Luke's Mystery...
"Ok this is simple I guess" said Reiki sweating nervously.
"Just walk up to her and ask her , yea I got this" he said to himself.
"Just go already!" yelled Rosemary pushing Reiki to where Nashi was still sulking in the corner.
Reiki cleared his throat then walked closer to her.
"Um, Nashi..." he started only to be cut off by Nashi turning around with a even darker aura causing Reiki to run back to the group.
"You wuss" said Rosemary looking down at Reiki rocking himself back and forth unimpressed.
"Y-y-you d-d-ont u-nderstand! I saw my life flash before my eyes!" he said still rocking back and forth causing everyone else to back away from him.
"One down huh!" yelled Luke from the third floor as he leaned with his back against the rail.
"he's fine, he's just um... he's just" started Sylvia only to not know anything else to say.
"She's a Demon I would like to live if I were you and give up" said Luke now facing down at the team.
"We got this, we're only getting started!" yelled Storm back up to Luke leaving the rail and entering a room.
"What now heaven girl?" asked Gale to Rose.(Rosemary has heaven magic, Reiki has hell magic)
"Don't call me that (1) and (2) I know exactly what to do" she said smirking at Storm.
"Um... what?" asked Storm as everyone starred at him.
"Why me..." whined Storm as he wore a bunny suit.
"You look nice, just where's your shirt?" asked Sylvia pointing at his bare chest.
"ugh!" whined Storm.
"No time!" said Rose as she pushed him towards Nashi.
"Um Rose, what's the point of this again?" asked Gale confused.
"Storm himself already distracts Nashi, so him being all dressed up like this should really get her attention and make her forget about what she was sulking about, its genius" said Rosemary with sparkles in her eyes as she said the plan proudly.
"This might actually work" said Sylvia looking over to Storm and Nashi.
"uh-um Hey Nas-hi" said Storm stuttering.
"LEAVE ME ALO-...Storm?" she said the aura clearing away.
"I think it actually worked" said Gale sarcastically earning a glare from Rosemary.
"Uh do you mind if i uh- ask you something" Storm said blushing slightly.
"sure..." said Nashi confused.
"why do you hate Luke?" said Storm covering his eyes with his hands trying to protect himself from anything Nashi would throw at him, Literally.
"why I hate Luke huh?"
"well I don't really hate him I guess, I just-"
"NASHI!! IM BACK!!!" interrupted Krystal as she walked over to Nashi.
"Now we can go on our shopping day!" said Krystal cheerfully.
"Sure let's go right now" said Nashi standing up and walking out of the guild door's with her best friend.
"REALLY KRYS!!" yelled out Storm as she was gone.
"I give up" said Storm laying back onto a chair.
"Storm let's follow them" said Rose.
"No lets not if we get caught who knows what Krystal would do to us, she's been waiting to go on a shopping day with Nashi for a month now" Storm said laying his head back.
"Ugh then what now?" said Rose thinking.
"I'm tired i'm going home" said Sylvia.
"I guess we'll go home to" said Rose walking over to Reiki.
"Ok I guess then..."
The team went their separate ways. Storm left the guild at a hour later after everyone else left.
Storm's POV
'Whatever it's not like we have to do anything if we lost anyway' I thought to myself.
"-orm, Storm, Storm!" I heard someone yell.
I turned around to see Nashi.
"Yes, what's wrong?" I asked her surprised she was still out this late.
"You asked me a question remember?" she asked me.
"Yea, if you hated Luke" I replied.
"I never told you my answer, the truth is I only started to ignore him once he became a wizard saint cause I knew as a child I wouldn't see him very often so I ignored him so I wouldn't miss him as much"she said with a smile as if she didn't feel sad after sharing that.
"Oh, I didn't mean to force you to tell me i'm sorry" I replied trying to not let her feel bad.
"Nah it's fine, when I get home I'll probably tell him the reason why I ignored him all this time, so it's actually thanks to you guys, it took spying on me to realize it. But anyway thank you" she said with a smile once again and turned the other way.
"Night Storm see you tomorrow" she said then walked home.
This was a really wierd sad kinda twist to the story that I didn't expect would happen but its fine. Hope you enjoyed!!<3
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