Part 15
"Sorry, Nikki is cool and all but my queen is obviously going to win." Dean says as he watches Aj punch Nikki through the screen.
"Um, I think you're wrong. Aj is good, no doubt in that but she is not going to retain." Seth says as he watches Nikki's every move.
We are currently watching the Divas title match. The crowd is going crazy and we are too.
The match has been going on for about fifteen minutes. So far Nikki is dominating the match, Brie went out there with her as company. The crowd was going nuts when she came out with Nikki.
Nikki is a heel obviously. Brie is a heel also. Before she left they were the only heel divas, and right now Brie is distracting the referee and distracting Aj to help her sister win. It's just what good heels do.
"Oh come on!" Dean says getting up mad. Seth smirks as Brie distracts the referee causing Aj to get hit on the face with Nikki's elbow.
I look up from the match because mark taps me on the shoulder. "Can I speak with you?" He whispers really slowly, I nod and get up feeling nervousness through my body.
Nobody seems to notice I am missing because they don't say a word. I'm walking down the hall with Mark and I feel a knot on my throat. Is he going to take me out of the match? But why would he?
"Is everything okay?" I ask Mark as we enter his office, I see Roman sitting down and he gets up as he sees us walk in. I give Roman a look, did he say something about me to Mark? I take a seat next to Roman who sits down after me.
"Okay so Paige, I called you over here because there's a little change in the match tonight." I hold my breath as I stare at Mark. "What kind of change?" I ask in a low voice.
"Jane and I predict that you and Summer Rae will be the some of the last finalist in the match," he begins. I feel a small sense of pride, he thinks I'll be one of he last ones? So that means that he believes in me.
"And of course since Summer is partners with Punk, we thought that he could go try to mess up your chances to win and then Roman comes to defend you. Roman and Punk can throw a few punches and that will leave the people wanting to see their match later on."
That's right, Roman is going against Punk for the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.
"Roman, Punk, and Summer agreed to do it. I don't know about you though." He says with a smile. I look at Roman and then at Mark. "Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea but I don't want no love thing to be involved in my match tonight."
I can see Roman through the corner of my eyes and I can't read his expression. "Paige, come on. It won't be a love thing. It's just so Punk and Roman can throw a few punches." He gives me a look, a look that's saying "don't be dumb and take this opportunity".
"Alright." I say. After all it's attention. And attention is very good in this business. Now I just have to worry to last in the match and be one of the last girls there, along with Summer of course otherwise it wouldn't work.
"Great. Just make sure you do not tell none of the divas. Only you four know. You guys can get going." He says as we get up. I walk out the door making no eye contact. I want to ask him why is he doing this. He could've said no to this storyline thing with me. He could've gotten a better storyline without me. But he said yes.
And he said yes to this too.
"Good luck." He whispers as he walks by, he doesn't turn around and keeps walking until he disappears into the boys locker room. I smile and turn the other way.
"Yes!! I told you so!" Dean screams with a huge grin. I look at the screen and see Aj laugh as she kisses her title. She's on he floor laughing and smiling. Nikki is on the floor with a frown as Brie helps her get up.
The twins scream something to Aj who gets up and lifts her title in the air. The crowd cheers her as Nikki and Brie disappear backstage.
"Good job girls!" Natalya says as the three girls approach us. "You did good Nikki." Aj says sincerely, Nikki smiles "Thank you. But don't take it for granted, I will eventually take the title from you." She smiles and Aj grins mischievously, "I always like competition."
"Aj better watch out, the title is mine." Fox says as we all stand behind the curtain waiting to be introduced. "Oh Foxy, you're cute. But I am going to win." I say with a smirk. Fox grins and throws her arms around me, "We will see about that."
"Hey Paige," Emma says pulling me away from Fox. "Yeah?" I say, "Why did Mark call you to his office while ago?" Oh, so people did notice.
I'm about to tell her he truth when I remember Mark telling me to not tell nobody. "Uh, he just asked me if I was feeling okay to compete. While ago I got mad at Kevin and Mark saw me all mad and stuff."
I hate lying. Especially to Emma. She's my best friend. "What did Kevin do? Do I need to beat his ass?" She asks concerned. "I'll explain later." I say with a sigh remembering what happened.
I feel my knees shake as I fall on the mat. Mark was right, I am one of the last ones. There's only four of us left, Natalya, Naomi, Summer and me of course.
Sadly Emma got eliminated by Layla a few minutes ago. Summer gives me a look because we both know we have to eliminate Naomi and Natalya in order for all of this to make sense.
I go after Natalya since she is the one closer to me. Nattie is hard competition, she's not easy to beat at all and Naomi is the same. I elbow Nattie on the face and that throws her off, it makes it easier for me and I take advantage and kick her in the gut making her fall out of he ring.
I grin happily, one less to go. I turn around hoping Summer has taken care of Naomi, but to my surprise Naomi has knocked Sumner out of the ring.
"Shit." I whisper, I guess the plan won't work anymore. I'm about to start attacking Naomi when Summer comes back in the ring and pulls her by the hair dragging her to the floor.
My mouth drops open because that means I won. Summer was already out and she got Naomi out, that means I won.
"And the winner of this match is, Paige!" The announcer says. Naomi starts arguing but Summer kicks her on the face.
I'm too busy grinning and throwing my hands up in the air when I get hit from behind. I fall feeling a little dizzy. When I turn around, I see its Summer.
"Wait-" I'm about to tell her that I thought he plan was cancelled but she keeps attacking me. I hear some booing and cheers and realize that Punk has come out.
He steps in the ring as Summer screams nasty things to me and kicks me. "That's what losers like you get, Paige. You won't ever compare to my Summer Rae. And your little beast boyfriend won't compare to me either, he will not take my chance away. I will win tonight." He grabs me harshly by my face and I yelp.
That's when Roman runs out. His theme song doesn't even play. He starts punching Punk and Summer immediately gets out of the ring but I'm too dizzy to get up.
All I hear is screaming, booing, cheering. I hold my head as I finally begin to feel a little less dizzy. I manage to get up holding the rope.
My vision is a bit blurry and I have to blink a few times to be able to see. When I finally have my vision back I see Roman at the other corner of the ring, Punk just got up and he looks hurt.
Roman runs to him and he moves out of the way, I gasp as I see Roman come right at me. He tries to stop but it's too late. I close my eyes as I feel his whole weight crush on me.
He falls on top of me and I open my eyes a little, he has a concerned scared look on his face.
"Paige! I didn't mean to-! Oh my-"
And then everything goes black.
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