Chapter 1
Some people say, fate is something really powerful, and we can only be brave enough to see the fact that it's part of us.
Unfortunately, my fate was slightly unfortunate, and I was the unlucky one in this whole life plot, as I like to call it. I always hated the world, that it always fell on me, and I always have been the target of being unlucky, but what can you do.
My name is Lily Fiore, I am a 18 year old teen girl. I am the type of girl, that doesn't need much in life to be happy, the only thing I need, is my white violin that was given to me by my grandmother, before she died, but also my note book, which has red and white roses painted on it, and the note book itself was hand made by my aunt, before she left to live in England, quite far from where I live, which is San Francisco. My life has been a series of twists and turns, but this huge twist, changed everything.....
I woke up, hearing my annoying ring tone, once again, signaling for me to wake up. I sighed in frustration, getting out of bed, also stumbling while doing so.
I went into my bathroom, and took a quick shower. Afterwards I brushed my teeth, and brushed my golden hair, putting them in a loose braid.
I went into my closet, to get my usual clothes on, which was my white long sleeve top, dark jeans, convers, and my leather jacket, which made me look quite cool.
I took out my red and black bag from under my bed, and quickly checked if everything was in there, before I headed down the stairs.
As I did so, a scent of freshly made pancakes hit my nose, as I heard a female voice, humming along the tune of the music, that was coming out of the old radio that we had in our lime green living room.
The sun was shining brightly through the window, and as I walked towards the kitchen, the wooden floors made a creek noise, which was quite typical.
As I walked into the kitchen, my mum smiled at me brightly, while placing her chocolate brown hair, into a high bun. She placed a plate full of pancakes on the table near by, and I sat down in front of it, starting to eat.
Few minutes went past, and my mum got ready for her work, as I washed my plate.
"Are you ready?" I heard my mum's soft voice ask, as she stood right next to the front door, putting on her white coat.
"Yes I am ready" I answered, putting on my black jacket, and we both went out of the house.
My dad was already waiting in our white car, and as we got into it, he started the car, and we were on our way to school, or work , in my parents case.
I heard soft tunes in the background, as well as cars that were passing by. My mum and dad were too busy talking about their jobs, while I day dreamed, looking into a far distance, thinking on how my future would look like, and if I am going to be unlucky with my future as well.
My thoughts were soon cut off, by two voices starting to get louder, indicating that my parents got into a fight.
I sighed in frustration, and placed my headphones on, trying to find a distraction. Unfortunately for me, it didn't last long, as I noticed that my dad wasn't paying attention to the road at all, and he moved his wheel like a mad man.
I lowered my headphones onto my neck, feeling the soft tunes hitting my neck, as I haven't turned my music off, and I tried to get my dad's attention.
As I expected it , nothing worked, since my dad still continued with his fight. I started to get annoyed, but something made fear rush through my vines, as I looked through the front window. A huge bus that has a sign "sorry not in service" was driving right towards us, indicating that we were on the wrong road.
I freaked out at this point, and started yelling like a mad man at my dad. While this didn't work, I decided to do one final thing, and I took his favourite baseball bat, and hit him not too hard on the head.
When he looked at me , with anger writen across his face, I turned his face quickly towards the front window, and he gasped, while my mum started freaking out.
My dad started to slow down and back away, while and so trying to get onto the other road, but he wasn't quick enough, and the bus hit us.
The impact made our car fly into the air, and the car fell upside down. I was still conscious, and I felt a huge pain on practically everything. My dad and mum were unconscious, so I decided to call out for help, but my voiced cracked and became weaker as I tried to yell more.
My eyes started to give up, and I felt a warm liquid that was going down my arms, stomach and head.
I couldn't take it anymore, I was getting weaker and weaker, and suddenly, everything went black.
• • • • • •
My conscious came to me first, my eyelids a bit orange/red indicating light source near me. My heart thumped in my chest beating on my ribs, my breath staggered. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking against the light as my eyes quickly adjusted to the place.
