Josiah at the top
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***Christian's POV***
I wake with a groan. Why not? It's not like I have anything to look forward to this morning. Honestly, I don't think I should even be awake.
Unfortunately, my body disagrees and decides that daybreak is the start of my useless day.
It is the weekend and I am lucky enough to only work Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
Being a self contracted Doctor has its perks. Unless there is a life or death emergency, I will not be seeing the inside walls of my hospital again for two whole days.
I pull myself from my comfortable California King bed. I trudge towards the bathroom to rinse my mouth and tame my dark mop.
Once I am satisfied that I won't scare anyone, I dress in something warm for the sake of appearances. The best part of being a vampire may be the constant temperature. Our bodies run slightly below average but, the temperature is constant at 91.8.
While we do have something akin to blood that actually flows through our veins, it is darker and much thicker. The appearance is that of oxygenated blood and is rather grotesque when spewing from a major vein.
In some of the more fragrant books out today, our blood could be compared to that of a demons. However, it is actually blood that has mixed with the venom of our creator, essentially a hybrid substance.
While I can change others, I would have to get express permission from Tony. I am his patron. He is my benefactor. If I was unhappy with him as my guardian, which I am not, I could petition the council. In such cases you are either delegated to another guardian or you can pick one of your choosing. If neither of those are your goal, you can become a creator yourself and take on the responsibility of a coven.
I neither seek nor desire to do any of those things. That is, however, the option I am faced with if ever necessary.
I love Tony. Like I said before, he saved my life. I get along well with him and have since day one. He is fair and loving. Vampires do have feelings, contrary to the way that other species may portray us.
We are more human than monster when nurtured to be so. Tony is a nurturing type. I am glad that is was him who chose to turn me and not someone like the leader of the Dark Shadows.
That clan has been a menace to both supernatural and human life since their creation. To be fair, they have been around for centuries, thousands. They came about during a time period when other vampires were not as vast and they navigated their own way through the supernatural world.
Often, the clan leader, Svoltz Krugen, turns newborn vampires and abandons them. They either live or die. No care from their Sire. The newborns become erratic without direction and mostly fall prey to other supernatural beings who are fed up with their lack of respect. Some newborns have crossed territories into the Weres homeland. If they are not mates to one of the furry beasts they are usually disposed of. Rarely they befriend our shape shifting counterparts and it goes well.
I take a stroll outside of our home before deciding that I am discontent with the peaceful sounds of nature. Instead I go back inside and grab my car keys. I will just go to town and enjoy a stroll in the less quiet streets. I do enjoy observing the humans as they go about their day.
They are funny creatures. I was once one, yes. But, I imagine I would have been more of the introvert than extrovert had I not stumbled upon immortality at such a young age.
The way they interact with one another is quite amusing. You see some who are friendly. Others have a standing grimace. There are loud ones, quiet ones, playful ones and others who take life so seriously you would swear they were contracted by some higher power to raise the bar for everyone else.
The car ride to town is short and sweet. My mind decides not to be too active this morning, taking the weekend relaxation idea to an appeasing level.
I park my car on the side of the street and lock the doors after I exit. My eyes immediately scan the area for anything out of place.
For the most part, everyone gets along in the supernatural world. We all have enemies but, much like bears we are peaceful until poked. You will not hear of me doing any poking. Not in that sense anyways. I am not a troublesome vampire. I have no need for drama. Of it finds me I will do my best to defuse the situation. I can fight and I have. I just prefer not to.
Not much good comes from fighting, aside from death and feuds. No thank you.
I walk into the coffee shop and am greeted by my favorite cashier. The tiny sprite of a girl, pink hair included, is a member of the Fae or Fairy realm. I smile kindly at Marissa and she gets to work on my usual Venti Hot Mocha.
I am a man of little change. If you find something that you like, there rarely is a reason to take a detour.
I accept the beverage, giving over the proper amount of money with a hefty tip for my dear friend. Her smile is blinding.
Faes are extremely docile creatures. They have extensive emotions, vibrant natural hair colors and outgoing personalities. They do not wish to face aggression and I like that about them.
They have rather large eyes that remind you of those exciting creatures you witness in the Manga books I have caught myself reading online.
I choose not to sit in and drink my coffee this morning. Instead I offer Marissa a small wave before sliding out of the door and joining the growing crowd on the streets.
While 400 humans is too few to crowd a town, no matter how small, the supernaturals and tourists can make the place seem a bit tight at any given moment.
The winters here are especially susceptible to tourists. The southerners are excited to see snow. We also have the traveling few who pass through while on their way to Canada.
Many of the townsfolk are older and have families that stop in frequently for extended visits, adding to the boom of people who seem to be flooding the streets today.
I walk slowly and carefully. I would not prefer to run into someone. Yes, I could apologize but I would rather not be faced with one of those types who find even an accident to be something that sets their mood foul for the day.
I toss my empty cup in the one of the nearby trash cans once I have finished with it. Marisa makes the best coffee in town. Hell, she even does better than the shops that surround my hospital. Thank god for her. I do love my coffee.
