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***Leah's POV***
Running from the house I shift mid air. I have no time to think about the issues at hand. With people chasing me, I have to focus on my retreat.
I swiftly take refuge in the first tree in my line of sight. The limbs quake as my paws thunder against them. My claws rip the bark with a frantic grip.
My senses are twisted around the scent of Christian. I'm too close. My body wants to be beside to the one who is fated to me. His masculine aroma of ocean waves and sandalwood trip my thought process.
I have to create distance before I make a fatal mistake.
Breathing heavily, I jump to the highest branch and settle in for a long wait. These men are merciless. Money will motivate even the simplest of creatures.
"Come out. Come out. Wherever you are." The band of goons search the wild overgrown brush with sticks in their hands. Their extension pokes around the foliage in hopes that I'm hidden in the thicket.
They look like boy scouts on a mission to earn a patch.
"It's been weeks. We should have found her by now." The blonde idiot scratches his head. Disgustingly, he puts his fingers in his mouth. My face scrunches as he cleans his nails of whatever he found during his search.
I hold back a gag.
"It would be easier if she were human." The red headed bounty hunter sighs while ducking under a low branch. The blonde isn't paying attention. He's bested by the satisfying snap of the limb hitting his face.
"Mother Fucker." Blondie shouts while holding his bleeding nose.
"Watch out." The red head laughs heartily at his dimwitted friend. The other two companions join in on mocking the blonde.
The buffoons really are idiotic. Human or cat, I am good at hiding. No self respecting cat would be hiding away in ground coverings.
Perched atop the snow covered pines, I blend in like salt among sugar. There is no hope that humans would be able to find me.
Observing their trajectory, I will be safe soon. Their path is marked by footprints in the snow. They are headed in the wrong direction. Good.
I use my climbing ability to my advantage. The branches barely tremble as my lithe movements take me in the opposite direction.
With a quick sweep of the landscape, I launch my body through the air and land gracefully on the next well grown tree. The limbs are flexible and sway beneath my weight.
Shit. The snow falling from no where could give me away. I have to be more careful.
Being more mindful of my actions, I advance towards my destination. The mountain on the west side has a cave. I can hide there until day break.
My journey is treacherous and exhausting. I haven't eaten today. My stomach gurgles in protest. A few more miles. Then I can indulge in a small woodland animal.
Today has been one for the books. When that night walker snatched me, it scared me. I thought for sure that he was part of Ryder's huntsman.
It was quite a relief to find it was all a ruse to make me face my mate. That I could handle.
There is nothing wrong with with that vampire, Christian. Nothing at all, if I'm being honest. Truthfully speaking, he's as handsome as they come. His ink stained hair is beautiful against his ashen flesh. Those eyes would be lovely to wake up to each morning.
However, I have no need for a mate. Having one would further complicate my already convoluted life. Risks aren't companionable to my particular predicament.
It won't work.
It's best that I find my way out of my own mess. I would rather not bring innocents into the deadly game I have started. I have no choice but to finish.
Finally catching sight of the mountain is a huge relief. Another scan of my surroundings brings me a sense of peace.
I slink down the smooth tree trunk, taking my time to ensure I don't leave my scent. I hurry up the mountain side, using each rock as a stepping stone for my journey.
Huffing out a chuffle of air, I slowly walk towards the mouth of the cave. It's warmer being barricaded inside of nature's secret passage. These mountains are known for the dense air that has brought many human travelers to their last days.
I squeeze between the rocks that cover the opening. Thank God for fur. I would hate to scratch my human skin on the jagged edges.
I transform quickly into my human form and rush to prepare myself for the rest of the night.
I have been here before and give myself a slight praise for being prepared. I unpack my sleeping bag and the small twigs I keep in my sack.
Once my bedding is compiled, I start a small fire. Satisfied with my night's accommodations, I go right back to my fur.
Being as quiet as possible, I exit the cave once again. I crouch low and lay my ears back to listen for the small pattering of nocturnals. Without much pause, I shift my body to the east and follow the scent of a rabbit.
While I can hunt bigger prey, it is wise to stick to something I can eat quickly. I never know when my plans will be interrupted by Ryder's scheming. Lord knows he has plenty of willing bodies to do his awful bidding.
The large rabbit trembles as my larger form casts a shadow over his smaller one. I would feel bad for the animal if he wasn't my source of nourishment. Feast or famine. I prefer to feast.
Positioning my jowls around his head, I mercifully kill him in one quick snap of my incisors. The crunch of bones is satisfying. I close my jaw tightly and begin my escape back to the cave.
