Fairy Tail High!
Nashi is 11 here....
"I hate normal classes.." Growled Daxon with both hands behind his head as they walked. He wore the uniform for the private school "Fairy Tail High" that only the kids of the members of Fairy Tail could attend. Krystal walked next to him with a large book in her hands trying to cram in as much information as she could. While in the back...
"Listen here ice pack! I'm unbeatable and your frozen self could never get to my level!!!!" Yelled a child with pink salmon hair and wore the same uniform as everyone else.
"I'm in the top five, love" said Storm sarcastically smirking. Nashi seemed to get even more irritated and started a fight behind Daxon and Krystal who were quiet.
"We're here children" said Krystal referring to the two in the back still fighting as fire and water went everywhere. Krystal sighed and looked over at Daxon who gave her a 'do I have to' look. Krystal nodded and Daxon moved back and grabbed them both by the collar of their shirts.
"We are already catching too much attention just by being with you two, so stop" said Daxon glaring at them both. Nashi pouted and Storm gave him a 'what do you mean look'.
"Your supposed to be on my team. This fire freak thought she was better than me!!" Yelled Storm trying to get out of Daxons grip.
"Cause I am!!" Yelled Nashi back starting a new fight with Storm while Daxon stood in the middle holding onto their collars still.
The noise caught so much attention that everyone turned around and stopped what they were doing to see what had make the noise. Krystal stood in front of Storm with the large book she had just smacked him on the head with.
Finally Nashi broke the silence.
"Haha!!! You smacked that fool so hard I think he got a concussion!!!" Nashi laughed finally being dropped by Daxon. Daxon sighed annoyed and walked off.
"Krys your so mean" said Storm rubbing the spot on his head that Krystal just hit him with the book.
"We're late to class" she said with a dark aura surrounding her. Storm and Nashi sweat dropped nervously and walked off silently.
"Why didn't you hit them before?"
"Cause I wasn't finished with the book before"
"O-oh..." Said Daxon nervously.
Doneeeeeee!!!! I know it's not that interesting buuuuut I didn't have much inspiration and I promised the chapter. But at least a new chapter was released right? Anywayyyyyy thank you for reading!!!
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