How to Love
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***Christian's POV***
"Um, Christian, I have a question." My beloved lowers her head as she stares at her fingertips. Curiously, I pick up her chin to look straight into her stunning blue eyes. Worry reflects back at me while I search for the focus of her anxiety.
"Yes, love. You may ask me anything, anytime." Smiling lightly at this beautiful woman, I hope to encourage her conversation. Our interactions are frequent but, there is a defined wall between us. I work daily to chisel away at the barrier between Leah's heart and my own.
"What do you like? I mean, what would make you happy?" Leah ponders the answer to her own question. I feel my eyebrows meet in the middle as they furrow. I'm confused. I like her. She makes me happy.
Giving up after only a short internal investigation, I answer. "You." I'm almost positive their is an inquisitive tone to my short answer. I thought it was obvious. Maybe I'm not as I good as I thought at showing my feelings. I will have to do better.
"I know that." Leah rolls her eyes playfully as she lifts up from her Indian style position on the bed. She leans her weight on her knees as she wraps her arms around my neck.
Taking the initiative, and the opportunity, I place a soft kiss on her lips. I love the way our flesh feels against one another. It's cheesy, but we fit so perfectly together.
"I wanted to know how to love you, correctly. I'm not very good at it. I just want to return some of the affection and attention that you give to me." Leah sits back on her bottom as she smiles at me, patiently waiting for my response.
She is beyond silly. The fact that she is here fulfills her obligation to me. I don't expect much. I know where she has come from. She is already going against her nature just to give us a try at all.
"I guess I don't know the answer. Odd. Your effort is so great that I find myself happy without the details being too extravagant." Realizing that I have been no help at all, I think about it. She is genuinely concerned about making sure that my needs are met. The least I can do is give her some clues to what those needs are.
"Think about it, please. I am trying. I don't want to neglect you. You deserve better than that, mate." Leah stands as she moves off of the bed. Watching as she goes about the room to prepare for today, I ponder.
I follow behind my beloved as she walks down stairs. The vampires are all used to her now. A few have left when they found their soul mates. A few have taken their places, having found soulmates within our lot. It is much calmer as the newborns have graduated into adolescent vampires. Thank the heavens.
"Good morning." Josie smiles brightly as he makes himself a glass of blood. I always find amusement in his feeding habits. If he is not nursing from Tony's skin, he is drinking tribute blood from a glass. It's funny. He feels like he is cheating if he drinks from the natural source, a living vein.
"Good morning, sweet Josie. I see you are having breakfast." I kiss his forehead as I pass by him to get to the coffee maker. Leah kisses my lips before leaving out of the back door. She promises to be back within a couple of hours. I trust her.
"Master makes sure I have an ample supply. That man spoils me so well." Josie takes a sip of the thick red liquid before coming to life in front of my eyes. Often, he allows too much time to pass between feedings. His sexual appetite trumps his basic need for nutrients.
"How?" My curiosity is for educational purposes more than anything. It is not that I mind being an insider in their relationship. I just attempt to give them their privacy while staying a supportive friend.
"He buys me anything I need. Bathes me when we shower together. Tony cooks for me, listens to me. Those things show me how much I mean to him. Why are you asking such trivial things, Christian?" Josie sits beside me, staring hopefully at me. I can see his intent is pure. He worries for me.
"Leah asked me how to love me. I cannot find an exact formula. I feel as though she does enough already." I take a sip from my coffee cup as ideas roll around in my mind. They aren't well thought out. I just ramble along inside of my head trying to find the answers that my beloved is searching for.
"Oh. That's very thoughtful of her. I would say that is a really good start. Caring what your mate wants is definitely proof of your intentions." Josie smiles as Tony walks into the dining room. Moments later, Tony pulls the boy into his lap to lavish him in love. The bright smile on my best friend's face makes me happy. Josie obviously doesn't question Tony's love.
"What's the question?" Tony looks to me for the heart of the matter. He wants to be brought up to speed on our conversation.
"Master, Leah has asked Christian to tell her ways to love him. I was trying to explain how I know that you love me." Josie pecks Tony's lips sweetly. Tony smiles indecently at the boy.
"Well, it is actually very personal. Only you can answer that question, Christian. Is there anything that you feel is lacking in your relationship? You see, it is important to make your desires known. You can not expect Leah to read your mind. Good communication is the key to a long lasting relationship. You have to find the parts of you that would be empty without her. Then, you must aid her in effective ways to keep them full. I suggest you think it over." Tony cups my face with his large hand. His fatherly affection reminds me that he is very good at showing love. Tony is very open with his heart. It allows us to be open with ours.
"I think I will give myself some time. This is new for me as well as for Leah. I honestly don't know what I need because I do not feel empty." I try to wrap my head around my Master's leading words. Coming up empty, I decide that I will have to work through it.
"You, my sweet child, are not new to it. You have been loved in other ways, fatherly ways. Therefore, you are not missing as much as your beloved. You automatically know what it is that she needs because you know her past. Most of it, anyways. She does not know so much of yours. Might I suggest taking a walk down memory lane with your beloved in tow. That could be an easy way to let her in on parts of you that you don't realize exist. It would be good for both of you. Like I said, think about it." With that, Tony walks away.
"Come, my Josie. It is time to show you a peculiar culture. Would you like to see how we feed in the wild?" Josie stares blankly at our creator while I chuckle. No doubt, Tony will not be showing him how we actually feed. Those that choose to partake of such animalistic rituals are not with us long. Tony will most assuredly be taking Josie to see a newborn who must be reined in.
Watching as they exit the kitchen, I stand to put away my cup. I suppose Tony is on to something regarding a walk through my earlier days. I was not always a vampire. I did live a life before the scene of the undead. Perhaps this would be good for me as well. I wish greatly to provide Leah with every benefit to manifest our bond.
