Chapter 4 - Part 2
That night, I tossed and turned. As hard as I tried to forget about Sin, I couldn't get rid of the images of him and the girl, which kept me up for most of the night. The way Sin looked at me while he'd been kissing that girl made my stomach flip. In those eyes was a promise of what I wanted: hot, mind-blowing sex.
If he could make me feel like that with just one look, I wanted what he could make me feel with the touch of his mouth and fingers. I could feel the heat in my cheeks at the naughty thought, and I felt an ache between my legs. I pressed my knees together, trying to rid myself of the physical effects of him on my body. I beat my pillow as I turned onto my stomach and tried to get some sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I saw Sin's hypnotizing eyes.
I rolled onto my back and let out a heavy sigh. For a while, I just lay there, staring at the ceiling in the darkness, trying to come to some sort of decision. He'd said if I was interested in taking advantage of him, I could let him know. I wanted to get rid of my virginity, and I wanted to experience sex. He'd offered me sex, so that left me with the choice.
I was going to lose my virginity—that much I'd already decided, but the question was who was I going to lose it with? I could meet some random guy who could help me with that, but I couldn't help thinking sex with Sin would be awesome. Did I just want sex or did I want the ground-moving type?
Jordan had warned me about him, but it wasn't like I was going to date him. I had to suppress a laugh at the thought of my brother's face if I brought Sin home and introduced him as my boyfriend. My brother would have a heart attack.
No, I wasn't interested in dating Sin. I wanted no-strings-attached sex for one night, and then I'd walk away and he would be able to move on to the next girl. I didn't have to hear all the rumors about him with tons of girls to know that he knew his way around a girl's body. I bit my bottom lip at the memory of his hand sliding up the girl's thigh to her butt.
My decision was made. I still felt a little nervous because he was so experienced, and I wondered if my inexperience would put him off. Maybe guys liked girls with some experience. I didn't have a number for him, so the only way I could talk to him was to go to his house.
I was nervous for most of the next day, trying to work up the courage to go through with my decision. It was only when I was standing outside the front door of the house he stayed in the next day that I realized how crazy my idea was. What if he laughed in my face? I took a deep breath while I wrung my hands. As I let it out, I stepped forward and knocked before I could talk myself out of my crazy idea.
Nervously, I waited. I heard sounds coming from inside the house, and before I could prepare myself, the door opened. It was the guy who had caught me trying to sneak out of the house after the first party.
"You back for more?" he asked with a smirk.
I swallowed hard, feeling my cheeks blush. It was at times like these that I wished I didn't blush so easily. I couldn't exactly explain to this stranger that I hadn't gotten any the first time.
"S-Sin..." I began to stutter. I felt like such an idiot, and I was making a total ass out of myself.
Maybe it would be better just to turn around and walk away. His eyebrows rose as he waited for me to complete my sentence.
"Never mind," I muttered and turned around. This was a bad idea.
"Wait," he said, grabbing my arm to stop me from leaving and I turned to face him. I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you off," he said. He replaced the smirk he'd worn earlier with a welcoming smile as he ushered me into the house.
"Sin!" he yelled, looking up the stairs. I held my breath, feeling more nervous now that I was standing inside his house waiting.
I turned to see two other guys that I remembered from the party where I'd first seen Sin. They were playing video games, but their attention was now focused on me, the video game having been forgotten. Just when I didn't think it could get any worse. Great, I'd have to do this with an audience! I felt the burn of embarrassment in my face as I stood there waiting for Sin under the curious looks of his friends.
My nervousness increased when Sin appeared at the top of the stairs. He looked surprised to see me. His eyes flickered to his friend, the one who answered the door and who was still standing beside me. Then Sin's gaze settled back on me as he descended the stairs. His friend walked into the living room and joined the others. I was ready to make a dash out of the door and forget I'd even considered this ludicrous idea.
"I never expected to see you again," were his first words to me as he looked at me with curiosity. He was probably trying to figure out why I was here.
"Hi..." I said. I threw a glance at the three pairs of eyes that were watching us from the living room. Sin's eyes took our audience in.
"We can talk upstairs," he suggested, shaking his head at his friends' inability to give us privacy.
I quietly followed him up the stairs and to his bedroom. Once inside, I couldn't help thinking the last time I'd left it I had never thought I would be back here again. Sin closed the door and turned to face me. One moment of silence turned into two while I wrestled with my words. He cocked his head to the side and studied me.
"You don't have to be nervous," he said as he stepped closer.
If I was nervous before I was even more nervous now standing in front of him. Up close with his eyes on me made me feel so aware of him and I struggled to put together the words I wanted to say.
"I wanted," I stuttered under his intense gaze.
"What do you want to ask me?" he said, standing confidently in front of me. I swallowed.
I couldn't exactly say, "I want to have sex with you" so instead I said, "I want to take advantage of you in a sober state."
He didn't look like the type who was easily shocked, but there was no mistaking it, he was shocked this time. He blinked and then he smirked at me.
"You want to take advantage of me?" he asked, his smirk widening into a smile.
Worried I'd stutter again, I just nodded my head. There, I'd told him what I wanted, and now the ball was in his court. I tried to meet his gaze without looking as nervous as I felt. His eyes slowly raked over me as he contemplated my request.
"I'm not one to turn down an offer like that," he began and I waited with butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"But you don't look like you've ever taken advantage of anyone," he finished. How on earth did he know that? Was it written in my forehead?
"So what?" I said. I wasn't going to lie to him about it. He would eventually find out the truth, and I wanted him to go into this with his eyes wide open.
"As stunning as you are and as much as I'd like to take you up on your offer..." he started, and I felt my stomach begin to sink at the realization that he was turning me down.
"I don't do virgins," he finished.
"Okay," I mumbled as I tried to step around him and make a hasty departure, but he caught me by the arms.
"Find someone special to share it with," he suggested.
"No, it's fine. I'm sure I'll find someone who can help me," I replied, pulling out of his hold and getting out of his room as quickly as I could. He wasn't the only guy who could help me, and if he wasn't prepared to do it, I was sure I'd find someone who would.
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