Long day
Anthony at the top
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***Christian's POV***
I'm tired. Physically, beat. Every inch of my body is screaming for a long bath.
Yes, we vampires bathe. We also sleep. Don't believe everything you read in fantasy novels. Although I do not sweat, I do like to be clean of filth and grime. I was spat at today. It didn't hit me, thank heavens. But, all the same, I would like to wash away the evidence of my encounter with my least favorite patient.
I close my office door and trudge slowly towards the elevator. No amount of the deep chestnut liquid I desire will help. This is a Brandy kind of day and I will readily indulge once I make it home. Coffee can be my friend again come morning.
The drive home always seems longest on days like today. Aside from our local drug addict unsuccessfully poisoning his system, I delivered a baby. That was wonderful. I love bringing life into this world. I had a patient code and after two failed resuscitations, the family called to tell us to stop our attempts. Luckily, the woman on the table decided she wasn't ready to escape our world yet. She was a slow start but did come back eventually on the third and final attempt.
I dealt with a broken leg, due to a teenager who was showing off for a cute boy he liked. That was comical. The most adorable thing happened when cute boy followed Evil Knevil to the ER and accepted his offer to exchange phone numbers.
I helped ensure that both boys got the correct digits, seeing as the patient was highly comfortable on Morphine at the time of exchange.
My last case of the day was, by far, the straw that broke the camels back.
Jane Doe, a fourteen year old, was brought in via ambulance. Her body was covered in bruises. Her clothes were tattered and she was semi conscious. She had trauma in her most intimate place. You get the jest of what occurred.
After I left the room, I called Tony and informed him we have a predator on the loose. I'm strictly appeased that he will not exist for long.
One thing we have going for us is our reputation with authorities. They overlook certain missing persons reports if they are made aware of vile crimes that the subject has perpetrated.
I, of course, spoke with the officer that came to get the girl's statement. I informed him that his men could rest easily. We would be handling the problematic aggressor. The local PD is always willing to accept our helpful hand.
Thankfully and distastefully, we will not have to look far. As with too many cases involving young teens, the pedophile is within her own home.
After witnessing the mother interacting with her abused teen, I surmise that she too is a victim of abuse, whether sexual or domestic violence. The bruises that adorned her fragile flesh left no room for questions. He will be handled accordingly.
I pull into my driveway, happy to see the outside of my home. I slip from my seats and close my door, softly. I lock the beauty up before heading inside to find a donor and a glass of strong liquor.
Entering the house, I hear too much commotion. I am immediately alerted by Anthony's strong voice reverberating off of the glass walls.
"I will not say this again. Once more. One more fucking time, and each of you will find yourself decapitated. You will be a pile of burning ash." Tony threatens the unsuspecting newborns literally with their mortality.
"Now, are we understood? You will not hunt within the confines of this town. You will not be suckling the veins of local townspeople, tourists or visitors. We are a peaceful clan. You will behave as such or else."
The newborns nod their head and piss Tony off yet again.
"I do not speak sign language and as best as I am aware, you lot are not deaf. You will acknowledge my demands with a verbal response. If you want to be speechless that can be arranged. I will rip your fucking thorax from your neck before I detach your head from your body."
I shiver at the use of his violent threat. Although, it is definitely not an empty threat and more of a promise. A promise made of solid, impenetrable steel.
"Yes, Sire."
For once, the air headed newborns actually address their creator with his given title and his earned respect.
"Dismissed, to your rooms. You're grounded." The chorus of sighs is audible and I hold back my chuckle.
"Christian, thank god." Tony wraps his arms around me and buries his nose inside of my neck. No doubt he is seeking comfort in his child. I wrap my arms around my father figure and pat his back before rubbing my hands along his spine comfortingly.
"Save me." Tony whispers. He illicits a small chuckle from me that vibrates his body.
"Only if you save me back." I pull him away from me and wink at him.
"Deal." Tony agrees without question.
"I could use a strong drink. Care to join me." Tony offers. I roll my eyes.
"You read my mind."
"Actually, I didn't. But, I would have if I found it necessary." Tony waves his hand dismissively.
I am aware that he would have no second thought to reading my mind. After all, that his particularly useful, gift.
My gift is more subtle and I am just happy to have one. Not every vampire is gifted. Those of us that are, we are grateful.
I am able manipulate your memory. I did so just earlier, helping the Jane Doe to forget that she had just been assaulted. I can make the memory disappear, fade or just become less vibrant.
I cannot, however, change what you are thinking. What ever is happening is a protected entity. I can only change things that have already occurred and not those that are or will manifest.