I was laying down on a smooth floor, and my surroundings were quite familiar. I sat up, looking around, figuring out where I was, until it hit me.
I was shocked and suprised at the fact that I was in my school, or more precisely at the gym hall. I quickly stood up, seeing that I was dressed in the same clothes as this morning, it all was pretty odd for me.
Many questions went through my mind like: Am I dreaming? Did I fell asleep here? Did someone move me here when I was sleeping? Was it all a dream? And many more, that i couldn't explained at the moment.
I quickly runned towards the cafeteria, and it was full of people, that came in, meaning it was still morning, so I wasn't late.
I fished through my leather jacket pocket, looking for my phone, but weirdly enough, it wasn't there.
I quickly runned into the cafeteria, passing by people, trying to find any of my friends, and soon enough I found them at one of the tables.
"Annabelle! Stacy! Mark!" I yelled, waving at them, but they seemed to ignore me.
I stopped in my track, frowning, wondering why would they ignore me like this, and I am sure they have heard me. A sudden sound of heals hitting the floor cut me out of my thoughts, as I saw my principle coming to their table, whispering something to them.
I didn't want to disturb them, or go near them for now, but what ever she said made Stacy and Annabelle cry , while Mark hit the table with his fist.
That was it, I runned up to their table, and looked at them frowning, they weren't even looking in my direction.
"Guys what's wrong?" I asked, looking for an answer, but unfortunately they haven't said a word.
"Guys please, I am sorry if I did something, but I care and I want to know what happened" I pleaded upset, but still no answer.
I saw that Mark's hand was on the table, so I didn't hesitate to at least make him tell me, so I placed my hand on his. However something unexpected happend.
My hand didn't even touch him, my hand went through both his hand, and the table. The principal proceeded to walk away, and she went right through me. I backed away, shocked , scared, and who knows what else, I didn't know what was happening and how was this happening.
I runned as quickly as I could, out of the school, and towards the road. I runned as I fast as my feet could carry me, and then I saw something horrible.
An emergency car was on the road, while also two police cars, a bus with a broken window and front, and a car laying upside down.
There was also a fireman truck, and two men trying to take out people from the car that was upside down.
The firemen took two people out of the car, and my eyes start to tear up, as I saw who it was. It was my parents.
I runned up to the bed, where they placed my mum on, and she opened her eyes, which made me sigh in relief. I looked at my dad, and he also opened his eyes, which made me really happy that they were okay.
"Where is Lily? Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay!" A sudden outburst of my dad cut me off my thoughts, and I looked up, looking in the direction, where the firemen were standing near another bed.
I went up to it, and one of the doctors from the ambulance came , and took the white cloth from the person who was laying there, and there I was.
"Do something please! I don't want to die! Please please do something!" I yelled, hoping someone could hear me, but it was no use.
I started sobbing, looking at what the man was doing, trying to do something myself, but he stopped.
I looked up at him, suprised and confused on why would he stop, but then he frowned and looked at my parents, that were looking at him with pleading eyes.
The only thing he did was shake his head, while lowering it, and then I heard my mum's loud sobbing, and my dad's comforting words towards my mum, that kept pain in them.
I dropped to the ground, sobbing, shaking in fear on what's going to happen. I wasn't ready for this, I didn't want to die.
My friends were crying because they heard about my accident, and now, they'll be in more pain, knowing that I died.
My parents will also be hurt, and my brother too.
I couldn't stay here any longer, so I stood up and runned towards my school, knowing that, that's the only place I can stay, and keep myself from everyone that I cared about. I decided to stay at my schools library, hopping that it is all a dream.
This is how my life changed forever...
Hello people. Yes I know , I know, I wrote another book, but I did say I was planning on doing that, and I had to do it, because of course it couldn't get out of my mind for a very long time.
I hope you enjoyed it so far, and I shall update it soon, see ya.
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