Part 16
"Paige? Paige." A voice says lightly shaking me. I open my eyes and a sharp pain hits me in the ribs.
My breathing gets faster and I can't even breathe without my ribs hurting. I want to scream but I can't so I just squeeze my eyes tight and try to hold in the screams.
"You had a little accident in the ring. Can you look at me, Paige?" I open my eyes and see the doctor holding a light. "Just follow the light, okay?"
He's talking really slow, like I can't understand. I follow the light and then he turns it off. "Okay, your vital signs seem to be alright. I still need to do an exam on your head though, to make sure there's no concussion."
I try to get up but yelp holding my ribs. "Your ribs are hurt. They're not broken, surprisingly, but I wouldn't recommend wrestling for a few weeks."
"What? A few weeks? But- but- Extreme Rules is three weeks away! I won, I need to-!" I groan as the sharp pain returns. "Paige, take it easy. You just woke up." He helps me sit up and I feel like screaming and crying.
"Will I be able to compete in Extreme Rules? It's for the Divas Title, I can't miss it." I say, he looks at me and shrugs, "Honestly, I don't know. Just don't wrestle right now, we will see."
I roll my eyes angrily as my eyes fill with tears. I'm so mad. So, so, mad. "Here's some pain medicine. I need you to come back so I can get your head exam."
I take the pill bottle and get off the bed. "By the way, Roman was here." I stop and turn around. "He kept apologizing, even though you were unconscious. He looked pretty sad."
I don't say a word and walk out. "Paige!" Emma screams as she sees me. "Are you okay?" Nikki asks. I just nod, "On the bright side Roman got to be on top of you." Fox says with a smirk.
Emma makes a face, a face of jealousy. "Stop talking like that! It was nothing sexual, plus Roman didn't mean to hurt Paige." Emma says giving me a hug.
"Ow. Be careful." I say, "I'm sorry." She says. "So? What did the doctor say?" Brie asks. "He says I can't wrestle for a few weeks. My ribs aren't broken but I'm hurt."
"That sucks." Aj says and I nod. "Well, I'm going to- I'm going to change." Emma immediately speaks up, "I can help you!"
"No, no. I'm good. I just need some time." I whisper to her, she gets a hurt expression but then smiles. "Okay. I'm here if you need me. Just text or call. Are you riding with us tonight?"
I nod and then walk away. I'm walking to the locker rooms when I come across a screen. Roman is in the screen, the referee holds his hand up but he doesn't look happy. He just looks angry.
I walk to the locker room and look down at my ribs. They're bandaged up and I have the urge to unwrap them. But I don't, I simply take off my attire with a lot of struggle.
It hurts really bad, it constantly feels like I'm being kicked there over and over. After I get dressed, I stuff my attire in my locker and walk out.
"Paige!" I hear Roman call. I keep walking feeling my anger rise, I end up walking outside. "Paige! Wait, wait-" he lightly grabs my arm and I pull away harshly suddenly regretting it because my rips feel the pain.
"I'm so sorry. So, so, sorry. I didn't mean to. I really didn't." He has such a worried face. "I know." I finally say. It's true, it's not his fault. I should've rolled out of the ring, I should've done something. He tried to stop but it was too late. And I can tell he really is sorry.
"I'm really sorry." He says again. "Stop apologizing." I say annoyed, "I'm just really sorry."
"Roman, what is it with you? I don't understand why you're so nice and so concerned about me when I'm such a bitch to you sometimes." I say in an angry voice.
It bothers me how nice he is to me, it bothers me how concerned he gets. Because it makes me like him more.
"Because I care." He whispers. "I don't." I say coldly. He looks down at his shoes and it hurts me to be mean but it's necessary.
"You know what? I'm tired of you pretending. I'm tired of you acting like you don't care. I see the way you look at me, Paige. I see it. I know you feel what I feel, I know you do. I don't understand why you're denying it." He sounds angry but he doesn't scream.
"I'm not pretending! I don't feel anything!" I scream, the pain in my ribs starts to grow but my anger seems to make me forget it.
"Stop lying! Is it because Emma likes me? Look we can talk to her, we can explain what's going on. She's understanding, she won't stop being your friend."
"You just don't get it." I say quietly. He doesn't understand how much Emma likes him, he doesn't understand that she would never forgive me. She will stop being my friend, and I can't lose her. She's my best friend.
"I do get it, we can do this." He tries to grab my hand but I move it away. "No you just don't get it." I try to say it as coldly as I can but to me it just sounds like I'm about to cry.
"Really?" He says and I nod keeping eye contact. "Say it." His voice is low and I get a shiver down my spine.
"I already did." I say my voice not sounding as confident as I wanted it to. "Say it." He repeats, this time he steps closer to me and I suddenly feel so small.
"Say you don't have any feelings for me, just say it, if you do I will leave you alone. I won't bother you anymore." He says holding my face in his hands.
"I-" before I continue he looks me deep in the eyes and kisses me dangerously close to my lips. "Say it, come on. I dare you." His voice is sending chills down my whole body and it makes me feel so vulnerable.
"Do you really don't feel anything when I hold you like this? When I'm this close to you? Do you not feel anything when I kiss you like this?" He kisses my neck and I hold my breath.
My whole body feels like jelly. I feel my face redden and my stomach is in knots. "Don't you feel it? Because I do. It feels so right to me." His blue eyes look into mine and I am frozen.
I suddenly pull away and look at my shoes. My body is shaky and I don't say anything, I just ignore his gaze. "I knew you couldn't deny it." He says, I step back and finally look at him, just for a second.
I don't say no words, I just walk away. He doesn't try to follow me. I walk back in the building with my feelings more mixed than ever.
"Paige! Are you okay?" Kevin runs to me and he looks concerned. "Yes. I'm- I'm fine." I say with a shaky breath. I still can't control my emotions from while ago.
"That guy literally crushed you. I thought he was a professional. Like what the hell?" He sounds mad. "It's no his fault. It was an accident." I say.
"Don't try to defend him." He says, "I'm not. Where's mum?" I ask. "She went to the bathroom. She was with you while you were sleeping at the doctors room."
"When I woke up she wasn't there." I tell him, "She went to look for me." He says and I nod. I have to talk to my mum and explain to her that Kevin and I aren't dating. She'll get excited and then I'll have a lot of explaining to do.
Roman walks in the building and I hold in my breath. Kevin makes a face and grabs my hand, "Come on. Let's look for your mum."
I look back at Roman, he looks at me straight in the eyes and I look away.
How can holding Kevin's hand feel so wrong but being held by Roman feel so right?
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