Here Kitty Kitty
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***Christian's POV***
I hear the giggling and loud steps of my Sire and his beloved. It's too late for me to justify removing myself from my comfortable bed. I will just have to catch up with them come morning.
Fortunately, neither party is willing to leave me without a recap and my door bursts open. Josie flits his way to my bed and climbs under my covers, nuzzling himself into the shelter of my arms. This is not unusually. Too many time to count the boy has ended up in my bed. I do not mind at all.
"I suppose you had a good time?" I quietly ask.
A large weight falls on to the bed and I am shocked to watch as Anthony climbs beside Josiah, wrapping his arm over his head. The other he tucks around Josie's small waist.
"It was wonderful. Tony took me to eat seafood. We talked for hours. Then we saw a film. I can't honestly say I remember much about it. It did have an African American family that was living in a beach home. I like the beach. But, anyways they were being terrorized by these four masked intruders." Josie shivers against my chest and I hold him tighter.
"Tony. Tell me you did not take Josie to a horror flick." I groan as I realize he had done just that.
"I'm my defense, I did not know he did not like those types of movies. I also did not know it was going to scare the holy hell out of myself." Tony scoots closet and I let lose a loud chuckle.
"Well, for future reference go with comedy or romance. Josie scares easily. Thank god I am home tonite." I laugh again as both me and Tony create a Josie sandwich.
"We can sleep in here, right?" Josie looks up at me with his large blue eyes. Even if I wanted to deny the precious creature, those puppy dog eyes would have me back tracking quickly.
"When have I ever turned you down?" I lean down a lay a soft kiss on the scared boy's forehead.
"What about me?" Tony looks up over Josie's head. I roll my eyes and lean across Josie to give a comforting kiss to my creator. He's such a fucking baby.
"Can I stay?" Tony pouts and I roll my eyes again.
"The more the merrier." I snuggle down and hold Josie tightly. He often has nightmares due to his childhood trauma.
"I am wearing too many clothes." Josie whines disagreeably. I knew this was coming. The boy prefers to be stripped down to his panties. Yes, panties. He likes the soft lacy things.
"Tony, Josie like to wear only his undergarments. Would you mind helping him?" I suggest. Normally, I help undress the kid. But, considering Tony is his soulmate, maybe he should do so.
No sooner than I offer does Tony flick on the lights. He pulls back the sheets and begins slowly peeling the clothes from Josie's little body.
Josie giggles when Tony cups his ass to pull the tight pants off.
"No hanky panky in my bed." I warn playfully.
"Christian." Josie groans. I know I have embarrassed him.
I smirk. That was the point.
Tony leans down and pecks Josie on the lips. Judging from the look of shock on Josie's face, this is the first intimate relations they have had.
Josie shocks both me and Tony when he lunges forward and crawls up Tony's body. Josie welds their lips together as if he is starving and Tony's mouth contains the only nearby food.
Not one to give up a good show, I tuck my hands behind my head and observe the lust filled exchange.
Tony's hands cup Josie's tiny butt and Josie tightens his hold around Tony's neck. Tony devours the little flower and leaves the boy a moaning mess.
After a brief tongue war, both men break away and Tony lays a very dazzled Josie back down beside me. Tony strips to his boxers and lays back down in the same position as before. Josie curls back up to my chest and I keep my hands above my head.
I snuggle down into my pillows and close my eyes wistfully.
This is going great.
When morning comes I am extremely comfortable. I roll over and suddenly remember I have two more occupants in my bed. I smile as I notice that Josie has made himself comfortable in the cradle of Tony's large arms.
I stand up quietly and head towards my bathroom. Once I am done, I dress for the day and walk back to the bed to wake up the adorable couple.
"Morning Josiah." I run my fingers through his hair knowing he enjoys being pet.
"Mmmm. Morning Christian." Josie rolls over and smiles at me endearingly.
"Did you sleep well babe?" I ask softly.
"Very much so. Thank you." Josie sits up. His movement stirs our Sire, who looks around in confusion.
"Good morning Tony." I chuckle.
"I forgot we spent the night in here." Tony yawns and stretches, his muscles tightening and flexing with the movement.
"Did you sleep okay?" Josie turns and places his small palm on my father figure's muscular chest.
"I did. I hope you did as well." Tony pulls Josie forward and kisses his cheek. Josie giggles and a peach blush smothers his cheeks.
"I did. Best sleep ever." Josie nods along with his confirmation.
"Are you hungry, kitten?" Tony sits up and picks Josie up into his arms.
"We may want to throw a t-shirt over Josie. Unless you want a herd of newborns eyeing the merchandise." I warn coyly.
"Can he borrow one of yours?" Tony looks at me pleadingly.
I laugh because I am almost positive Josie has worn more of my clothes than I have.
I quickly get up and grab a hoodie that is a few sizes bigger than the very petite boy.
"Socks. Please." Josie bats his lashes at me. I swat his butt while I head into my closet to grab one of the pairs I bought for him. His feet are always cold and I don't want those things touching me when we lay down together to watch movies in my room.
I pull out a pair of black striped socks and roll them up to Josie's thighs. I am positive that they were meant to be knee socks but they look like thigh highs on his small frame.
"Thank you." Josie blows me a kiss. I catch the loving gesture and place it on my neck. This illicits a giggle from my best friend.
I found Josie four years ago in the hospital where I work. He came in the first time with a broken arm and a bruised cheek. The next time I saw him it was his leg. Another time, he came to me with a split lip, two black eyes and his shoulder disconnected. It wasn't hard to see that his living environment was less than stable.
