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***Leah's POV***
Scurrying off after swapping skin on the fly, my feet race against the snow covered ground. With my heart beating faster than necessary, I put distance between myself and any unforeseen danger. The landscape becomes a blur with my speed maxing out.
Over the mountain, to the other side of Canada, I breathe easier knowing I'm close to free.
Freedom. Deity above, what a ducking gift. My Christian gave my release from ties that have invisibly bound me my whole life. My heart thuds heavily at the memory.
Those blue eyes that roar like turbulent ocean waves. They stared at me, through me. He saw my deepest desires. My mate gave me the only thing I could not give myself, escape.
Panting from lack of water, nutrients and sleep, my body begs for refreshment. I make my way towards the slowly moving body of water in front of me. The lake steams from the warmer water meeting the harsh temperature of the tundra.
My tongue laps thankfully at the cool moisture. A shiver trembles through my fur. It has been too long. I should try to take better care of myself in the future.
This new life is a genuine blessing. Someone heard my cry. They found mercy upon my battered soul. That someone called me Beloved.
What a selfless act, to give away that which was destined to be yours for eternity. I have no idea how he came to do so. I am just appreciative that he did.
A rustle in the forest surrounding the lake puts my back hair on end. My head turns swiftly, eyes narrowing in. My ears perk, a rabbit. The scent makes my jowls relax as drool pools in my mouth.
Crouching down, I take position. In an almost slither, I cover the ground between me and my prey. Unknowingly the furry creature startles, jumping towards me instead of away from me.
One calculated pounce, his neck becomes trapped between my incisors. With mercy, I snap the poor bunnies thorax. Limply, it lays in my muzzle. The blood seeping from its open mouth flares my nostrils.
Climbing carefully, I move to the tree tops. Once secure, I place the newly lethargic creature between my paws. The first bite is satisfyingly small. The flesh tears with ease. No time has passed to toughen the deteriorating muscle.
Minute movements from my jaw allow me to savor the still warm blood as it travels down my throat to fill my abandoned belly. The crunch of each bone is a little too loud for my safety. However, I move quickly through the tendons, cartilage and fur.
Once my meal is expended, nothing left to trace, I clean my paws. Lazily my tongue scrapes against my fur, taking with it any sign of my conquest. The fullness of my belly is a reward I have not been met with recently.
Yawning, I stretch my limbs against the bark of the swaying branch. With careful balance, I sort out my space of rest. My eyes involuntary meet my lashes. The sound of silence lulls me into slumber.
With the crack of the wind, my eyes pop open. Time has passed. Sleep has Taki em me from evening into midnight. The dust of stars upon the clack velvet sky are brightened by the moon's holy light.
Feeling rested, I jump from the sturdy tree limb. Landing on my feet, I take off towards the direction I was headed in to begin with. The miles pass with ease. Unfortunately, a stirring within the swell of my chest begins to become uncomfortable.
Pausing to give myself relief, I curl in on my own body. The ache is manifesting, growing in my internal cage. My heart weakly sputters, crying for oxygen.
Turning against a large canopy of trees. My body faces the way in which I came. The movement alleviates a small portion of the discomfort that continues to multiply within my chest.
Making an about face, I leap towards the paths that lead into the heart of Canadian country. A distinct pull stops me where I land. The invisible string tethers me towards the opposite border. An unfamiliar ache pangs within.
Feeling exploratory, I move back towards the United States border. The closer I come to New England, the less the pain becomes. Unnerving as it is, I begin to question my sanity. A simple hypothesis is easily formed. Testing the theory, I shoot off towards Canada once again.
Crying out a chiffon of disease, I turn again right towards the place I am escaping from. The pain is far worse than before. If I'm being honest, it is becoming paralyzing.
With no other choice, I simply make my way back to the border. Each step brings minimal relief. I follow the border blindly, seeking refuge from the tether that bounds me to my home country.
Hours pass, the steps I take are minimal as I seek and find the small particles of peace that the land offers. Mindlessly, you follow my heart. Strange it is to follow an organ that I have detested since I can remember.
When familiar sounds, scents and scenery meet my senses I come to my conclusion. Inside, where my heart should be, is begging for my mate. Maybe I did nit reject him properly. Did I have to sever an unsubstantiated bond. I will figure it out.
Moving towards the woods outside of Christian's home, I settle for my favorite lurking perch. Climbing up the large tree, I make myself comfortable in yet another limb. The tree trembles from my weight. I watch as the snow sways slowly towards the ground.
My eyes find a point of reference. Staring passively, I watch the occupants of the hime move about. If I were human, a giggle would leave my lips. I spot Josie mauling his beloved.
The fangs look good on him. I wonder when Tony decided the change was pertinent. My Christian stands back observing with a smirk.
Could he get any more handsome? I do not believe it to be possible. My thoughts are proven wrong as my mate bursts into a fit of laughter. The way his eyes crinkle, catching the moon's beams takes my breath. Momentarily dazzled, I watch him. My goddess, he is perfection.