My eyes drift from person to person. A small chuckle leaves my lips while witnessing a small girl chasing her puppy's leash. Noticing that she is getting close to the street, I side step her and snatch both the puppy and leash from running playfully into oncoming traffic.
"Thank you, Sir." The cherub child giggles when her puppy attacks my face with tiny warm pickles. I chuckle because his small tongue tickles my nose. I release the puppy into the little girl's arms and wrap the leash tightly in her hand.
"You are welcome. Enjoy your Saturday." I smile kindly. The father, I presume, reached out to shake my gloved hand. I offer a quick shake and move along. I am not one for lengthy conversations with strangers.
The scent hits me from absolutely no where.
Cherry Blossoms and Sweet Mint filter into my mind like a fresh breeze across the most beautiful of Japanese gardens.
My eyes shift to their predatory mercury and my blood races through my veins.
Whipping my head left, then right I try to track the devastatingly alluring aroma.
A sea of faces quickly flash through my peripheral vision, none catching my attention.
A soft nudge to my back has me whirling around. My spine tingling with light electric currents.
A tiny body flies out in front of me, sprawling out on to the cool cement of Main Street in St. Francis, Maine.
I bend down and reach out my gloved hand towards the small girl who is staring at me with blue doe eyes.
"I apologize, I should have been paying attention." Her voice rings through the air as if an orchestra of chimes had begun to play.
"No apology necessary. Please allow me to give you a hand." The words come out soft, not conveying the complete control I am desperately at risk of losing.
"I'm Christian." I announce as I lift her delicately from the place where she was sitting.
"I have to go." Before I can manage a yelp of protest, the Angel is no longer in my sight.
I frantically search the crowd but, to no avail.
I'm sure I just had that encounter, but evidence points to the contrary. The beautiful creature is no where to be seen.
I follow the scent as much as the wind allows. I am not a tracker. Therefore, I am not blessed with the ability to search alone for the precious being who has my entire body going all but spastic.
After a couple hours of searching the small town I am at a loss for words. How can one simply disappear in a town so small? Giving in, I choose to make my way home.
Maybe Tony would be willing to help me.
I quickly exit my car and find my way back into our home. I do not immediately hear or see my creator. I am more than discontent with the way things have panned out this particular morning.
Feeling a bit disappointed, I head to the upstairs level of our mansion. I haven't fed in several days and it seems a good thing to do while awaiting Tony's arrival.
I send him a quick text to let him know to find me when he does return.
I open the door to the small room that houses my donor. He is sleeping on his bed. I would feel bad for waking him up if it was not noon. Also, after I feed he will be lavished with food and sleep until he is content to go about his day.
I softly sit beside Josiah and run my hands along his hair line. He smells clean and his blood is particularly alluring. The small guy is a stunning creature. If I were inclined towards men, he would definitely be at the very top of my list of suitors.
Josiah mewls softly at my touch. A small purr rumbles through his chest. He shifts and rolls over, opening his large blue eyes and batting his eyelashes to wash the sleep from his system.
"Good morning, Josie." I lean down and kiss his cheek. A small giggle passes his lips and I smile in response.
"Christian. Good morning." Josie sits up and crawls in my lap. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles into my neck.
I rub his back gently and help him wake up. I would never feed if he was not one hundred percent on board. It is his choice to donate and I will live with or without his sacrifice.
"How are you feeling sweetheart?" I gently ask while pulling his face up so I can read his expressions.
"Good. I was napping. I got up early this morning and fell back to sleep once I saw you had not been home." Josie let's his hands play with the hem of my shirt.
Josiah is a very shy boy. He is 20 and he had a rough home life. He is actually a permanent resident here and he will become a vampire once Tony decides to finally turn the young man. We have housed the adorable boy for nearly three years. He was rescued by Tony himself.
"I apologize I left you waiting. Do you forgive me?" I ask. I caress his cheek while he stares blankly at me. He is dazzled. There is no secret that Josie is as into men as one can possibly be. He will make the perfect partner one day, when someone opens their big hazel eyes and notices what is standing or lying in front of him.
"I always forgive you, Christian." Josie kisses my cheek and I smile down at the boy.
I run my fingers softly over his neck, warming the flesh and purposefully making his heart thunder. It is easier to feed when one's blood is pumping in their delicate veins. I shift Josie so his neck is angled towards my lips and lap the skin once to soften the flesh.
My mouth opens and I suckle for a moment before my fangs extend and pierce his perfect skin. A wave of euphoria washes over me and I know that Josie is feeling the same. When feeding you get the intense emotions of your meal. If they are fearful you will easily be able to decipher that emotion.
I nurse his neck softly while playing with his soft curls. My arm is wrapped around his waist and I hold him close to me in case he feels the need to collapse.
Though Josie has always been the perfect feeding partner and has never once fainted in my arms.
After very few minutes, I retract my fangs from his neck. I lick the skin to seal the puncture wounds and place a soft kiss at the base of his throat.
I pick up the weightless boy and carry him down stairs with me to feed him and care for him. He is amazing and I only wish that one day Tony would figure the shit out. They are beloveds and I know this because, let's just say I know.
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