Part 27
"Just ignore Emma. She's hurt right now. What she said is not true. She's just trying to hurt your feelings." Nikki says as we walk out the locker room. "Yeah." I say sadly.
Emma sure did hurt my feelings. What she said really got to me. Emma is sweet, the sweetest girl you'll meet. Suddenly she turn to this cold blooded girl. It's my fault. I've turned her into that.
Nikki starts getting her makeup done and we're waiting in line. "I'm going to the bathroom." I say. "Want me to go with you?" Aj asks and I shake my head, "No. It's okay. I'll be right back." I say.
I walk down the hall and end up sitting in a corner. Right now I want to be alone. I sit down for a while and think about everything.
Maybe if that day I wouldn't have laid my eyes on Roman then maybe things wouldn't be this way. I still remember that day I saw Roman. I was new to WWE.
When I first saw him, I thought he was really cute. I didn't pay much attention to him. It wasn't until we started hanging out with him and the guys that I really noticed him.
I remember how much I had liked his smile. When he smiled he made the whole world stop. I enjoyed seeing him, I enjoyed seeing him smile, I enjoyed hearing his voice.
The night Nikki went out on her first date with Seth, I told her I was interested in someone. She asked me who, and I just remember smiling and telling her I'd tell her eventually. That I wasn't sure of my feelings and that she'd know once I made up my mind.
I was going to tell Emma about it. Gosh, I was anxious to let her know that I had been crushing on Roman Reigns. She had told she'd been crushing on someone too.
Before I could tell her who I liked she told me she liked Roman. My chest had tighten and I felt my heart fall to my stomach. "Roman?" I said as my voice cracked. She nodded with a smile, "Yes! He's so dreamy! At first I had a crush on Dean, but he's too flirty for me. Roman is just a dream come true. He's breathtaking."
I nodded my head and looked at the ground. "Who are you crushing on?" She asked, I looked up. I was about to tell her Roman, but I saw it in her eyes. I saw hope, I saw joy, I couldn't destroy that. I couldn't.
"This guy named Kevin. We've been texting a lot." I lied. Kevin and I barely talked. I wasn't interested in him at all but I had to lie to make her happy. I couldn't afford to cause our friendship to collapse.
That's why I tried, I tried so hard to like Kevin. I texted him more. I tried to hang out when we could but truth is I never felt that spark Roman made me feel.
"Paige?" I look up and see Dean standing in front of me. "Oh, hi." I say. "I hope I didn't interrupt your thoughts." He says, "You kind of did." I say with a laugh. "Sorry." He says with a grin.
"It's okay. I didn't want to keep thinking about that." I say quietly shaking away the thoughts. He sits beside me and looks at me. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I lie avoiding eye contact. "Don't lie." He says. "I'm okay." I tell him. He laughs, "You can't fool me. I know you're not okay. Why do you insist of lying? Stop trying to be so strong, Paige. It's okay not to be okay."
I look at him and feel my tears. "I don't know what to do, Dean." I say crying. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I really like Roman, I like him so, so, much that it hurts. I want to be with him. I want to be his. But that's betraying my best friend. I've already hurt her enough. I can't keep hurting her. I just don't know what to do." I sob.
"Hey look at me." He says, I keep crying and he holds my face in his hands. "Look at me." I try to stop crying and look him in the eyes. "You want to be with Roman? Be with Roman."
"I can't. I can't. I can't Dean!" I say shaking my head. "Why not huh?" He says pulling me closer. "Because, because that's not possible."
"No, you know what? Fuck that. You want to be with Roman, be with Roman. There's no shame in that. Emma is hurt but she has to understand that you can't decide who you fall for. Roman does not like her, he likes you. Only you and trust me I know. Even if you're not with Roman how's that going to make Emma feel better? She's still going to be mad, Roman still won't like her and you'll be miserable."
"But- but, I already told Roman that he needs to stay away from me and-" Dean interrupts me, "Then talk to him. Don't waste time! Come on, why keep on suffering when you can make it stop?"
I smile and laugh, "Dean you're freaking crazy." He grins and let's go of my face. "The best people are. Haven't you heard that?"
I hug him tight, "Thank you. You're a good friend." He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head, "Of course little vampire. You're like my little sister and I hate to see you upset."
"Aj! Aj!" I scream waving my hand so she can tag me. She's struggling to fight Nikki in the ring.
Nikki drop kicks her in the face and then laughs, "Loser." She says making an L with her hand. Brie cheers her on from ring side.
"Come on Aj!" I scream clapping my hands. The crowd begins to cheer her on and she gets the strength to punch Nikki on the nose. Nikki stumbles back and Aj tags me in.
I go straight to Nikki but Brie pulls her out of the ring. "Get back in here!" I scream. The referee starts to count and Nikki tolls back in the ring. I'm about to hit her when she tags in Brie.
No, you know what? Fuck that. You want to be with Roman, be with Roman.
I start to feel a little more confident and fight against Brie. She tries to kick me but I love out the way and she falls on the ropes and hits her face.
I pull her back and kick her stomach a few times. Then I kick her across the face. "Come on Brie!" Nikki screams stretching her arm. Brie tries to reach her but I kick her again making Brie yelp in pain.
"Loserrrrr!" I say with a smirk as Nikki screams at me. I then grab Brie and do the Paige Turner on her. I pin her and the referee starts counting. Nikki steps in trying to stop me from pinning her but Aj punches her and then does dirty deeds on her.
She laughs as the bell rings and the referee puts both of our hands up. I've missed this. I've missed being in the ring and feeling the adrenaline rush through my veins. Kind of like how I feel when Roman looks at me.
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