Tony manages to claw from the clutches of his stronger mate. My mouth opens to smile. That feels good. How long has it been since peace and happiness have accompanied me? Sliding from my throne, my body slinks gently into the snow.
A little closer wouldn't hurt.
The sounds of pleading cause me to smile once again. Tony has his hands full with that one. Josie corners his Sire. Tony gives in with a fake pout. Oh, maybe I should close my eyes. I don't.
Comedy hour continues. Josie paws along Tony's waist line. With ninja skills, the boy breaks the barrier of Tony's belt. Whatever the boy does, Tony scoops him into his arms.
Had I not seen so much love, I would believe the smaller vampire were in love. The smile gracing Josie's face displays a formidable accomplishment.
Tony rushes away with his beloved tucked into his arms. The boy laps and kisses along the older vampire's throat. It doesn't take a genius to see the clear victor. Someone is getting laid tonight.
My eyes fall back on my mate. His eyes are no longer filled with joy. Why is he sad? The soft crinkles on his forehead allude to pain? Is he hurt?
A little closer still, I lurk.
My mate paces. His lips stumble incoherent words. The pain echoes in my chest. Uncomfortable but manageable, I stand still to observe.
Christian throws his hand over his heart, clutching aggressively against the invisible organ. My chest warms before my heart thunders recklessly.
Closer. Now close to the porch, I stroll towards the window. His words are still not clear. Some can be made out. Listening carefully, I eaves drop.
"Walked away. No. She had to go." More mumbling of words I can only imagine.
"Just like that." His hands cover his eyes.
"You should have fought." My skin brushes the banister. My body has moved closer again.
"You did what was right. You can live with that." His pacing makes me nervous. His words cause me unsettling.
"Face it Christian, you can't always get what you desire." The words are harsh, almost a chastise.
He doesn't deserve to end up with me. I'm not good enough. I will wreck him. He needs to trust me on this. I'm not good enough for the likes of him.
"Leah is better off." Christian falls into the recliner. His words are off the Mark. They aren't even in the stratosphere.
My Christian is better off. My mate is safer without me.
A sound I am unaccustomed to takes me flying towards the door. Unable to open it with my paws, I search for a covering. When my eyes find a chilled blanket, I quickly shift. Pulling the cloth to shield my nakedness, I move towards the door.
My hand grips the doorknob. Pulling quickly, I am stunned to find that it is locked. Knowing nothing will come of breaking the damn thing, my hand comes up to rap across the glass. Loud thuds vibrate off of the material. My calls are frantic.
I watch as Christian comes to the door. His large eyes portray his confusion. I fix the blanket to cover me fully. His feet make their way towards the barrier between us.
With nothing to lose, I wait as the door quietly opens. Christian opens his mouth to question my presence. Feeling completely overtaken with this new found emotion, I push my body into his arms.
The relief is immediate. His arms circle around me, clasping the cloth to my form. My nose nuzzles into his neck, finding peace in his scent. Everything becomes a revelation as Christian spins me into the house, shielding me from what he perceives as danger.
He presses me against the wall, turning his back to my front. I can feel his emotions boil. His breath comes in snares. Without pause, I burst into giggles.
"Leah?" Christian cocks a brow at me as he cranes his neck to question my manic outburst.
"I'm mot in danger." I shake my head at what very well could be a reality given it is me.
"Why are you here?" His words are not harsh. He clearly needs an answer.
"I couldn't let you think that you were not enough. That is not fair. It is me. I am less than stellar. I had to ease your despair. I wanted to lessen your burden." My tone is reassuring, pleading this angel to please accept my reasons so he can find peace.
"Thank you." Christian releases me slowly, stepping back to give me a wide berth.
My heart wants anything but. However, it would be rude of me to entangle him further into my emotions. He deserves better. That much is a given.
"If you would like to stay, we have spare rooms." Christian turns his back to me. As he unbuttons his collared shirt, my mind begins to wonder what that marble skin feels like, looks like and tastes like.
"I could um, stay with you, maybe." My voice is small, doubtful. Although, I want him to say yes. I almost need him to say yes.
"That will be fine. I have a couch. Come, Leah, I believe I have something that will for you." Shuffling my feet quickly, I press against Christian's side. My blanket thankfully stays in place.
Without a few words between the two of us, I follow my mate to his room.
Once dressed in Christian's t-shirt, boxers and socks, I curl up in his warm bed. The moment he steps away to fall onto the couch, a whimper involuntarily leaves my lips.
"Leah, sweetheart, are you okay?" That simple sentence does me in.
Reaching out my arms, I urge my mate to comfort me. Selfish as it may be, I need him. A growing portion of me feels like I could want him.
A sigh escapes my lips as Christian holds me in his arms, placing a kiss into the skin of my temple.
Revelations may just be you're hearts way of saying you got it wrong to begin with.
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