Couple Wars...6
"Eclipse are you just gonna stand there?" Asked Ace as Eclipse stood on a rock smiling at him.
"What do you want me to do?" She asked sweetly.
Ace created a protection around the two and sighed.
"Okay I'm done let's just look for the-"
"Found it!" Yelled Eclipse happily smiling up toward the mountain. Ace sweat dropped.
"We have to climb?" He asked annoyed.
Eclipse still smiled with eyes closed.
"Nah!" Yelled Eclipse waving her hands up to the sky.
"What are you doing?" Asked Ace staring at her in disbelief.
"I inherited my fathers magic I just made it...unique" said Eclipse concentrated on the sky.
In a short while a shining spark fell from the sky.
"What the-!" Yelled Ace jumping back as it landed in front of the two.
"Ok let's start walking" said Eclipse as a spark of lightning stood shining and incredible amount at the two.
Yukki pouted in the arms of Luke as Luke fought all the monsters not leaving anything for her to do.
"Luke i want to fight to. Please" Yukki pleaded worried that Luke carrying her and fighting all the monsters at once would tire him. Nope.
"Yukki I told you this once. I'm not letting you fight. Save your energy" said Luke obliterating a monster.
Yukki sighed then nodded.
"Can I at least walk myself?" Asked Yukki pouting while slightly blushing.
Luke stopped walking and looked down at Yukki with no emotion he pushed her a bit down so she could see the ground while still carried by him.
"Do you seriously want to walk?" He asked smirking. As Yukki's eyes widened from the sight. Luke was in some sort of protection and under him you could see more monsters trying to get to them.
Yukki covered her eyes immediately and Luke knew well why.
"You can open your eyes now" he said pulling Yukki back into his embrace.
"Your rude" said Yukki annoyed with him.
"No I'm actually really nice" he said smirking reaching out his hand and grabbing something In front of him.
"And its over" said Luke touching the red flag with fairy tails insignia.
I'm not doing to great right now guys, but I promise I will keep going forth with this story I'm sorry the chapter is so short.
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