Once I alerted Tony of my patient who was coming in looking battered and worn, Tony took matters into his own hands. He took our trackers and gave Mr. Dinkins a taste of his own medicine.
A few days later, Josie became a permanent fixture in our home. Shortly after, we became close friends. Josie asked me to feed from him once he had walked in on me doing so to Tony.
I imagine that is when I got the notion that Josie and Tony had been fated. Josie expressed that he would rather be my tribute more often. Tony still does it sometimes. But, more often than not I receive blood from my adorable blonde friend.
Tony is not upset over the exchange. It makes Josie and I happy.
I walk towards the kitchen, knowing that Tony is carrying Josie behind me. I'm positive the kid is famished. I am. And I don't even need the food to survive.
Tony sets Josie down on the counter and I help to pull out the ingredients that Tony will need to make us waffles.
I pour us all a glass of orange juice. Then I head to the expressso machine and start it up to please my taste buds.
After a few minutes, the smell of coffee wafts through the air and I find myself holding back a moan.
I fucking love coffee.
"Christian, will you make my kitten a cup as well?" Tony turns his head at me with those pleading eyes. I nod and smile. Of course I will.
"What are we doing today?" Josie asks once he has his coffee in his hands. His feet dangle a few feet below the island and he swings them back and forth.
"I have to get a group together to track down Christian's beloved. But, after that, it is up to you amica mea." Tony lowers his head and pecks Josie on the lips. Josie smiles widely and sips from his cup. His face is alight with pure joy.
"Christian? You didn't tell me you found her." Josie turns to me and juts his plump red lips out at me in a tiny pout.
"Put that thing away. I was going to tell you last night. But, I did not want to take from your very first date. I'm telling you now. So, there is no need for that adorable puppy dog face." I walk over and pull his lip down playfully.
Josie snaps his teeth at my fingers and I jump back with a chuckle.
"Vampire." I hiss out jokingly.
"Hopefully." Josie winks at me.
"I made a promise parvulus. I do not go back on my word. I will turn you." Tony puts his finger over Josie's lips in a plea for the boy to be patient.
"Yes, Sire." Josie closes his eyes and nods his head in agreement.
The look of adoration on Tony's face is unmistakable.
"Pulchra." Tony whispers.
I completely agree. Josie is absolutely beautiful. He is perfectly matched to my large father and they make a stunning couple.
We sit down to the breakfast table where Tony sets us down our plates.
We eat in a comfortable silence until Josie decides that he would rather talk. It is fine with me. I love talking to either of these two.
"Can we go for a walk? I haven't been in the forest for a very long time?" Josie requests.
"We can. If you promise to stay beside me and not wander off. There are dangers that lurk beyond our borders and I do not want to put you at risk." Tony smiles at his beloved making me feel like I may swoon over the tenderness he uses with his love.
"Christian? Will you accompany us? I haven't spent much time with you this week. The weekends are usually our time to catch up. I would rather that did not change." Josie asks me.
"Yes, of course. Do not worry though. Tony will share you. Isn't that correct?" I throw my eyes over to Tony with a look daring him to challenge me. Josie was mine first and we will not be playing a game of possession with my best friend.
"I wouldn't dream of separating you two." Tony shakes his head and finishes off his plate.
We clean up breakfast and we all head to our separate rooms. I grab my cell and pager. I lock my door behind myself.
Anytime I am not home, I lock my door. I don't want the newborns inside of my room.
Josie and Tony have a spare key so it is not like anyone else needs access to my room.
We meet up on the back porch. Josie is sporting a pair of rainbow yoga pants and his new converse I bought for him. He is still wearing my hoodie. I doubt I get that thing back.
"I'm keeping this." Josie pipes up. He smiles at me when I roll my eyes. I knew that already.
Most of my wardrobe is shared between the two of us.
We start off down the worn path behind our house. We are at the east side of the river and we follow its winds and twists deep into the forest.
Josie gets nervous and latches to my arm while squeezing Tony's hand to the point of Josie's fingers turning white. A noise has shattered the silence. If Josie were not here it would not be an issue. However, the noise gets louder and becomes something of a nuisance.
Tony shoots me a signal and I push little Josie behind me. Tony darts off into the forest.
"What was that?" The tremble in Josie's voice gives away that he is terrified.
I swiftly snatch Josie into my arms and let him snuggle into me like a Koala. He buries his face in my neck and breathes deeply.
I rub his back comfortingly. "Sounds like a rather large cat. I do not know how safe it is for us to be here."
Josie nods into my neck in understanding.
We have no communication outside of cell phones and person to person. Unlike werewolves we are not a privy to mindlink. I must wait here until Tony returns so he does not get worried.
No sooner do I think it before my Sire walks out of the forest laughing manically. Josie peeks up from my neck.
"What was it?" I question as I transfer Josie into his beloved's arms.
"You have a stalker." Tony barely gets the words out before he is doubling over with laughter. Josie holds on for dear life while the hulking man tries to compose himself.
"Get a case of the act right. Josie is about to collide with the ground." I slap Tony on his shoulder.
"Your beloved is not happy with mine being in your arms." Tony lets out yet another chuckle while I process that line of information.
"Are you sure?" I ask. I am completely perturbed at this point.
"Christian. I hate to be the one to tell you this." Tony shakes his head and hides his face in Josie's neck.
"I would hate to have to beat the information from you." I warn out of irritation.
"Your beloved is a Kitty." Tony busts out into laughter. Tears streaming down his face.
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