Knowing that I have a lot to ponder, I set out to handle my day's work. I need to stop by the office before taking a detour. I would like to check on a few cases, see how my patients are faring. I definitely want to check on my favorite junkie. I have heard that he is doing well.
Leaving the place we all call home, I get into my vehicle. I would like to be home by the time my beloved gets back. I don't especially like to leave her alone. She is in a fragile mental state whether she likes to admit it or not.
Leah has been through a lot. Most of it I know. Some, I think I am glad not to be a privy to. I do know that I will not likely be meeting my in-laws, ever. That is comforting. They seem like the type of people that wouldn't even make a good meal. I am not speaking of their culinary skills. Vile people often taste like the depth of their sins. I imagine Leah's parents would taste as rotten as they are.
The thought makes me feel queasy. Thank the heavens I will never prove my theory. I tend to stray away from things that I see as unpleasant.
My first stop is my office. I come through the doors, stopping to praise my nurses and other health care providers. Smiling kindly, I listen as they speak of some of the highlights of their weekends. Janice has just gotten engaged. I smile largely over the news. Steven is a wonderful colleague whom I have consulted many times while dealing with oncology bound patients. Susan informs me she is excited over her upcoming vacation to Aruba. I give her a cash bonus to make sure that money is the last thing she worries for as she embarks on her retreat in the tropical paradise. Nathan shows me the picture of the puppy that he and Harvey adopted. The adorable pug almost smiles for the picture. A clap on the back turns into an over zealous hug. Chuckling, I walk away after giving him the number to Dr. Castor. I will set up a puppy package for the newest member of their family.
The joy of my co-workers is what really sets my good mood in motion. Often, they don't have much to smile for once leaving the white walls of our office. We have a rough road to hold many days. It's encouraging to know that going home is a momentous occasion for them. They surely deserve far more than I could ever provide them with. A listening ear, a heartfelt smile and any congratulations is the least I can give.
My emails are full of things that can wait until my next full day in the office. I answer to a few that are time sensitive. Apparently, I am being honored at a benefits dinner next month. The invitation is an unnecessary honor. However, that does not change the fact that I will attend. Hopefully, I will have my beautiful date in tow. Guests are permitted. With that, I will obviously invite Tony and Josie. Giving them an opportunity to leave the house will make me smile. Josie is still being reimbursed for his time where he was unable to leave the prison of our home. I secretly hope he dresses flamboyantly. That will make a great conversation between Nathan and myself. Nathan gets encouraged by people living their best extra life. I watch each time that his eyes alight when I tell him small stories of Josie. Nathan will be glad to finally meet our favorite newborn; not that he would think of him as a vampire because I would never inform Nathan of that detail.
Now that I see the office is in good order, I say my goodbyes before heading to check on my patients. My first drop in will be on Mr. Michaels. He should be nearing the end of his inpatient treatment. The real work begins once he is released.
The Arthur Foundation facility is a vast building that spans the extremely large forest that surrounds the border. The serene landscape is filled with docile wild animals. Flowers of every variation bring color to the extensive trees, both transplanted and native.
I walk the color stone pathway that is made of imported rocks from Michigan. They resemble glass because they are harvested from one of nature's most gorgeous wonders. The pebbles vary in sizes but fit together perfectly to brighten the green deciduous grassland that borders the paths.
Checking in, I announce my intended patient. I receive my visitor's badge with a smile. The look on the registrar's face gives me hope that I won't be disappointed. I walk the long halls into the facility that smells more like a home, less clinical than presumed.
Dr. Maviarti greets me with a chart. I open it automatically, scanning the pages for any red flags. Seeing none, I tuck the patient file away underneath my arm. I am lead to a park that sits near the courtyard. Mr. Michaels turns to see me as his doctor announces my presence.
Mr. Michaels skin looks healthy. His smile is bright. The look of peace that rests on his features warms my heart. I quicken my pace to get to him. An embrace awaits me, shocking me into silence.
"Thank you. I'm sorry. Thank you." Mr. Michaels leads me towards a bench where I willingly take a seat.
"You look good. I imagine you are handling recovery well." I start the conversation with intentional excitement. Recovery is a blessing.
"I am. This place is wonderful. I almost hate to leave." Mr. Michaels scans the surrounding area with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.
"I am very encouraged with your prognosis. I'm proud of you Michael. I really am. Congratulations." I smile honestly at the patient who has given me more grief than belief over the years.
"My daughter is expecting. If I stay clean, I get to have a part in my grandchildren's lives. You made this possible." Mr. Micheal wipes away a tear as he appreciates me.
"You made this possible. The decision to get clean is an act of self-love. You have defied the odds. I hope you stay on this path. It is a beautiful experience to witness someone who finds motivation to battle their inner demons. You are a strong person to venture on this journey. Congratulations on sobriety and your new grandchild. I look forward to getting pictures." We chatter back and forth for a long while. The time gets away from me as I listen to the details of my former patient's excitement. We discuss the plan for his departure with reminders of meetings, sponsors and scheduled appointments.
By the time I bid my own goodbye, my hopes are high for a man that once chose his own high over the relationships that he tried to destroy while seeking that climax. It is the successful cases that make every day of my profession worth while. Championing for the unrepresented can be a daunting task. Sometimes, they surprise you. This is one of those cases.
After a few more stops, I see that my patients are doing well. I think of the happiness that each of them face as they make good decisions to be in a place that is far better than those they left behind. They remind me of the times when we must step in to rescue those who are unable to fight for themselves. Josie comes to mind, as he often does. His success story is another motivation for me.
My mind falls into the thoughts from this morning. I will breach a subject that has been tucked away for far too long. A journey will be taken so that I may teach my Leah how to love. The worry is matched by optimism.
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