Part 8
"Silence is the most powerful scream." - Anonymous
Nikki's alarm goes off. I groan opening my eyes. "Nicole, I swear-" she cuts me off before I have time to scream at her. "Shhhh, shhhhh. Go back to sleep, or you could come workout with me." She winks and I roll my eyes.
"I seriously don't know how Aj dealt with your alarm for months." I say putting a pillow on my face. Every few months we switch roommates. Emma was my current roommate and Aj was Nikki's but we decided it was time to switch since we all like to spend with each other.
"It's not even that early, Paige." She says getting in her workout clothes. "It's freaking seven." I say pointing to the clock.
"Yeah well it's not that early. Come on, let's go get our sweat on!" She grins and I sigh getting up. "I mean I can't go back to sleep now, might as well."
She claps her hands as I walk to the bathroom. After a few minutes we are ready to go. We start walking to the gym which is on the very top floor.
Nikki insisted to take the stairs because apparently that's our "warm up". "Finally." I say opening the gym door. As soon as I open it, I so regret coming.
Roman is here with Seth and Dean. I force myself to look away because they're all fucking shirtless.
Are they trying to give me a heart attack? I mean I know Dean and Seth are taken, and probably soon Roman will too but damn. They are fine.
"Baby!" Nikki says running to hug Seth, he picks her up and kisses her cheek. They act like they haven't seen each other in years when in reality it's been a few hours.
She grins and kisses him back. They're so cute it's disgusting. "Hi, guys." I say casually avoiding staring at their very muscular bodies.
"Hey bloodsucker." Dean says grinning, he's squaring with weights and I grin, "Hey assface." He chuckles, "You always have a comeback don't you?" I nod my head and walk over to the weights.
I'm picking up about 115 because I'm feeling tired and quite weak. Nikki and Seth are talking and working out together. Roman and Dean are kinda doing their thing but they're talking.
I start to bench and when I'm on my fifth one I glance at Roman. He's staring at me and I feel my arms go weak.
They literally feel like jelly. I try to get the bar back up before it falls on my chest but I can't. The weights are about to collapse on me when I quickly feel somebody lift it up.
My breathing gets faster and I sit up. It could've fell on me. What is wrong with me? "Are you okay?!" Roman says. I nod my head staring at him.
He got the bar before it fell. "You have to be careful, Paige." He says putting the bar back in its place. He picks it up like its made out of paper.
"What happened?" Dean asks from a distance. Apparently he didn't see and Nikki and Seth are too busy talking to each other they didn't notice either.
"Nothing, nothing." Roman says, Dean shrugs and turns back around. I stare at the floor feeling my face blush in embarrassment.
I still feel angry at Roman. No clue why. And he just basically saved me. I keep staring at he floor feeling my eyes beginning to tear up.
I don't cry.
Not usually anyways and I don't cry in front of people. Like never. If I cry in front of somebody I must be feeling really sad or something.
But right now I don't feel sad. I just feel angry and embarrassed and that's making me want to cry.
Roman kneels in front of me. I turn my face so I won't see his face because if I do I'd probably cry.
"Are you okay, Paige?" He whispers. I'm quite shocked by the softness and sweetness of his voice. He's usually really loud but right now he's whispering and it makes his voice sound so soft.
I bet Emma heard him talk like that last night.
I just nod my head. "You don't look okay. Did you get hurt somehow? Do you want me to get you some ice or something?"
I can't resist it anymore so I look at him. There's sweat dripping down his forehead and chest. His hair is in a messy bun and he's looking right at me with those breathtaking pupils.
He's simply gorgeous.
And he doesn't even try to be gorgeous that's what makes him even more gorgeous. I finally realize I've been staring at him like a completely idiot.
"No, no, no. I'm ... I'm good." I say slowly. He stares at me for a few seconds. No face expression on his face, and it makes me feel so intimidated.
"Sure?" He says after a while. I nod, he nods in return and looks at the floor. I don't resist the urge and I just blurt it out, "Your girlfriend Emma might get mad if she sees you this close."
After I say it I curse myself in the head a million times. I feel like banging my head against the wall, why did I just say that out loud?!
Roman turns to look at me with a confused expression. "What?" Is all he says. I quickly get up, hopefully if I just walk away he will forget.
"Wait, what did you mean?" He lightly grabs my arm and I get goosebumps. Roman and I never have contact.
"Nothing forget it." I say shyly. "Emma is not my girlfriend," he says, "and even if she was I would still get close to you."
"Why?" I whisper quietly so nobody will hear but him. "Because I care about you." He answers. My tummy turns into knots and I feel my blood rush through my whole body.
I never thought he cared. I mean sure we've talked a few times but not much. I talk more to Dean and Seth than I talk to him.
So why do I feel happy now that he's told me this? Is it possible that I care about him too? Well I mean I do care about him, he's my friend .. Well sorta. But I don't know, it's different with him.
Why am I even overthinking this? He says he cares about me, so what? Roman is a nice guy, he cares about everyone so why am I making a big deal out of this? Stupid, stupid, stupid, girl.
"Uh." I finally say, Dean is looking over at us. He looks confused and curious. "I better get going." I say, Roman suddenly frowns but he quickly forces a smile.
"O-okay." He says. I turn around and walk to he exit door. "You're done, Paige?" Nikki asks, "Yeah. I'll meet you at the breakfast room."
She nods and turns her attention back to Seth who waves bye to me. "Why leaving so early?" Dean asks, "Not feeling it." I say.
Dean wipes sweat off his chest, Roman starts approaching him. "She's not feeling it, Roman." Dean tells him, Roman just smiles and stares at me.
My feet are not moving even though I'm telling them too. "Aren't we enough motivation?" Dean says rubbing his stomach, Roman flexes and I feel like my breath is stuck in my throat.
I cough awkwardly as my face heats up. "Woah, calm down you might choke dear." Roman says with a smirk.
Is he trying to kill me?
"You look like a bloody tampon, Paige!" Dean says with a laugh. He squeezes my cheeks which are probably as red as I don't know what.
"Ohmigod, I'm done." I say walking away with a flushed face. I hear Roman and Dean laugh and say something as I walk out the gym.
I run to an elevator and as soon as I'm in I sigh touching my face. My heart is beating loudly and I can't stop blushing.
What is wrong with me?
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