Chapter 20 - Part 2
"When most people had given up, my brother refused to. And then one day about a year after it happened, I started to improve a little. It took a long time, but I recovered."
"Now I understand why your brother is so protective of you."
A few minutes of silence settled between us.
"But at least they caught the guys who murdered your parents," he murmured to me.
It should be a consolation, but it wasn't. Nothing would bring my parents back, although I was glad that I wouldn't have to constantly wonder about the identity of the two guys that had murdered my parents in cold blood.
"Yeah, they both got life sentences without the chance of parole even though they'd argued they'd been high on drugs," I said. He'd probably read about it on the web.
Sometimes I wondered whether if circumstances had been different and if they hadn't been high on drugs my parents would still be alive. I got a physical pain in my chest when I thought about the loss that I would carry for the rest of my life. The pain of the loss eased a little as time went by, but it would never go away.
There would still be so many important days in my life that the loss of my parents would be harder to bear. I squeezed my eyes closed when I thought about my father and the fact that he wouldn't be able to walk me down the aisle when I got married one day. It was difficult to think about the day when I had children of my own. Two young criminals who'd been high had taken so much from me. Their mistake had cost me, and I'd be paying every day for the rest of my life.
Sin pressed a kiss to my forehead and hugged me tighter.
I allowed myself to lay for a few more moments before I pulled away. I was confused. Before, we'd had an arrangement with clear rules, but now I wasn't sure what this was between us. I could have asked him to clarify what we were now, but I didn't want to be one of those girls trying to put a label on everything. Maybe another reason I didn't ask was because I was too scared of what the answer would be.
"Where are you going?" Sin asked me as he watched me gather up my clothes and start getting ready.
"I have to go," I told him as I pulled my panties on. "Matthew is still waiting downstairs."
"Ah, Matthew. I forgot about him," mumbled Sin as he sat up. I smiled at him as I pulled my shirt over my head.
I wanted to ask him when I would see him again. I so desperately wanted the surety that this wasn't just a one-night thing but I couldn't bring myself to ask the question. Instead I smiled at him as I slipped into my jeans and zipped them up. I didn't want him to think I was desperate so I plastered the fake smile to my face and acted like this was normal. He slipped out of the bed and pulled his jeans on as I shoved my feet into my shoes.
"I'll walk you out," he told me as he opened the door to his bedroom for me.
I felt my heart squeeze at his casual words. This was going to be it. What we'd shared didn't make us anything more than what we'd been before. I couldn't help the hurt I felt as I walked down the stairs with Sin following behind me.
Matthew was sitting watching something on TV when he turned to see me. He switched the TV off as he stood up and walked over to us. Sin was shirtless and I felt myself blush at the realization that it looked like we'd been doing more than talking in his room. Even though Sin knew that Matthew was my bodyguard, he seemed to size him up for a minute. Matthew kept his cool under Sin's intense gaze. Sin broke his gaze away from Matthew and fixed it on me.
"At least I know you'll be safe," he said as he walked me to the door. Matthew opened the door and left us alone as he walked to the car.
"Yes, he is the best my brother could find," I assured him. It was nice to know that Sin cared.
"He'd better be."
I wasn't sure what he meant by that. Did it make Sin worry about me less, knowing that I had one of the best bodyguards money could buy? While standing there nervously and with my insecurities flitting like questions through my mind, he leaned forward and kissed my cheek.
My thoughts disappeared as I touched my cheek where he'd kissed me. A noise outside made me look back to see Matthew leaning against the car, watching us.
"I need to go," I said as I turned to leave.
"Bye, Tay," he said as he watched me walk to the car. Matthew opened the door and I got into the passenger side. He was still watching from the doorway as Matthew got into the driver's side and started the engine. I watched Sin as Matthew reversed the car. My body was still humming from my tumble with Sin, but the sinking feeling in my stomach grew stronger as Matthew pulled away and I lost sight of him.
Did this mean that despite everything we'd shared we were going to go back to being strangers?
Matthew was quiet for the drive back to the apartment, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I should have been happy and smiling after what had happened between Sin and I, but I wasn't. Convinced that because he hadn't said anything about seeing each other again meant that he wasn't interested in taking things further with me made my chest hurt.
It wasn't like he'd made any promises. I'd known the score and I'd known the rules. The fact that I'd still fallen hopelessly in love with him lay squarely on my shoulders.
The apartment was dark and quiet when we returned. I checked on Jordan. She was fast asleep in her bed. When I walked back into the living room, Matthew was leaning against the wall, watching me.
"So you and lover-boy all made up?" he asked.
I shrugged, not wanting to admit anything out loud before I had the time to process it.
"Have you read his file yet?" he asked. I knew exactly where this was going and I wasn't going to stand for it. I was tired of everyone telling me how to live my life. I got that they loved and cared for me, but enough was enough.
"No, I haven't. Actually, the next time I get a chance, I'm going to toss it out," I snapped, feeling my temper rise. "Or burn it."
He held up his hands.
"I just wanted to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into."
Little did he know I wasn't getting into anything and it sucked.
"You're nearly as bad as my brother," I said, getting annoyed. It was bad enough to having one overprotective brother. Matthew pressed his lips together as he studied me for a moment.
"Okay, no more lectures from me. You're a big girl and you can make up your own mind," he said.
I appreciated the fact that he was going to back off on the subject of Sin and whether he was good enough for me, because to me he was.
It was really late when I finally got dressed for bed and crawled under the covers, but the heaviness in my heart made it difficult for me to relax and go to sleep. I was staring up to the ceiling, waiting for sleep to claim me when I heard my phone receive a text message. Who would be texting me so late? I reached for my phone and looked at the screen. It was a text message from Sin.
Sweet dreams Tay.
Three little words that instantly lifted my heart and I smiled. He was thinking of me.
Night Sin, I texted him.
Did this mean we were going to be more than just strangers passing each other in the hallways? I couldn't help but take it as a sign for something more. There was that nagging in the background of my mind that I could be setting myself up for more heartbreak.
After that, I drifted off to sleep and woke up feeling refreshed the next day. Jordan tried to appear happy, but I could see past it to the real hurt she still felt over Slater.
We all had breakfast and coffee quickly before leaving for class. Matthew opened the door and noticed a note pinned to the front of it. His face was stone-like as he read the message.
"What is it?" I asked as I stepped forward to reach for the message.
"Don't touch it," he instructed, stopping me by taking hold of my wrist. "It's a note from your stalker."
Oh. My. God. The stalker knew where I was living?
I needed to see the note for myself. I stepped around Matthew and looked at the note.
I know where you live, whore. You can't hide from me. You're my whore not his.
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