and the teacher dismissed us.
Everyone was getting up and leaving as was I.
We were all walking out the doors quickly, me quicker because I was trying to get as far away from Cayden as possible.
I was walking down the hall way towards the exit along with everyone else including Cayden, when one of the dudes behind me suddenly started running, when he ran past me, he roughly bumped into me pushing me into the lockers making my hit my bruise hard.
I fell to the ground wincing. They guy that ran past me turned back around when he realized he'd pushed me.
"I'm so sorry-" he started but was cut off.
"Hey dickhead how about you watch where your going next time." Cayden spits in his face with a deadly glare.
Me and dickhead stared at Cayden in surprise.
Then dickhead nodded his head in fear and ran off again.
My bruise was aching really bad and I couldn't help the small cry that came out of my mouth as I tried to stand up.
Cayden was walking away when he heard my cry and he looked back over me.
He walked over and looked at me in curiosity.
I ignored his gaze as I stood up and leaned against the lockers, waiting for the pain to die down so I can walk without crying. We were now the only ones in the hallway.
I gently place my hand on the bruise wincing again. Why the fuck does this hurt so bad.
Cayden seemed to notice this as he suddenly came closer to me.
I stared at him as if saying 'what are you doing'
He brought his hand up, and I flinched away. His eyes shined with curiously, and something else I couldn't quite describe.
He gently put his hand where mine recently was, and I winced loudly pushing his hand away.
He looked surprised. He suddenly brought his hand to my the hem of my shirt, but I pushed it away before he could pull it up. My eyes wide a saucers. Not wanting him to see the huge bruise my father had made on my whole left side.
He pushed my hand back, and ever so slowly lifted my shirt up.
His jaw clenched as he stared down at my stomach.
He let my shirt fall back down before looking into my eyes intensely.
He looked mad...? Why would he be mad.
"What happened to you?" He said lowly. His eyes piercing mine.
"I-I uh I fell," I stuttered out. Looking away from his piercing gaze.
He looked at me obviously not believing me. He opened his mouth to say something, but I pushed him away from me, picking up my bag and sprinting away from him and out the door.
Fuck it still hurts.
I didn't stop running once I got outside seeing as once Cayden came to realization he ran after me.
But once he had open the doors of the exit I had already turned the corner.
I stopped running to catch my breath, as I walked the rest of the way.
I opened the door to my house, holding my breath and preparing for another beating.
I walked in quietly. I looked over to see my father thankfully asleep on the couch.
Thank god.
I walked up the stairs, to my room, shutting the door and locking it.
I dropped my bag on the floor and plopped on my bed.
What the fuck just happened?
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