Nashi and Luke...
"Nashi your gonna hurt yourself if you keep trying to use fire dragon slayer magic" said Luke as he trained with Nashi outside.
"I'll be fine I can handle two magics at once" Nashi said smiling.
The two were outside the guild training near a lake they had were there were a lot of trees.
Luke found out he inherited his uncle Zereff's magic which led him to stay at the guild until he got the hang of it. Since Luke was too strong before now that he has destruction magic and Zereffs magic well except the immortality part he is capable of a lot of destruction and could badly hurt himself as many people if they had magic like his would die instantly.
"Wait so let me get this through I have magic like you?" Asked Nashi confused as she starred at her brother.
"You could say that and let's just say I took most of the weight off everyone else's chest you just helped me in a way" said Luke looking a bit saddened by the topic.
"Oh...I see" Nashi said getting a little sad as well.
"Anyway Luke please teach me how to use my magic I want to go on missions without hurting others" said Nashi changing the subject as she smiled at her older brother. Luke seemed shook by her immediate change in expression but then loosened up.
"Hey turns out Nashi inherited some of her uncles magic like Luke did" said Ace to the girls that were sitting next to him on the third floor.
"Well Nashi is like her father in some ways. Sometimes for the good and sometimes...."
"Winter why are you so gloomy!?!" Yelled Ace at the girl as she just looked back down at her book.
"I heard Nashi is gonna be as strong or even stronger than Luke one day" said Eclipse happily.
"I dont think that would happen exactly. Nashi didn't have dark magic when she was born it sort of awakened. While Luke suffered with it since birth" said Yukki explaining.
"I guess that's true..." said Gray walking up to check in the teens.
"Dad?" Asked Winter as he smiled to her.
"Well I guess you guys are old enough to know the truth" said Gray walking over and sitting next to the group.
"Nashi and Luke well they are special aren't they. There's a huge difference between the two though. Nashi has this magic because she inherited END while Luke inherited the magic that his uncle uses and his own. Let's say this Luke was trying to take the burden of the dark magic away from all his siblings since he could. Luke has the ability to purify a mage but that comes with the cost of him getting the magic and making him more like his uncle. When Nashi was born she, she was born to have all the END powers and her uncles. Luke quickly tried to remove that magic but failed. So instead he just locked it away somewhere inside of her heart." Gray finished which left the group in shock.
"So your saying Nashi and Luke are tied in magic!?!" Yelled Eclipse confused.
"Sort of Luke is still a lot stronger than her but once she unlocks that magic she could be as powerful as him. But she could not be stronger than him since if she unlocks all the magic at once there's a possibility her body cannot take so much power and she could get really ill or even die. That's what Luke was trying to avoid with all his siblings since he could do something to save them in a way" said Gray finishing.
"So that why Luke is training her non stop" said Eclipse understanding everything now.
"Ok I have to get going, stay out of trouble and don't say anything this is a secret between us only" said Gray winking as he left the teens there.
"Why are Dragneels such a handful?" Asked Yukki jokingly.
Ok I needed to make this chapter since a lot of you guys were still a little confused about what was going on. I hope this helped!!!!
Have a great day or night wherever you are!!!
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