Be Yourself
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***Christian's POV***
My feeding puts me in an obviously pleasant mood. However, I still have to speak with Tony.
After I had laid Josie down for his nap, I decided to sit on the porch and wait for Tony to arrive.
Lucky for me, I do not end up waiting long. Said man decides to exit the woods. Apparently he had been hunting, if his exposed chest is any indication.
"Christian, I assume you are waiting to bombard me with whatever this urgent matter is you text me over." Tony comes to sit beside me on the porch swing. I turn to face him resting one knee on the bench and the other leg dangling down near the porch.
"I do wish to speak you regarding that matter. However, I have decided to meddle first." I send Tony a warning look and he sighs deeply.
"If this is about me let's just not." Tony shakes his head as if that would prevent me from voicing my opinion. He should know better.
"Nice try. It won't stop me." I smile softly at Tony and he shrugs his shoulders. He knows that I am stubborn when necessary.
"We both know that Josiah is your beloved. Why have you not staked your claim? In fact, you have not shown the least bit of interest in the boy." I softly question my creator.
"Yes, I do know that. I am aware you do as well considering you have fed off of both him and I for the last three years. Well, me longer but not the point." Tony vaguely answers one of my questions while completely disregarding the other.
"Well, now that you have confirmed my knowledge. Why?" I ask once again.
"Because I refuse to start a life with him when two things stand in the way." Tony gives me a pointed glare and I really have no idea what two things he may be inclining towards.
"Do you care to elaborate or will I need to put on a detectives hat for this?" I cock my eyebrow at Tony. He in turn shakes his head and chuckles.
"Oh Christian, you are too much. I love that tiny attitude. It is as much a part of you as that dark hair and those stunning dark eyes." Tony slides his hand into my hair affectionately and pulls me down to lay on his chest.
"I am not avoiding my beloved. Far from it. In case you are unaware, I do spend alone time with the intensely gorgeous boy. Mostly when he is asleep and none the wiser. But, the fact is, I do want to claim him. I do not know that he wishes for my claim and I will not pressure him into such a commitment. Do you know something I do not that suggests that I am handling this incorrectly?" Tony pulls me back up and gives me a smirk.
"I have not filtered through his memories if that is what you are asking. That is intrusive and he deserves more respect than such. Although, I will say, when feeding, his emotions are wildly apparent. Josie is lonely. He is worried that you will not ever turn him. He feels sad the majority of the time. He hides his depression through sleep. It must not be a very productive life to be holed up in the top story of a mansion while others are going about their days as though you do not exist. I am sure he does not wish to merely be a supply source for my feedings." I explain myself clearly hoping to convey what I am requesting.
"Maybe you are right. I will ask him to accompany me to dinner and a movie this evening. Will that work?" Tony asks me. I do not miss the glint of excitement in his eyes.
"I think that would be a perfect start. Now, what was your other issue as to why you have not claimed your beloved?" I do remember that he said there were two reasons.
"I do not want to begin my happily ever after without you. I wish to see you find your beloved as well." Tony speaks softer. I can hear the earnestness in his tone.
"Funny that should come up." I cut my eyes at Tony and smile widely at my father figure.
"You found her?" Tony stands and pulls me into a large bear hug. Honestly, he forgets his own strength and is squeezing me uncomfortably.
"Ease up Daddy Bear." I tap his large bicep to get a reprieve.
"Sorry, son." Tony grabs my hand and pulls me towards the living room. We take our seats on the recliners and turn to face one another.
"Who is she?" Tony asks quickly. Clearly he is excited for me.
"I don't know. I bumped into her. Well, technically she bumped into me. But, no sooner than I found her did I lose her. She vanished. It was the most peculiar thing." I explain the little bit of the encounter that I could give.
"Is this why you absolutely reek of sweet mint and cherry blossoms? I noticed the scent immediately but thought maybe you bathed in someone else's shower this morning." Tony chuckles. He knows I would not, unless it was an emergency.
"Yes. Could you help? I am sure she is local or at least within close proximity. This is the first I have seen her though."
"I will send a few trackers out this evening. Once we locate her I will let you know." Tony pats my hand and then we settle into a silence.
"Where are you taking him?" I ask abruptly.
"Where do you suggest? This town has little to offer in terms of entertainment." Tony looks over at me expectantly. He is not one for romantic gestures but, he has never needed to woo anyone either.
"The White Barn Inn is in Kennebunk. It's only a little more than an hour away. That will give you time to talk and get a little more comfortable." I suggest. It's the best I can come up with considering it is not too far away and evening will be here soon.
"Perfect. How long has he been asleep?" Tony asks.
