Well, This is Interesting
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***Christian's POV***
Your beloved is a kitty.
How the fuck? I mean I know how. But, how?
"You mean to tell me that the roar we just heard is my beloved?" I question my creator incredulously.
"Precisely. A snow leopard if I am correct." Tony continues laughing in short bursts. We walk through the forest with Josie on his back.
"Well, I'm not opposed to cross breeding. Maybe that is why she disappeared." I ponder the thought out loud.
"I have no doubt. But, maybe she doesn't know that you are super natural as well." Tony explains.
"I would love to be a snow leopard." Josie speaks up and we both look over at him.
"That is interesting." Tony chuckles.
"They're beautiful. That wasn't a roar by the way. That was a prusten, sometimes referred to as a chuffle. Snow leopards don't have a larynx and therefore cannot roar. Unlike other cats of the Panthera family, they lack the ability to make such a large noise." Josie stuns both me and Tony with his in depth knowledge of my beloved's species.
"How do you know so much, parvulus?" Tony looks back at a smiling Josie.
"I studied them in my biology class. It was a project. We each had to pick a mammal. I am
partial to the big cat family. However, I do not like domestic cats a single bit. Their obnoxious creatures that are clingy and they expel unnatural odors from their bottom. I don't like them. Nope. Nope. And nope." Josie shakes his head.
I burst out into laughter. That is quite the reason to dislike a kitten.
"You will not have to worry about the cats if you are so disapproving of them." Tony pulls Josie into his lap as we take a seat on the damp ground.
"Good. They make me sneeze." Josie rolls his eyes playfully.
"I hope my beloved does not make you sneeze." I bop Josie on his adorable nose, careful not to hit his dainty nose ring. I did that once. I felt terrible. Josie's eyes watered and his nose turned pink. He sniffled for hours. I assume I tapped a nerve.
"I will be okay if she does. I won't do anything to upset your beloved." Josie crawls into my lap and I squeeze his tiny little body. The boy is a treasure that I am happy to have.
"Give him back." Tony pulls Josie back to him and plants a delicate kiss on Josie's lips. The giggles slip out. I will never get tired of hearing my best friend so happy.
"That was rude, Sire." Josie gently chastises his beloved.
"I'm sorry, Kitten." Tony apologizes and I smirk. It's awesome that such a tiny boy can have so much power over my very buff Sire.
"It is not me who you were rude to." Josie nods his head in my direction.
I put my hand up but, that doesn't halt the apology.
"I apologize Christian. I didn't mean to be so possessive." Tony smiles over at me and of course, I accept his offering.
"No offense taken. I'm shocked you were able to share him for so long without it turning violent." I chide.
"If that is your quiet way of poking fun at my timing, point taken. But, I'm here now so excuse me if I choose to make up for lost time." Tony tenderly grazes the side of Josie's face with his thumb.
"Don't be so sensitive. What is meant to be always finds it's way. If Josie has forgiven you, who am I to hold a grudge." I wave off the insinuation.
"There was nothing to forgive. Sire was just waiting on you to find your other half. I would have done the same, had someone given me the option." Josie pokes his finger in Tony's cheek causing the large man to pull a blush that was unnatural and comical.
"I'm sorry, kitten." Tony peck's the boys lips and illicts a smile worth a thousand millenniums.
"No more apologizing. Now, all this ruckus has stirred my hunger. Feed me." Josie purrs like the kitten he wants to be and rubs his head across Tony's jaw.
I stand up, already knowing that we will be cutting off this afternoon journey. There is no way that either of us would allow Josie to go hungry.
Tony stands and we use our speed to make it back to the kitchen in a hurry.
I take Josie in my arms while Tony starts working around in the kitchen. It's not long before the whole kitchen fills with a delicious aroma. My mouth is already prepared to scarf down his offering.
"What are you going to do about you're feline problem?" Josie plays with my hair while straddling my lap.
"Not sure. I guess we need to figure out who she is first." I run my hands down his sides and over his back.
"Well, there can't be that many Snow Leopards in this town." Josie softly acknowledges.
"That's not the problem." I shake my head. That would be easy if it was.
"I'm confused. Why cant you track her by her scent?" Josie holds my face in his hands and stares at me bewildered.
"I'm not a tracker. I wasn't given that gift." I shrug. It would be a cool gift. But, I'm happy for what I have.
"I hope I am gifted. That would be awesome. Can you imagine me with super powers?" Josie's eyes grow big and you can see the ideas making laps in his brain. I technically could see if it I wanted to intrude. But, I would never do so to my Josie without his expressed permission.
"I bet you are gifted. I can't wait until you join our family as a blood thirsty newborn." I tickle Josie's side while laughing manically.
"I'm not drinking human blood. None. Not one drop." Josie shakes his head frantically.
"You might." I tease.
"Nope. Not happening. I'm going to drink animal blood." Josie nods his head along with his revelation.
"Why is that, cutie?" I ask curiously.
"Because. Humans are awful creatures. I don't want their toxic blood draining my purity once I'm finally a vampire." Josie looks at me seriously.