I had to soften the memory for Jane Doe temporarily. She is going to have to testify against her father in the eyes of the law. Once we dispose of the scum, she will fall ill with selective amnesia.
For now, we have to allow her to fulfill her role in the human race and she will appear to be awaiting his prosecution.
Too bad the fucker will have committed suicide well before authorities are able to apprehend him.
"So, what is it that I am saving you from dear son?" Tony sets two tumblers full of amber liquid in front of me. He sits down and pulls one of the tumblers towards himself.
"Mr. Michaels." I groan out in aggravation.
"Him? Again? Why don't you just refuse to treat him?" Tony reaches out and skims his thumb over my brow bones, attempting to smooth out my furrowed wrinkles.
"I did tell him this would be our last intervention." I inform him.
"That is wise. He is too stressful for you and the staff. You cannot save someone who is determined to fill his body with toxins." Tony takes a large sip from his liquor as I do the same.
"Speaking of. You have a tracker on Jane Doe's father, yes?" I question. I'm sure he does, though.
"Yes. Yes. Do not worry that young face over such inconsequentials. I have arranged for his apprehension." Tony smiles and I know that sinister grin anywhere. Mr. Doe will not be polluting perfectly good air for much longer.
"Thank you." I breathe out a sigh of relief.
"No need for appreciation. God knows, I love doing anything of value." Tony polishes off the last of his drink and I follow shortly behind.
"Are you hungry?" I ask. I have yet to eat and honestly I am famished. I would drink blood however, at the moment alcohol is my indulgence.
"I am. But, I will make us both something to eat. Relax. You deserve it." I nod my head in acceptance. Like I said, I'm exhausted.
"You are due for a vacation Christian. I suggest taking a little time off and giving yourself a reprieve." Tony mindlessly talks while starting the flat top stove. Pots and pans are scattered across the burners. A cutting board appears and he skillfully begins to chop up ingredients.
"I will soon. I promise." I ensure my creator. He does love to dote on me and honestly I do not mind. We are two single men and I don't mind a little affection when lacking.
Not too long passes before a steaming plate of shrimp scampi is sat down in front of me. My mouth is already prepared for the deliciousness before I actually take the bite.
Tony enjoys cooking and it shows in the skillful dishes he presents. They are full of flavors that compliment one another and always satisfying to the pallet.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"You are welcome. I enjoy cooking for such a deserving party." Tony sits beside me once again, having refilled our tumblers for another round.
We sit in companionable silence. It is neither awkward nor deafening. The only sound is our utensils occasionally scraping against the dish. I do not love the sound and we both attempt not to create such a shrill noise.
Once our plates are empty and my stomach is temporarily satisfied, I help Tony to wash up the dishes and we leave the kitchen in lieu of the living space. We both park ourselves in a recliner and Tony turns the 75" television on.
He immediately turns the channel to our favorite show.
Ridiculousness plays a series of repeats followed by Tosh.O, successfully drowning out the events of today that have wound us both up so tightly.
After two hours of laughing raucously, we both decide to turn in for the night. Tony turns off the television and offers me a hand to get out of the comfortable chair. I gladly accept and he hoists me to a standing position.
His lips meet my forehead in his usual parting gesture and I give him a quiet good nite.
I head off to my room where I strip and finally sink myself into a warm bubble bath. The jets in my spa tub help to deteriorate the knots that have bunched up in my muscles.
I sigh in contentment and push the button on the Alexa that sits on my bathtub ledge.
"Alexa play something relaxing." I call out to the intrusive appliance that knows way too much to be merely a listening device.
A soft melody filters through the air. A piano begins and I recognize November Rain coming from my playlist.
I guess Alexa is as tired as I am. She didn't even bother adding any effort in tonight. She merely went to my relaxing playlist.
I don't even care as I hum along to Axle Rose. This song is iconic and it doesn't matter that it is almost thirty years old. It's timeless and I love it all the same.
After too many songs pass by, I clean myself thoroughly before deciding to drain the tub and drying myself off with the soft cotton towels in my bathroom.
I slip on my sweat pants and get into my bed, ready for this long day to meet its closure.
I hum in contentment while relaxing into my soft sheets. I pull my duvet over my shoulders and turn on my side. I grab the nearest pillow and hug it to my chest, wishing desperately that it was a female, preferably my beloved, rather than an overstuffed ball of feathers.
All the same, I close my eyes and let sleep find me. It takes a while. My mind does that thing where it likes to replay the major events of the day. It must need a brief summary to store away in its files.
Before I can really dissect the conjuring of my memory I find my eyelids glued tightly shut and memories morph into dreams. Dreams that are so far fetched I will call them fantasies, for now.
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