"A little over an hour. Shall I wake him? Or, would you be wanting to do so?"
"I will handle it. Do not fret over your beloved. I will find her sooner rather than later. Maybe our next date can be a double." Tony stands to head up stairs.
"So, this is a date?" I wink at Tony and smirk knowingly.
"Yes, nosey. This is precisely a date and Josiah will know that before he commits to spending his evening with me." Tony waves me off as he walks up the stairs. He could use his super speed to get there. But, it is unnecessary and we are rather used to going at the human's pace.
I wait a few minutes until I hear Tony leave from upstairs. Once he is in his own room, I make may back to Josie.
I approach his door quietly.
I knock softly on his door, hoping not to turn the boy into a fanatical mess.
"Come in Christian." I hear the boy yell from somewhere else in the room. I chuckle to myself at the fact that he knew it was me that was requesting entry.
"Are you excited?" I ask knowingly. Josie is already up and getting dressed.
"Yes, very much so. Do I have you to thank for opening Tony's eyes?" Josie turns his head and smiles at me over his shoulder.
"No thanks is necessary. I merely broached the topic and he took it from there." I wave his appreciation off.
"He said this is a date. I am really nervous." Josie stands in front of the mirror fixing his top and trying to make himself seem presentable.
"Josie you have known each other for three years. He knows what you look like at your worst. It can only be mesmerizing when you are at your best." I stand behind my friend and help him to straighten his jeans. He looks so adorable that I have no doubt Tony will be wildly pleased.
I watch as Josie fidgets with the outfit again and again. A thought pops into my head so I voice it aloud. "Are you uncomfortable in your clothing choice?"
"Um." Josie lifts his hand, presses his thumb against his teeth and looks at himself in the mirror before dropping his head and nodding reluctantly.
"I have a suggestion." I walk around to Josie's closet and notice that very few of his outfits are as masculine as the one he is currently wearing.
Sighing and trying to hide my smile, I grab a whole new outfit and bring it over to the bed.
"Change. Into this." I point at the clothing that I have just laid out.
Josie looks over at me and a smile adorns his features before he skips over to the bed and yanks up the choices. He rushes towards his en-suite bathroom.
I wait patiently for our little subject to come back out.
When he exits the bathroom his face shows an insecurity but, the light in his eyes tells me he is awaiting my opinion.
"You look amazing." I spin Josie around before grabbing him in a hug and kissing his cheek several times repetitively.
"Thanks. I hope Tony thinks so." Josie looks over himself several times before leaning into the mirror. I notice his eyes darting up and down towards the drawer and I decide to continue meddling.
Pulling the drawer open, I see a make up bag. I pick it up and hand it over to Josie to encourage him.
"Be yourself. Whatever you feel makes you beautiful will be exactly what you are."
Josie nods agreeably and I look as he applies a thin layer of mascara. Then he highlights his already prominent cheek bones with a shimmering highlighter. Last he rubs his beautifully full lips with a tinted lip balm.
When he turns around, I have to admit that he looks like a dessert. Tony will be breathless.
"Do you want me to paint your nails?" I ask hopefully. I know that the black nail polish will set off his Orange and black outfit smashingly.
"Yes. Please." Josie sits down and I spend the next ten minutes painting his petite hands with the quick dry lacquer I had in my own bathroom.
Sometimes I paint nails. Don't ask why. I just like it.
Once his fingernails are dry, Josie stands and spritzes himself with a delicate scent of masculinity. I think it is very appealing and balances out the feminine aspects of his ensemble.
"Perfect." I whisper. I throw Josie a reassuring smile. He looks absolutely edible.
"Perfect is not even the word to describe you amica mea. You are positively divine. Viderunt oculi species sincerissimam." Anthony walks into the bedroom looking as if he has seen an angel among mortals.
I am shocked, to say the least. He has said my love, my eyes have seen beauty in its purest form. The word smitten comes to mind.
Tony does not often use Latin and when he does it is a direct result of an elevation of his own emotions.
I would say we are off to a superb start.
"Are you ready parvulus?" Tony reaches for Josie's hand and brings it gently to his lips. Josie lets out an adorable giggle.
Poor Tony.
He is going to be a puddle on the floor below the precious kitten's endearing feet.
"Yes, Sire." Josie nods his head in adoration towards his beloved.
The term causes Tony's breath to hitch and his eyes to sparkle.
I'm suddenly all too happy to never use the given respectful name again. I'm sure it will never sound as alluring to Tony again as when spoken with such reverence as Josie has given.
"See you two later. Enjoy. Don't be out too late. I will be anxiously waiting to hear all of the sorted details." I take my leave as a chuckle leaves Tony's lips.
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