I nod in agreement. No, not all humans are vile. But, Josie drew a bad hand and I can comprehend why he feels that way.
I hug my buddy to my chest and rest my chin on his head.
"I'm so glad we have you. You're a gem." I whisper lovingly.
"You are too, Christen. I love you." Josie clasps his arms tightly around my back and sighs in contentment.
"I love you sweet Josie." I rock us gently just because he seems to need to comfort.
"Food is ready. Are you too going to cuddle all day? Or would you like to eat?" Tony sets two plates with Philly cheesesteak sandwiches in front of us. He walks over and grabs the Brandy, pouring all three of us a glass.
I look over at my creator questioningly, but he shakes his head. I drop it. Not my business.
Tony takes Josie into his lap, situating him so they may both eat. I begin eating my meal.
"Thank you Tony." I smile up at my Sire.
"You're always welcome, Christian." Tony gives me an eye crinkling grin.
"This is good." Josie moans as he eats his sub.
"I'm glad you like it, kitten." Tony leans down and pecks his beloved's lips.
"I don't like that stuff in the glass. It burns." Josie makes a face of displeasure.
"It's alcohol, burns but will warm your whole body." Tony takes a sip from his own glass and stares over the rim of the glass.
"Let me see." Josie takes a big gulp from his glass, gagging while swallowing the liquor. He sets the cup down and waits patiently.
Momentarily, a big grin covers the sweet boys face and he nods enthusiastically."Yes. It does warm. That's neat."
Josie goes back to eating, taking small sips from the cup after each bite.
"When will the trackers find Christian's beloved?" Josie stares at Tony questioningly.
"They are set to start looking this evening. They are waiting until sun down, hoping she is less mobile." Tony finishes his food, pushing his plate off to the side. He wraps one hand around his glass and the other holds Josie to his chest.
Josie pushes his barely eaten sandwich to the side. Tony shakes his head in disapproval.
Tony pushes the plate back towards Josie and pulls small bites off with his fingers. He hand feeds my best friend.
"Thank you, kitten. You need nourishment." Josie smiles up at Tony, earning himself a kiss.
"My belly is tiny. I am getting full." Josie looks at Tony pleadingly.
"If we stop eating, do you promise to have more later?" Tony rubs his fingers through Josie's curls adoringly.
"I do promise. I just don't like to over indulge. It gives me the aches." Josie pushes the plate away again and Tony nods his acceptance.
"Can we watch a movie?" Josie asks hopefully.
"We can. But, we will have to do so later. We need to go the shops and get you some clothes." Tony moves Josie to my lap and stands to put away our lunch.
I cuddle to Josie placing sweet kisses on his forehead.
"Can I buy new shoes? Oh and I would like some more socks. And, I want another hoodie for Christian. I took this one and he isn't getting it back." Josie looks at me with a wink.
"You can buy whatever and how much you want. You never ask for anything. I want to spoil you." Tony finishes up with cleaning and I hand Josie back.
"You know my legs work?" Josie playfully teases with Tony.
"Apparently so do those lips, smart ass." I stand up and swat Josie's butt.
"Your legs may work, but so do my arms. Now, zip those perky lips and let me dote on you." Tony chuckles when Josie bats his eye lashes and nods approvingly.
"You better be careful. Spoiling Josie is not a good idea." I warn.
"Shush. I can and will handle him." Tony pokes his tongue out at me.
"Yeah, Christian. Don't deter the man. I'm a princess. Now bow at my feet." Josie giggles when I gawk at him.
"Too far." I shake my head.
"You know I'm just messing with you." Josie blows me a kiss.
"Yes. That is why I haven't smacked some sense into you." We walk towards Tony's truck.
"Can I sit in the front with you two?" Josie asks excitedly.
"You're such a tard. I can sit in the back." I offer.
"Nope. I want to be a Josie sandwich. One Josie between my two favorite people." My heart warms at my bestie. He really is a doll baby.
"Of course, love." Tony deposits Josie in the middle seat. I hand the safety belt over and Josie buckles himself in. I climb in and Josie lays his head on my shoulder.
"Is it a very long drive?" Josie questions with a yawn.
"About 40 minutes." I run my fingers through his hair.
"I'm just going to close my eyes." Josie yawns again before snuggling into my side. I wrap my arms around his tiny frame and cuddle him.
"I'm glad he has you, Christian." Tony speaks softly.
"I love him so fucking much. He burrowed his way straight into my heart." I look down on sleeping beauty with a sweet smile plastered to his face.
"Thank you for pushing me towards claiming him." Tony pats my arm that is wrapped around his beloved.
"It is what's best for all of us." I promise.
"We will find your kitty. Don't worry. I will not rest until we do." Tony gives me his word.
"I'm nervous. I can't help but feel like she is hiding from me." I confess.
"Well, I'm sure she is. However, once she figures out that you are amazing, she won't be doing any such thing."
"Well, we have to get her still long enough so that I may prove that." I chuckle.
"We will. It's all going to work out."
I nod my head in agreement. If fate wants us together, it must have a good reason.
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