My steps are slow while I try not to let my weight sink into the snow. Until the weather shifts there will be no new snow to cover my tracks. A trail would lead them straight to my hideout. All my efforts would be fruitless if Ryder caught me now.
Once safely tucked away in the cave, I drop my bounty on the rock floor. I scoot close to the fire and allow the flames to warm my damp fur.
Enjoying my evening's meal, I take my time in consuming the poor animal. I prefer human food. But, beggars can't be choosers. A human on the run would not fair well in these climates.
I give myself a quick cleanse with the lap of my tongue. Red stained fur won't bode well in my attempts to camouflage in white terrain.
The validity of the days events wear my consciousness thin. A yawn escapes me. I stretch my paws in front of me. Tucking my hind legs beneath my warm body, I lay my head down on my folded paws.
The warmth of the cave proves sufficient as my eyes grow heavy and sleep becomes my friend.
A rustling outside of my makeshift camp wakens me. Stirring quickly, I rush to snuff out the last of my fire. I burrow as far into the cave as possible.
Voices outside hold a conversation of little value. Apparently early morning hikers have crossed my path. I release a breath that I had been holding. I lie quietly, careful not to alert them of my presence. I stay secluded as far away from the entrance as possible.
A long few minutes pass before I deem the crisis averted. I shift back to human and stow away all evidence of my evening.
When the coast is apparently clear, I shift back and silently make my way from the warm cavern.
Peering both left and right, I map out the path of least danger. I hurry through the melting snow in search of my next hide away. It sucks being on the run. I'm used to it.
Being sold to the highest bidder was only the latest in a string of unfortunate events. My parents are traitorous creatures who care nothing for their offspring. The merchant of the auction house jingled a small purse in front of them. That's all it took to set the plan in motion.
Next thing I know, I'm being reduced to tokens at an auction house. There were plenty of high bidders. Many of whom could pay far more than even Ryder had to offer. However, being a king in his own right did well for his insatiable taste.
Ryder threw down his offer with a warning. People heed the words of a man with such authority. Like roaches being introduced to light, bidders scattered quickly. Their absence left me in a death glare with the demon himself.
His reputation is far from stellar. Many girls have fallen prey to his obnoxious charms and loosely valued looks.
I wanted nothing to do with the King of the Jungle. He knew that. In earlier run ins I had denounced his efforts to persuade me into his bed. Failed attempts only incited his animalistic need to hunt me down and capture me.
Buying me was his last option. Well played.
Immediately upon getting me back to his hime, he wanted to woo me. That worked out, for me. After insisting we drink a few before turning in, I was able to stay his advances.
It's a wonder he fell for my feeble attempts at seduction. A good liquor and a well thought out plan of escape had me set for the hills by morning. He was far past intoxicated. There was no hope in him performing. Thank the heavens.
While I was subjected to his naked form, I barely missed being another a notch in his bed post. If his guards hadn't drank themselves into a stupor I would never have successfully escaped entrapment. That's what he gets for going cheap on the hired help.
My paws hit the earth in soft blows. My speed is just less than a lions. Not that Ryder would physically chase me. He prefers his hired hands to do the physical labor. He enjoys a good head game.
At this very minute he is probably luring his next victim into his sheets. Poor girl. He is the best of predators with an arsenal of charisma, looks and persuasiveness. There's little hope for the thirsty young ladies of our town.
My wandering mind does little to ease my stirring nerves. The thought of being seduced by that beast is repulsive. I would sooner give myself back to my parents.
Even being passed around as their friend's personal maid was better than a lifetime of servitude to Ryker's sexual fantasies. Dating the least eligible bachelors seems far less difficult. Hell, even that old man making pass after pass at me trumps being Ryder's Queen.
A shudder runs through my body as the thoughts swirl in my memory. Every disgusting trade and barter my parents made replays for me in vibrant colors. Using their flesh and blood as a bargaining chip left scars unseen.
This is why I can't be with my mate. I can not be Christian's beloved. The gods above, or below have made a mistake.
I'm too complicated for love. Fear drives my every step. Running is all I truly know. Escape is my best friend.
When the people who were made to protect you are the ones who break you, love isn't in the cards.
I skid to a halt as footfalls make an impact on the dirt in front of me. The sound echoes off the mountains that surround me. The earth suffers from the violent assault to its canvas.
Watching in slow horror, I realize it's too late. Nothing can save me. It's over.
In an act of surrender I fold my body closely to the ground. I accept my fate. Let's just pray my death comes quickly.
"I have been searching for you."
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