5 Years Ago...
"Yo!! I heard Nashi and Krystal went all buserk on some dudes and turned into a wierd demon things!!" Yelled Liam running into the guild immediately catching everyone's attention.
"THEY WHAT!?!" Everyone yelled staring at Liam confused as they looked around asking questions as to what might of happened.
"Yea Storm and Daxon are bleeding an incredible amount and some men are with them!!" Yelled Liam running back outside as everyone ran after them.
"Luke let's go we have to help them!" Yelled Yukki grabbing Luke and Ace while Eclipse walked nervously behind them.
"NASHI!!!!!" Yelled Yukki as she saw Nashi crying next to a body.
Nashi turned around quickly. As soon as she did her normal appearance soon came to view.
"What happened!?!" Yelled Yukki hugging Nashi who was in more shock then anyone there. She was still shaking in Yukki's arms.
"Some men... tried to kill Storm and Daxon... Krystal and...I stopped them...I think" said Nashi glancing at Storm who was on the floor bleeding.
"DAYA HURRY!!" Yelled Yukki at Daya who stood there watching Storm and Daxon with pale eyes.
"Y-yea" said Daya walking over to them healing them quickly.
Eclipse took care of Daxon and Krystal.
"What happened before the men and fighting?" Asked Yukki still hugging the 10 year old Nashi.
"I walked out of the guild with Krystal... some men were beating up Daxon and Storm with bats. I-I don't remember what happened after but why is Storm bleeding?" Said Nashi looking down at Storm who didn't move but had a expression twisted with agony.
"Aunt Wendy is taking care of him as well as Daya he will be alright" said Yukki picking up Nashi and carrying her as she walked over to Luke still carrying Nashi.
What do we do? Mouthed Yukki toward Luke who stared kindly at his sister.
"Hey Nash how about you wash up and then we will get food?" Said Luke as if nothing happened.
"What are you doing?" Asked Yukki angrily staring at Luke.
"We need to try to make her feel better. She will feel responsible and that will eat her away" said Luke as he brushed his hand through Nashi's hair.
"Ok I'll take her to my room so she can clean up" said Yukki carrying Nashi away.
With Eclipse...
"Krystal you need to tell me what happened" said Eclipse holding Krystal's hand tightly.
"Those men tried to kill them... I don't remember the rest" said Krystal looking guilty.
"This is not your fault Krys. How about I take you to Tenrou island I know you love it there" said Eclipse smiling at Krystal who looked at her sad still.
'Devil slayer magic' thought Eclipse to herself as she saw the black markings start to disappear.
"What will happen to Daxon?" Asked Krystal looking back but before she could see Daxon Eclipse stopped her.
"They are taking care of him he will be fine. Come on let's go clean up" said Eclipse trying to cheer her up.
"Storm and Daxon get them to the infirmary!" Yelled Wendy as Romeo and Liam got the kids up.
"Get Nashi and Krystal away from them. What triggered their powers was the sight of their friends getting hurt they need to go somewhere else" yelled Levy as she looked at Eclipse and Yukki and nodded.
The day them turned dark. The sky cried for the pain of Fairy Tail as cold rain pounded the ground...
Ha, ha ,haaa *nervously sweats* I'm so sorry I found this chapter in my drafts and was like this can do for today so IM SO SORRY IF THIS MADE YOU SAD!!!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!
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