Part 34
"Come on spill the secret!" Nikki says as I'm standing in the lobby. "Yes! Tell us everything!" Aj says as Brie and Natalya lean in closer. "What secret?" I ask even though I know what they're talking about.
"Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about." Brie says giving me a look. "I really don't know." I say with a shrug. "You know, that we know that you know, that we know, that you know what we're talking about." Aj says.
"Okay what?" Nattie says and we all look at her confused. "You just confused the crap out of us, Aj." Nikki says and we all nod.
"Like I was trying to say that she knows that we know that she-" Brie cuts her off, "Alright, alright Aj, back to you Paige. Why won't you tell us?"
"Tell you what?" I ask and they all frown. "Okay, here's what happened. I got drunk, I felt sick so I went outside Roman somehow walked outside and saw me. He offered to take me to the hotel, I felt sick so I agreed. When we got here I forgot that Aj keeps both of our keys so he said that I could sleep in his bed and he could sleep in Deans bed."
They all look at me like they're waiting for something else, "Anddd?" Nikki says raising an eyebrow. "And that's it." I say, "What?" Nattie says disappointed, in fact they all look disappointed.
"So there wasn't any action?" Nattie says, "Action?" I say with a chuckle. "Yeah you know like action." Aj says doing something with her hands.
"Eww no." I say laughing. "Don't pretend like nothing happened!" Nikki says lightly pushing me. "Nothing really happened." I say, "For real?" Brie says.
"Yeah for real." I say, "Ugh, you suck." Aj says. "So he didn't say or do anything? At all?" Nikki asks. I start to blush as I remember what he told me.
"Well he did tell me something." I say with a grin, "What? What? What?" They say all leaning closer to me. I'm being surrounded by them.
"Well he said he loved me." I whisper quickly and quietly. They all jump back squealing and yelling. I slap my forehead and shake my head as everybody turns around and looks at them.
"Ladies, can you please quiet down?" The lady at the front desk says. The girls all cover their mouths and giggle.
I see Emma and Summer in the corner of the room. They're looking at us in a mean way. JoJo walks out of the bathroom and Emma tells them something and they start walking outside to the buses.
"What did you say?" Aj says shaking me back to reality. "Did you kiss him?" Nattie asks, "Did you say it back?" Nikki asks, "Are you two dating now?" Brie asks.
They're all asking me this at the same time and I have to quiet them down again because the lady at the front desk is looking at us again.
"Guys, guys! Shhhhh. Listen to me, I was drunk as hell. I didn't say anything back, all I did was lay my head on him and then I fell asleep. In the morning I remembered what he said and I thought it was just my intoxicated brain playing a trick on me but while ago he said he meant it."
The girls squeal again and I laugh as the lady clears her throat loudly, "Ladies." She says in a a warning voice. The elevator door opens and Roman, Seth, and Dean walk out. "Don't say anything okay? We really haven't talked." I whisper to them and they all nod but they have a smile on their faces that totally gives it away.
"Hey baby." Seth says kissing Nikki's cheek. Dean kisses Aj's head and Roman smiles at me. I smile back shyly. "I didn't leave any bruises on you did I?" Dean asks.
"No, you're fine." I say, "What happened?" Aj ask, Dean grins looking at me, "It's actually a pretty funny thing-" Roman and I look at him frowning and he stops grinning. "Okay so maybe it wasn't so funny. I accidentally opened the door too fast and it knocked her down like way down in the floor, along with her breakfast."
"Dean!" Aj says giving him a look. "It was an accident babe, I promise, right Paige?" He asks, "No, I don't think it was an accident."
Deans mouth drops open as Aj gives him a mean look, "Are you trying to get me killed?" He asks, I grin big, "Paybacks a bitch Deanie boo."
"Baby she's lying, I would never push her on purpose- well maybe I would but it was an accident." He says defending himself.
"We have to finish talking." Nikki says as she walks away with Seth. He's holding her suitcase and she's got her arm tangled in his. They're looking at each other like they're madly in love, and they are.
"Do you need help?" Roman asks, I look down at my suitcase and then at him. "If you want to." I answer timidly.
"Of course I do." He says getting my suitcase along with his. We're walking to the bus when I see Randy from a distance. Roman walks to where we put he suitcases and Randy approaches me.
"Hey, Paige." He says, "Hi, Randy." I say, I can't help but to glance at Roman. He's standing there looking at me. I look back at Randy, "So you kinda disappeared last night. Made it back alright I suppose?" He says.
"Yeah, I felt bad so uh Roman took me back." I say quietly, "Ahh, well at least you made it back safe." He says with a smile.
We stand there in silence for a few seconds and then he finally speaks, "Paige, I have to tell you something." He says, "What is it?" I ask.
"I like you. A lot actually, you've always kind of been my crush ever since I saw you. I never thought I'd like you this much. When I got the courage to talk to you for the first time, it made me so happy." He says, I feel like I've lost my breath and I have to remind myself to breathe right.
I'm looking up at his tall figure, he smiles sadly at me and I'm not sure what to do or say. "I know you don't like me, don't worry." He says before I have time to answer. "I'm sorry." It's all I can say.
Sorry isn't enough. It's never enough. I hate the fact that I hurt so many people and sorry is the only thing I can ever say.
"You don't need to apologize Paige, don't be silly." He says grinning, "You can't help who you fall for. Don't feel bad, I just thought I'd let you know because I needed too. It's fine, don't worry okay? I'm here for you, if you ever need me for anything don't ever doubt to look for me. I'll listen, I promise."
He smiles and I smile back, he then leans and hugs me. Hugs me tight, I feel nervousness run through my veins. After a few seconds he lets go and he waves bye as he turns around.
I can finally manage to breathe right. I turn back around and see that Roman isn't there anymore.
I walk in the bus and see an empty seat beside him, I bite my lip as I sit next to him. "If you don't want me here I can move." I say and he shakes his head no, "I want you to stay."
I nod my head, "Okay." I say leaning back on the seat. "Okay." He repeats. The bus starts to move and I close my eyes trying to fall asleep. I open my eyes when I feel Romans hands holding mine.
He's got his eyes closed and he doesn't say anything. My heart beats loudly against my chest and I close my eyes again trying to control my beating heart.
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